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About FlackAttack

  • Rank
    Learning Beginner
  • Birthday 08/17/1989

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  1. FlackAttack

    It does not have to be the next Altis life keep both.
  2. FlackAttack

    mmhmmm ok.
  3. FlackAttack

    Well like everything is obviously personal preference is int. But if you do some research you"ll find more play gta than arma :)
  4. FlackAttack

    Sorry I'm not trying to make out like my opinion is what everyone else thinks Although i have asked on a lot of other forums and it seems to be the case What would make yours special is that StrayaGaming is a legit community of gamers/Role players/ and great admins!! Yes there are a few servers already up but none of them are that good or serious or moderated right you have plebs who just started a server for the first time because the GTA ones are really simple to do you can do them in like a day.. And they have never ran a community before there for not knowing how to. StrayaGaming knows how to and could really be popular and big on there and just do a damn good job
  5. FlackAttack

    LOL settle down mate no need to be so attitude about it. and yeah 80 players thats good i am 1 of them. But from RP point of view Arma is dead and not realistic enough to be a life game anymore And i don't just play because of streamers ehh you missed the point
  6. FlackAttack

    Unfortunately your wrong Arma life is dead and one of the most unwanted modes in the game. Especially from streamers point of view. The game is so glitch and not optimized not even funny Not trying to argue its just my opinion and i still continue to play it. I just think GTA LIFE is where its at now bigger and better and a lot more realistic and better mods
  7. FlackAttack

    hell yeah they do and its 100% better than Arma.. Arma is a dying game and all life servers are going to gta so i think straya should too
  8. FlackAttack

    Neither did i until i watched a stream not long ago and noticed that the guys who made twitchRP family mod made a desktop launcher for it so you can download that witch opens as the game and there are hundreds of servers in the list its awesome!! and they are still working on it to make it better As for Rock star not really sure I don't know if its against their TOS but a lot seem to be doing it and seems like its allowed
  9. FlackAttack

    Hey guys just curious to know how many of you would like to see StrayGaming do a GTA Life server I think they would do a great job and have a huge audience as GTA Life seems to be where its at these day for RP
  10. FlackAttack

    And as for this not sure i have touched my settings. it could have just been a freak out on my line as it was bad weather yesterday, My internet is usually good i play on CCG Frankie wasteland and exile and it runs so smooth. I have also played on a lot of US UK servers witch do not seem to lag, The thing i find with Arma is if the server its self is good quality ping is some what irrelevant as stated above its more a cpu based game so yeah frame rate kicks you out more or less i could be wrong not a expert by any means i just figured that and some have agreed some have not.
  11. FlackAttack

    LOL nah that is all good i just had to ask because i noticed a few things that kinda hinted it that was all. No biggy
  12. FlackAttack

    Fair enough what about Exile Altis then hahaha I'm pushy Either way mate it won't stop me from being here starting to get back into Life anyway
  13. FlackAttack

    What about a Exile server? Sorry if i sound annoying not meaning to. I love this server A lot just only got one mode i really play and that is wasteland but i love exile and Tanoa lol But i do understand what i do not understand is why most would not rather the new map,
  14. FlackAttack

    I do not normally play on Life servers however I've been playing lately on all StrayaGaming servers love it!! In the life server i noticed a lot casino, Bunnings, Gumtree etc etc. Is there base building in Altis life? what features are there? And is it common to get kicked off due to the red chain when the server is packed? I'm from Brisbane so i usually get great ping last night though was shocking.
  15. FlackAttack

    Will do sorry, Really not sure why people think the player base is not there i know heaps that want it but