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Posts posted by Unit_3397

  1. Hi All.

    I recall a time where many peeps were requesting/ interested in seeing a hide body function like other US wasteland servers. well, now i've taken the interest in developing, i may actually be able to implement such a function... May/ might :p 

    Based from other servers, the option would be added in the scroll menu and when looking at a corpse, you will have the option to bury it. You will be locked for a duration (like placing a spawn beacon) and it will cost a select amount, perhaps 7-10k...

    I will post back this coming Monday with the verdict and the topic will be closed.



    1. Voting concludes after the 5th-Dec-16 and any further votes will not be tallied. 
    2. Should the community vote in favour, and should all wasteland staff approve, i will endeavour to find a solution/ implement the solution into the next official update.
    3. Respect that some ideas (no matter how awesome they may sound) I cannot/ cant be scripted into the game.



    • Like 1

  2. 1 minute ago, GonSupreme said:

    And please don't make it so people who are offline are effected, as that was my main issue/worry for the mission. I'm happy giving up 10K of my bank account if I'm online!

    Last point is with the disconnecting punishment, you should include some sort of icon on screen while the hack is uploading (maybe percentage) so people know when it's safe to logout.

    I believe this event will be great, low bank holders will be fighting to earn instant cash, while the higher up players will be fighting to protect their bank accounts.  :D


    With the 'Sunken Supplies' like you said, it's a mission what's not worth the time or money for people with more than 100K in the bank. Adding a viper helmet among the supplies would dramatically increase the numbers of people attending it and I like the idea. Even me and the people I have talked to about the newly added viper helmet fell guilty about dropping 80K on a helmet (1M-MAX banks accounts). So this would give people a new way to obtain it.

    Let me know man if you need any help or input in the development of these ideas, as I would be glade to help out and share ideas.


     Offline peeps will not be affected, id be pretty raged myself if it were the case, no, only online players.

    Will look into displaying hack percentage across global chat or hint message.

    Ill see what i can do with the sunken supply missions :3  maybe even create a server event supply drop mission for land as well. :p 

    post Here If you have any ideas on how we can shape the development of wasteland :D 

    Just remember, some ideas no matter how awesome, i cannot/ is unable to be implemented :3 

  3. 1 hour ago, GonSupreme said:

    Nice dude. All looks promising apart from that hacker mission :p

    Funny you say that :) amongst the im planing in the road map, ive made considerable progress on this idea...

    The image you see below is what the hacking mission currently spawns in with on my testing server.  
    It is set to run as a main mission, which is activated more frequent than i or anyone else would want it to happen.

    So im either going to add a special mission class (runs random special mission once or twice per 6 hour period) or make it a server event to be run at admins discretion. 

    I want to see more people paying attention/ wanting to complete missions, as we generally find theres a select few that people cant be bothered trying to complete *sunken supplies anyone?*

    Currently how it works is you have to click the hack option in scroll wheel, and sit there for a random duration, you are completely defenceless while you are doing the hack, so youll need help from allies to defend ya. If at anytime you have to cancel the hack or get killed, the timer is reset to another random period, meaning the hack will have to start at the beginning, maybe for a longer duration.

    I've been pondering on the idea of making it so when someone cancels the hack the the mission might end/ explode and kill people within the radius...  and making a memory script, so anyone that loggs out  after the hack is done, it remembers and on next login it subtract the percentage, along with a dishonour fee for leaving after the hack was initiated.

    the percentage taken from users will be as low as 0.001 or something... meaning if your poor, you'll loose something as petty as 100 bucks, for the rich folk, maybe 10k... 

    Still, ill be playing around with it some more, and when it comes to its release, ill post a topic with all the facts about the missions. :) 


    PS. maybe i should make sunken supplies include the viper helm or other awesome gear? ;P  or just make sunken treasures like money shipment, low/ medium/ high treasure...



    • Like 2

  4. Hot Fix 6.1 

    Quick little patch, primarily brought about by the under priced sentry turrets.  operational NOW

    • Hotfix - Increase sentry turret prices to 25k for hmg and 30k for gmg 
    • Hotfix - Brought back central stratis capture zone 
    • Hotfix - Mortar is now 'actually' 80k 
    • Hotfix - Intro songs duration/ sound decreased [couple of additions] 
    • Added - Auzzie/ Grey Wolf skins for vehicle skin selection/ supporter button
    • Updated - diary entry: Wasteland Veteran List
    • Like 4

  5. I like the idea this is centred around, and its easy enough to implement. 

    However, I think you'll find that there is generally a rearm truck at the airfield's western water edge, and if not, I would generally buy one for my jets...


