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About Wheezy

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    New Comer
  • Birthday 05/25/1996

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  1. Wheezy

    Name: Scott Callsign: Scott Date of Disciplinary Action: 17/09/2017 ///// Yesterday What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklisted Who were you Disciplined by: Vitale Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: There was a citizen that was in trouble in one of the police rooms. I put him in the cop car and drove him out side the pd and unrestrained him. I explained to the person that did it you cant do that. Why the appeal should be accepted: I believe that this appeal should be accepted because 1. Wont happen again 2. Im a very dedicated and hard working officer. 3. I have alot of respect for the fellow officers I work with. 4. When I get the public slot I spend as much hours as I can helping sydney and officers. Any other information: I really want to be unblacklisted. I work so hard as police officer and I promise it wont happen again. MUST READ : CURRENT NAME ON ATLIS LIFE IS Vadim
  2. Hey, I was blacklisted from cop. Brother was on my account and released someone that broke the law etc. Im a hard working dedicated cop. I put as much hours as possible when I get cop. So can I please be unblacklisted. I put a password on my pc so wont happen again.