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Posts posted by Unit_3397

  1. ahahahah.... those were the days... for a period of time, sniper ghost warrior 2 was the game for me... Always ontop of the leaderboard, always accused of hacking, and sometimes using the design flaws of the map to better my teams advantage xD


    Wow, the've introduced a playable female character for the new instalment... and its an open world environment :o oh and you can drive vehicles :o:o mmmm i may actually have to get this... though im questioning it, as like sgw2 im guessing they will release it, then forget it, failing to patch much needed glitches and other design flaws... :/ mmmmm




    • Like 1

  2. Patch 8.2
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes




    • Added - Various Buildings
    • Moved - Various Stores
    • Moved - Various buildings
    • Tweak Bury body script timer
    • Like 3

  3. Patch 8.1
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes




    • Tweak - The various stores & buildings that were getting destroyed are now indestructible 
    • Tweak - Changes to various object locations in central stratis 
    • Tweak - Added extra assault divers to the sunken supply mission
    • Tweak - Various dialogs
    • Tweak - Increased Armed Stomper UAV Price
    • Tweak - Most missions AI will now spawn with level 2 helmets

  4. As others have mentioned, it comes down to players having the DLC, population over a large map divided by action and the upkeep of the server.
    So at this stage, we arent pursuing this course of action. ^_^

  5. 2 hours ago, Travesty said:

    I'm a Wasteland cannon fodder player

    +1, Unit approves ;) 


    Being a member of strayagaming has opened many opportunities for me, its given me a chance to develop myself and my skill sets, take on a active staff position and be apart of a gathering of unique individuals; that are from different backgrounds and have different stories to tell.

    It is my hope that our community will continue to grow and thrive, and my dream that we become a recognised portal for all people around Australia to gather and commune, be it server related, or for every day chat. :) What an easier way to find and make friends than a community thats members share the same interests as you. 

    Peace out! :D  Great community, Great staff :3 


    • Like 3

  6. Update 8
    Wasteland Staff are pleased to present you with another Official update for our server.
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes




    • Added - Diary Log: Top Ten Players
    • Added - Patch 7.2 and update 8 notes to diary log ingame.
    • Added - Water Barrels, food sacks, supply boxes*
    • Added - Sunken Treasure boat now includes diving gear like sunken supplies mission
    • Moved - Various Stores
    • Tweak Diary Logs*
    • Tweak - Various dialogs
    • Tweak missions*
    • Tweak added/ deleted various skins
    • Tweak Server Restarts every 4 hours instead of 6
    • Tweak - LMGs/ rockets/ Charges / Mine Pricing*
    • Tweak - Rogain spawn radius
    • Tweak - Starting loadout* 
    • Tweak - Central stratis*
    • Tweak - Weather*
    • Deleted - Duplicate Rust Skin
    • Deleted - Airfield gunstore spawn radius


    • Added - From 7.2: waiting time for re-spawning in towns (again, keeps reverting back)
    • Deleted - From 7.2: ATM Tax Transfer (again, keeps reverting back)


    Extra Details



    Starting Loadout

    • Added a silencer for the .45 pistol, and removed 1 magazine, because why not :3 
    • You will no longer spawn with a repair briefcase, food or water, meaning you will be required to utilise general stores more frequently. Also meaning not as many items will be littering the ground when people die; (i mean, most of us die at one point or a rather before we need to drink or eat)

    Water barrel/ Food sacks/ supply box

    • Now that you no longer spawn with food & water, we thought it best to re-introduce these items back into the game
    • Food sacks and water barrels have an inventory of between 30 to 60 x items,  it can be loaded into a vehicle inventory like base parts and is a alternative for players needing to go and purchase food and water from a general store 

    Diary Logs

    • edited some logs
    • Added rules 
    • changed top ten/ vets to server side (allowing either wasteland developer/ manager to make changes per restart)

    Tweaks to guns/ rockets/ charges/ mines

    • Increased the Pricing for a mk200 and mx lmg's.
    • Increased pricing for AT and AP rockets in an effort to control/ reduce rocket spam across map against infantry
    • Increased price for select mines