    • Not relying upon team as much for protection
    • quick service = quick take off and preventing players from the chance of destroying you while you are taxiing 
    • domination of the map = Rage quit/ salt
    • Diverting other players to airfield instead of focusing on missions and other objectives


    • Entice the other teams to try and gain control of the airfield. 
    • Faster takeoff/ rearming = domination of the map


    It doesn't matter how you look at it... The jet is overpowered as FU in the right hands.

    End result, We could sit here and argue all day about pros and cons xD but I think we will leave it the way it is for now.



    • Like 4

  6. 41 minutes ago, Jüstice™. said:

    OK so its been long enough for the Head Admins / Development Team to fix or address this issue...there are still idiots out there that walk onto friendly mines then punish as to why i have no idea its not for loot... as they die also and the person that placed the mine could be at the other end of the map.

    Can we get an answer on this topic ASAP  form someone who is actually in charge and I mean before i ****ing die from old age...And not a Yeah were looking into it.

    Yes im pissed off and if you dont like it too bad youve done NOTHING about it and its been a problem for everyone that places mines around a compound to protect it form enemies...

    The man we have dev'in also handles other servers, so when we say were looking into it, it actually means, its put on the list of things to try and add/ fix. 

    I agree with ya, its more than annoying, so im going attempt to find a resolution. Ill post back here in about a week with the verdict of if can be implemented now or if it must be looked at further down the track.

  7. 8 hours ago, Aidanjr said:

    Looking good Unit, did you manage to texture the missiles? 

    P.S love the destruction at the end :p 

    Negative im afraid :/   although i am pretty sure it is possible, just means i would have to pack and unpack the mission file just to see how they turned out. :( so i think ill give up on that dream for now :p 

    yeah controls went haywire it seems :ph34r:

    6 hours ago, InfamousNova said:

    that kuma skin looks good

    wicked :p

    • Like 1

  8. Wasteland Texture Dev update.


    Greetings fellow plebs!

    For those that saw my previous texture post a whiles back, It has been removed as my work from that point in time has been deleted. But fear not, for the deletion was not for naught, but with purpose and meaning. 

    I know at least 1 or 2 members of this community were waiting excitingly for my variety of skins to be implemented into our wasteland server (and possibly the other servers). But alas, I have remade my templates using a new process which proves to yield slightly better polished results. Therefor, out with the old, in with the new :) 

    I feel that video's provide a more tell tale story than images, so feast ya eyes lads! I am happy to present you with a short video showing the re-created/ newly created templates I have been working on. 


    Now that you have checked it out, Id like you to know that its still a working progress, I might find it in my heart to add more vehicles to my templates and that I have created a better process for myself when it comes to the creation of skins.
     Instead of adding random textures here and there, each texture that i add will be available for all vehicles that I have worked on.

    Also know that for the slammer and mora, you may have spotted that some parts were not applied with the skin, this is because the paa files needed to modify those parts dont exist, or i have yet to find them. 

    Final note, the implementation of these skins a will not be randomly selected (tanks only/ planes only etc...) but rather be in waves, (every template holding the same texture used)

    PS. At this time I cannot give you a date as to when these will be available to use in the game, as the wasteland dev roadmap is a long and slow journey. :p 

    Sorry fellas and lasses. :x


    Peace out peeps!  *ninjas in the wind :ph34r:

    • Like 5

  9. 1 hour ago, Leopard said:

    ensure you read all the rules as they are there to guide your enjoyment within the servers. Any questions hit myself, or another staff member up!

    ^ this guy... this guy is on it!.

    haha Welcome bud! recommend our community to your friends should you see fit :) 

  10. Hey Peeps :) 

    Consider  giving our site a good rating!

    I've had a few reports from potential new members for our community stating that when they visit our homepage for the first time, they get a warning recommending them to stay away... 

    My PC for one has yet been subject to any malicious content while being active on the site, so i vote to improve our website ratings!

    The more good ratings we have the better chance we have of expanding our community and making new friends there will be. :) 

    If your already a owner of Norton security or are wicked enough to simply create a account to put in a friendly review, [then your totally awesome and I may  WILL consider you as a friend :D ] then please click > Norton

    Im sure AVG and other anti virus has their own ratings of our site, so check it out and if you have time to spare, consider writing a review :x


    Peace out Community!

