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Mick Taylor

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About Mick Taylor

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  1. Mick Taylor

    Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the APD. Your Application for Full Time Enlistment into the APD may be Denied if your answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Staff. Other testing my be required due to preset standards and results in these could lead to your application being Denied. Cabinet withhold the right veto any application at any stage of enlistment. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. After this reapply period has ended you may use your previous application, unless told otherwise. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Yes/No) Yes Basics: - Name: Mick Taylor TeamSpeak Name: Mick Taylor Age: 18 Hours Played as Pub Slot (minimum 15 Hours Following Induction : 15 Hours on Arma 3: 1192 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198188475073 Link to Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198188475073/ Recommendation: - You must have two referrals from a Senior Constable or above. If you do not supply two referrals and they cannot be confirmed your application will be denied. (@their name) Referral One: Kristian Davis Referral Two: Aza Induction Training Completed By (Must have been completed no more than 30 days ago): Completed Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department (100 words minimum)?: I want to join the Altis Life Police Department because I think it is a great and fun role as apart of Altis Life, I wanna join this department to make new friends and get back together with some old. I feel like I'd do great in this department because I have my own experience from the past and also can bring new experiences and learn a lot more with what the Altis Life Police Department does. I also would love to join to help keep criminals off the streets in Altis and making the city a much better place than it already is. If you are successful; where do you see yourself in 3 months in the APD (50 words minimum)?: I really hope to see myself somewhere up high in the ranks and still learning and taking all the knowledge I gain as a Police Officer and use it in game, and If I do reach those high ranks and become a high ranking officer it would be fun to train people as well. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department (50 words minimum)?: I believe I can bring many things to the Altis Police Department, I believe I can bring all new experiences, tips and tricks and other things that haven't been tried before. I feel like I can hopefully teach or help out some people that can get confused and need a helping hand. Do you have any experience as a Police Officers from other servers?: I do not have any other experience other than Straya Gamings Police Department. Other than Police, what previous role play scenarios have you been a part of on Straya-Gaming?: I have played medic and I always know what I am doing and who to listen too. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I can dedicate atleast a few hours each day Have you ever been banned, kicked or watchlisted from Altis Life at any stage? If so when and why: No Conclusion: - Have you read and understood the Altis Life Server Rules?: (Yes/No) Yes Have you read and understood the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Yes/No) Yes By submitting this application you agree to the limitations of being a Probationary Constable that is set above: (Yes/No) Yes Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Police Divisions within the APD such as S.R.T, Criminal Investigations Unit or be promoted past Senior Sergeant: (Yes/No) Yes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... End of Template
  2. Mick Taylor

  3. Mick Taylor

    "Well, bust my buffers!"