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China last won the day on July 18 2020

China had the most liked content!

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208 Renowned

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About China

  • Rank
    Experienced Forumer

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  1. China

  2. China

    sequel was better
  3. China

    you dont want that
  4. China

    Just do stuff near sydney.
  5. China

  6. China

    "Beware the easy path. Knowledge grows only through challenge."
  7. China

    this man has single handily ran, got booted, rejoined, and is still going hard. undoubtedly the most dedicated academy member, and truly wants polair to prevail
  8. China

    Prison should be an aa area, like every other server. break out is too easy
  9. China

    Obviously haven't dropped 1.5mil on apds ?
  10. China

    They're not ied's my guy
  11. China

    "The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it."
  12. China

    Don't hold towers you'll be right
  13. China

    Cops get money for impounding cars and civilians are encouraged by the use of "chop-shops". But I would like to see more negative consequences for Sydney related gangs such as BFB who pull out a hundred vans and hemmet transports. Perhaps a scrap-yard where cars get sent to be destroyed and the civilians have the opportunity to break in and get them back; Just a suggestion but could make Sydney a somewhat more dynamic place than what it currently is.