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FedoraTheExplora last won the day on January 13 2022

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About FedoraTheExplora

  • Rank
    Pro Poster
  • Birthday April 3

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  1. FedoraTheExplora

    ill kiss u
  2. FedoraTheExplora

  3. FedoraTheExplora

    yeah some day, just need some more activity from those above but covid and shit has thrown a big spanner in the works
  4. FedoraTheExplora

    Bring back mitch
  5. FedoraTheExplora

    You can check out our I&A server or Wasteland, both are a good start to Arma 3. We don't currently offer any modded services but in the future we may
  6. FedoraTheExplora

  7. FedoraTheExplora

    Artificially inflated by the launch of a new DLC, it'll fizzle out after a few weeks.
  8. FedoraTheExplora

    As much as we want to see the server come back to life like it was during lockdown and even before (2018/19), the overarching issue is that Arma 3 itself is a dying game with dwindling player numbers each month. FiveM is ideally the modern alternate which we have announced as a project in the works, but it'll take time. One issue that we face is having a constant and reliable developer who can work with the framework of the server, as well as delivering content; which there are few of around now. Fraz and James have been working towards a new update but it's hard to make weekly/fortnightly content updates when there are bigger and more important things in life to focus on. Most players have moved onto other games but we hope that the next update and as the post in the discord announced- "working towards a sustainable development environment", will be sufficient to at least kickstart some life back into AL. It's a waiting game really, just enjoy the ride for however long it last.
  9. FedoraTheExplora

    I know that it's being added in from what I've heard, more to come as we get closer to the next update being done.
  10. FedoraTheExplora

    Inspector Expression of Interest Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not entitled to the rank Inspector and it can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your EOI, if you do it will be denied. Name: FedoraTheExplora Callsign: [S11M] Assignment: Academy (Aviation) Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min): Having been in this position twice now- this being Senior Sergeant and Head of Aviation, my dedication towards the APD has not been faulted despite the setbacks over the last 2 years of being a cop. The on-going commitment I have towards GD, Academy and in particular Aviation/POLAIR has been stronger than ever with the prospect of potentially being in reach of Inspector, which if promoted, would be a sign of trust in myself to handle the responsibilites and duties of the rank. As apart of my current position, I have consistently strived for the continuation of POLAIR as an integral part of the APD and seeking what is best for everyone regarding this matter. Whether this is training people across the various POLAIR levels, talking with command and cabinet on how to best maintain POLAIR to keep it modern and current with the expectations of officers, and being a source of knowledge and leadership when it comes to these matters. More so, my leadership and activity on GD has not dropped off, with my continuous taking of CO when required on both GD and operations, guiding new officers on the correct procedures, protocols and assisting with mentorship when needed, and being an experienced source of knowledge for officers to ask questions regarding numerous matters. If provided the opportunity to move into the position of an inspector, this commitment will become stronger than before- with new abilities to assist the APD and my respective sections to reach new heights and continue to assist officers in their day to day tasks. I am always eager to learn new things, and this promotion will continue that pursuit of knowledge and acting as a support network for people when needed (as mentioned before). Ultimately, this opportunity would be a major sign of trust. Given my past (most people know the story...), the expectations of me if given this rank will be higher than ever before; and will push me to new heights to become a better officer in the APD. Who would recommend you for a promotion? Jarrods, Hamme, Nuggy, Kristian, Fraz, Aiden, Aza, Luxus, Metallic, and anyone else who likes this post.
  11. FedoraTheExplora

    Name (Found in the roster Database): FedoraTheExplora Rank: n..a. Badge Number (If applicable): Player ID (SteamID64): 76561198062902931 TeamSpeak UID: TVrGGcNELgeou7VAjILaIcmaD8Y= Reason for being disciplined? (If unknown, ask a Command Member): Trolling / Harrasment Why did you do what you did?: I have been told that this blacklist was in relation to harrasment of a medic which occured in early 2020. I believe that I did what I did because of an on-going spat that some civs had with medics over some issues and activities, and I took it too far. Why should the discipline be reduced / removed, given what you did? (Min 75 words): Since then I have come a long way in terms of my maturity and behaviour both towards the server and specific individuals whom I may have targeted in the past. My behaviour then is not a reflection of who I am now and looking back upon it I feel like a complete idiot for doing what I did, and being given the opportunity to play on medic again would be a sign of trust and I would uphold such an opportunity to the highest degree. What can you bring to the APS? (Min 100 words): Having come from a cop background, and having little to no medic experience- I can bring along a different perspective to certain matters which the medic force faces every day on the server, as well as bringing a mature and helpful attitude to the APS. I can also bring an experienced background in roleplay and particular the aviation side of Arma 3, which I believe would come in handy if I am given the opportunity to fly within the APS, and regarding roleplay; another way of participating in RP with civs and/or cops on the server. It'd be a nice change to be able to participate in some of these activities and see it from the eyes of a new faction.
  12. FedoraTheExplora

    Good idea, however the niche of it would hardly be fufilled due to the nature of operations by divisions. Generally parachuting into operations is a lot more risky than driving in a hunter or flying in a helicopter. The caesar can only land on larger airstrips or lots of land with no objects, where as a helicopter can fufill the same role whilst being able to land in a much smaller area. If the meta was different for combat this idea might work.
  13. FedoraTheExplora

    They'll need all the help they can get
  14. FedoraTheExplora

    The Altis Life Staff Team is Proud to Announce… CQC CHAMPIONS Test your CQC skills against your fellow rebels, cops, medics and civs in this fight for glory and honour amongst all! The top prize for this event includes: $20 Million, 5x Armored vehicles and 5x Tier 5 weapons! There will also be several individual awards given out to players as the event progresses! The Schedule, Rules and Prizes can be found here. Registration closes at 5pm Friday (26th), so get in quick! KEY INFORMATION This event will take place at the event arena over Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of February to spread fights out. Registration for the event closes on Friday at 10pm AEDT Each fight will consist of 3 rounds, each 5 minutes long. All gear is provided (Mk1s, Level 4s, Clothes, Redgull, Patchkits). Teams will consist of 5 players: 1 captain, 4 players and reserves (if needed). Registrations are now open at the following link: https://forms.gle/mTELKkxDWUiwS4Ab7 Your captain will be the point of contact for the team, scheduling info will be passed onto them. We will also be live streaming each fight so you can watch your friends fight to the death in this glorious test of skill, endurance and strength (Times TBA). May the best team win and bathe in the glory of victory!
  15. FedoraTheExplora

    Anything you want considered to be in the next update, chuck it to me and I'll work towards including it around everything else.