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Everything posted by martin

  1. martin

    Black Card (15 words max) : Why does the Altis life server lag so often? White Card 1 (10 words) Extreme anal fisting White Card 2: SP's ego White Card 3: Cringy trolls. White Card 4: Police force's "Special" Units White Card 5: Medic Offroads EVERYWHERE!!! (my vote is not included just add)
  2. martin

    I would love assistants with the online version. and With swearing- yes you can but keep it minimal unless it's quoting a player. and terrorism - touchy subject but i will allow it due to we are mature people but do try to avoid the subject unless it well ending up been stupidly funny. @sirgeneralj @Leopard And remember this is for the Atlis life server quoting simulator, it's for the entirety of Strayagaming so TS, InA, Wasteland, Garry' mod
  3. martin

    ILL agree to take the trip (just send me message on the time of flight) sounds fun
  4. This is a poll about the APD on the Altis life server and it's units
  5. martin

    To everyone one who has voted and commented. thank you for giving your opinion, not only myself, but other members of the police force and the community members will look to improve this. from me joining the community and becoming a police unit 5-6 months ago it has change over-time, a lot and for good reason too. we have become a structured force with a database, codes, ranking,SRT,role play and plenty more i like to thank everyone in the community for standing together threw the high and lows *cough* "free weekend" *cough*. i wish every one a good day. from: [S05W] Martin.M
  6. martin

    to chocmintz and envy. please enjoy the video I do suggest you watch the whole video it has been edited.