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Ryan Dread

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About Ryan Dread

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  1. Ryan Dread

    "3am restart"
  2. Ryan Dread

    I need a goddamn medic!
  3. Ryan Dread

    Well, bust my buffers!
  4. Ryan Dread

    Name: Ryan Callsign: [K19W] Assignment: GD Training Completed By: Jot (I think its been a while) List all Recruit Inductions you have done: strawberry, blueberry, RiseAvATAR, RuStY2H, Wyld, banana, Sharpy, Nip, Rolf Harris, Chromosomechris, Poddy, JohnySmith, Rowdy_Llama, Victor bitter Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I believe that I deserve a promotion to sergeant because I have long been apart of the APD, for the last 6 months I have been a snr. Con and in that time I believe that I have displayed traits of leadership I have taken leadership in many different times such as GD, Major robberies and fighting rebels. another reason I believe that I should be a sgt is I have built positive relationships with most of the APD, also in this time I have experienced a few different roles I was in academy whilst in academy I completed a few polair trainings and i have also done my fair share of normal trainings and inductions ? This is why I believe that I should be promoted Who would recommend you for a promotion? @Jot @AceWinchester @Sterling @Jarrod002 @Johny V.
  5. Ryan Dread

    With each passing year, the shadows take their toll. But you remain. And so does hope for Middle-Earth.
  6. Ryan Dread

    Name: Ryan In-Game rank and Callsign: Snr constable- [K19W] Age: 17 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join as an Aviation Officer? (Minimum 50 words): when i was pol-air trained i was inspired to join The Academy. I Aviation would better suit me as i really enjoy Flying helicopters and i would like to train people. I also am interested in climbing myself achieving higher in the APD. I have also interacted with many Aviation/Academy officers and they say its great fun and worth joining. What do you hope to achieve in as an aviation officer? (Minimum 30 words): As an Aviation Officer i would love to achieve the pleasure of being a higher-up in the Aviation and further extending my own skills in the air. Whilst also helping and hopefully passing others in tests and trainings ? What can you bring into the Aviation Team? (Minimum 50 words): As stated elsewhere on this Application i have had many different flying roles and levels and i could bring a strong willed training spirit. i am a competent pilot who knows how to fly most of the Arma 3 helis and i am willing to train others to do so. also i am willing to take any and all advice given to me. How much experience with aviation do you have? (In and out of game): personally i really enjoy flying helicopters and planes i like to think of myself as an alright pilot i have played om multiple servers where i have Completed all the pol-air training. in my straya gang you would have to fly yourself around all the time and i have only had a few fatal incidents. Have you ever been kicked/banned/watchlisted on StrayaGaming? (If so explain): Yes i have been placed on a Combat log watch list before but i have since learned from my previous actions and will not repeat it. Have you ever been the subject of any Disciplinary Action within the APD?: nope Conclusion: - Recommendations? (Not required): Any recommendations from other officers? (If so list them): Jack the fat snack Anything else you wish to tell us?: not really. Have you read the Altis Police Department PolAir Protocols?: Yeah