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Mines, rule set

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Ishmael    5

I feel a rule set is needed on mines, either locked to a class or needed to be called in like CAS, having friendlys placing minefields without marking them, or when they are needed, it's just annoying in my eyes. I only see the use of mines when we have to defend an HQ from counterattack.   

Edited by Ishmael
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  • Fitz    1239

    Restrictions will be put in place this weekend. Didn't get a chance to do it before it released.

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    Zombine45    177

    I'm definitely going to be using mines more now, rules permitting. The mine dispenser is going to change things.

    I also think marking guidelines need to be set very clearly.

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    Senna    3

    I reckon there should be a mine layer class, where they have a map marker that CANNOT be erased on map to mark minefields, we had a problem where people were deleting minefield markers for the mine dispensers which don't show up on map.

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    Matsozetex    89

    From what Im guessing this was in reference to Laws of War release day when mine dispensers were being used. I have a few pointers on how me and other guys where using them.

    1. Side Chat announcements were given regarding our actions

    2. The map was marked with the location of the mines

    3. Mine detectors were equipped so that ALL of blufor could see the explosive markers

    The fact that people kept running in to them despite all warnings and marking was not our fault but the fault of careless players. Mines are effective against enemies, but can just be as effective against friendlies if bumble****s roll right into them.

    Note: In relation to the night in question, I am sad to say the holes in your point are exacerbated, not only did people who were against this mine defence thing team kill, not revive, team kill medics reviving, stealing vehicles and even hiding our bodies (Skippy and BotMedic) but they were actively deleting our mine markers. It does not bode well if we are trying to alert you of our minefields but you fail to recognise its existence or even try to hide its existence by deleting markers (Tack). During this time abuse was being flung at admins, especially @M9' which led to a kick of BotMedic.



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    M9'    169

    From where I sit, mines are fine to employ on behalf of players so long as they are very clearly marked on Side Chat Map and they are used in good faith with regards to the other players on the server. The problem is that I&A is not a tight, controlled environment where everyone is on the same page, with the same intentions. Whether it be players intentionally using mines to troll or players establishing a "mines and the players who use them are bad" mentality to justify trolling, there is potential on both sides for people to exploit another useful feature to worsen the gaming experience for everyone else.

    Here it is in plain text, as far as I am concerned, if you place down a mine and someone else steps on it, it is your fault. It doesn't matter how many times you marked it on map or tried to tell people in chat, the teamkill is on you. They died because of what you did, simple as pie.

    That said, in an environment where trolls don't complicate things and the appropriate responsibility is taken by those laying the mines, mines, yes, can be useful. For those wanting to use mines for the correct purposes, you should be able to go ahead and get it done, however you must understand that there is no excuse for others getting killed because you recklessly assumed that players gave a crap about the map, the chat and the other players around them. In a more serious circumstance, such as a pre planned and organised event, mines could find a particularly interesting place in the game. I&A is often not that serious circumstance. If you asked me, the mine is the mine layer's responsibility, if the other people in the server aren't playing ball, and are getting mine teamkilled for whatever reason, the solution is to stop using mines. If it works, great, if it doesn't, don't push it further than it needs to go.

    Whether it be via making one specific class responsible for mining or specifically outlining their use in the rules, I do agree that there should be some clarification with what is and isn't an acceptable use of mines. Perhaps other staff members feel differently,  perhaps not.

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