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Jacob Mchairyyy

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About Jacob Mchairyyy

  • Rank
    Learning Beginner

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  1. Jacob Mchairyyy

    They will just use quiln combat
  2. Jacob Mchairyyy

    Why dont we just get masks legalised
  3. Jacob Mchairyyy

    Name: Jacob Mchairyyy Player ID (If Blacklisted): Date of Disciplinary Action: 22/07/2018 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: i received a demotion Who were you Disciplined by: FarmerGeorge & Corey Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: "not following co's orders Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] i did listen to the CO'S orders as the teamspeak channel was to difficult to hear so i asked the co in game if i could go and clear atc and he said "yes you can" so thats what i did and even if he didn't say you can there were already 2 to 3 people rushing it. The other reason that i would listen to the co is because i only just recently received constable and wouldn't want to lose the position. Any other information:
  4. Jacob Mchairyyy

    Just remember that the mags despawn. If we did implement this you could try to pull out a gun but realize you dont have anymore mags