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Harry.Wasabi last won the day on May 14 2021

Harry.Wasabi had the most liked content!

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56 Rising Star

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About Harry.Wasabi

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  1. Harry.Wasabi

    just want to rob westpac again
  2. Harry.Wasabi

    Name: Harry Wasabi Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198172489513 Discord ID (E.g Kev#9424): h.#9384 Date of Disciplinary Action: Not sure... early this year What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Not sure. Someone in cabinet Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: RDM ON CIV. Why the appeal should be accepted (50 Words): I believe I should be un-blacklisted as I was a part of the APD since 2018 and always tried my hardest whilst on cop to follow protocols and help inexperienced people. I also believe I have served my time and have been able to realise what I had done was unjust and I will never participate in anything like this again. Finally, I believe I should be un-blacklisted as I was blacklisted for actions that weren't done on cop and were done on civ. Thanks for taking your time to read this. Have a good one.
  3. Harry.Wasabi

    We have been waiting years how can it be the bottom of the priority list.
  4. Harry.Wasabi

    we have been asking for saved load outs for a long time
  5. Harry.Wasabi

    Remove USB... u can’t even get them cause pop is way to low for drug shipments
  6. Harry.Wasabi

    Also exploiting
  7. Harry.Wasabi

    "AoW best gang"
  8. Harry.Wasabi

    I believe you only need 1 barrel
  9. Harry.Wasabi

  10. Harry.Wasabi

    currently the only fights that occur are at KOS island, Sydney, Banks & 3rd party banks. No one does runs anymore for the fact that shipping yard has such a high payout and no one wants to drive a truck around for a hour.
  11. Harry.Wasabi

  12. Harry.Wasabi

    "I need a goddamn medic!"
  13. Harry.Wasabi

  14. Harry.Wasabi

    "The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it."
  15. Harry.Wasabi

    in my opinion he deserves the promotion as he has showed many good qualities that would make a good seargent... on top of that he has CO’d multiple different banks successfully.