    Central Straits 

    • Wasteland staff have pondered on the idea of having an area on the map that has access to all facilities. So, as of this update, central stratis is our test for this concept. 
    • DO NOT spawn a helicopter if there is already one on the heli pad. Comps related to this topic may not be accepted.
    • Base Parts that are brought at the general store do not spawn outside the store, they spawn on a hillside with a massive white X on it. (near the crane)
    • Items like mortars or turrets that are purchased from the gun-store will spawn directly to its left (when exiting the store)
    • Work in progress ||||| Notify a member of our wasteland team if you find any issues, bugs or suggestions ||||| 


    • Its been the most requested change from you players, and now, we think we have the solution. 
    • Day and Night cycles stay the same, but from here on out, clear sky's ahead. No overcast, rain or fog.
    • Work in progress ||||| Notify a member of our wasteland team if you notice fog or rain occurring on the server ||||| 


               Sunken supplies

    • One of the 2 reward create contents have been changed.
    • Among the new contents, there is now a 50% chance that the edited create will contain a viper helmet. (AKA, "The totally OP helm" valued at 70k in general stores)
    • This is now the third only way to obtain this helmet.
    1. Purchasing from general store
    2. Looting it from a corpse
    3. Reward for doing the sunken supply mission

               Abandoned Jet

    • added back the air to ground missiles. 




    Finding any Issues or bugs? Report your findings to our wasteland staff.
    The best method to get me looking for solutions is via PM'ing me. 

    • Like 9

  7. Patch 7.2
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes




    • Added - Spawn delay before re-using towns*
    • Tweak - Fixed Staff Panel for some members of staff
    • Deleted - Falcon*
    • Deleted - ATM Tax for player to player transfer


    Extra Details



    Spawn Delay for Towns

    • Staff have decided to add a spawn delay for towns in an effort to combat constantly re-spawning in the same location eg. rogain
    • The goal is to make it harder to camp locations based on how many players are defending vs. attacking.
    • You can semi-counter this feature by utilizing more spawn beacons

    Deleted Falcon

    • Thanks to a community member that thought 'outside the box', the falcon has been removed from the game
    • Basically, using this players method, the player controlling the falcon could dominate the battlefield with ease
    • We are currently undecided on the fate for the falcon. whether it will remain removed,  be made into a special class mission, be reactivated but for all teams.


    Finding any Issues or bugs? Report your findings to our wasteland staff.
    The best method to get me looking for solutions is via PM'ing me. 

  8. Virtual Arsenal nope, goes against wasteland itself.  

    Long time ago staff pondered on the idea that they would introduce some level of prestige.
    The idea was to address two main things, 1. custom loadouts, 2. get people to spend their saved in game cash.    
    So say you had 7 or 8 million saved up in the bank, you could spend that and unlock a new (pre defined loadout) for when you respawn.
    However some suggested that would give an unfair advantage over players and make life aweful for new comers into the wasteland game mode or our server. Perhaps at some point wasteland staff can re-look into this idea with the help of @Connor., but for now, i think this type of feature will be left alone.

  9. Patch 7.1
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous settings while we make appropriate changes
    After a quick talk to Its developer, the bury body script has been updated and appropriate accreditation has been given. 




    • Tweak - Mortar will now salvage for 15k instead of $100
    • Tweak - Bury body feature
    • Tweak - 'Trap card'
    • Tweak - Auto Message now displays every 20 minutes instead of 10.
    • Added - Christmas styled Loads of Tile skins courtesy of @Dak Commstar
    • Updated - diary entry: Wasteland Veteran List
    • Deleted - Intro Music
    • Deleted - Welcome Message (replaced via auto messages)


    Extra Details



    Bury body feature 

    • Updated to soul's current version
    • Find the scroll option to bury a body a tad easier
    • Deletes dropped items within a few metres radius of the body.
    • Will now delete repair kit, food and water
    • Burying a body now costs 2k instead of 5k


    Trap Card ~ 'Secret Function'

    • The function can no longer be spam activated.
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