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About Madigan

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  1. Madigan

    Hi everybody I'm Madigan. If you fight on the Invade and Annex server, no doubt you have seen me around. I am a veteran to combat FPS and have been playing ARMA III on and off (mostly SG servers) since it's release. One day I thought I would try out an RPG server; however, after the first 2 minutes I was shot in the face for pointing an unloaded weapon at a Police Sergent... A little excessive I think, considering I was only a recruit... But whatever... Although I have remained in my one-man wolf pack over recent years, I thoroughly enjoy fighting as a team to complete an objective -> It adds another element to the game that you just don't get solo or with AI. Many years ago I was 2ic of a (now disolved) group, frequently gaming on COD, CODUO and other genres such as IL2 Sturmovik. The reason I mention this, is that I have had experience operating in the "background" and I am happy to offer my assistance and advice constructively or on request. If you feel like having a chat or would like help sorting out an issue, I am more than happy to give you a hand. So anyway, I thought it was about time to join the SG forum and actively contribute to the Server and it's members. Nice to meet you all, Madigan.
  2. Madigan

    There are no set colours - just use common sense. I pop green smoke when under friendly fire (or when I've taken a hill), they usually get the idea after that.