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Jack Ryan

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Jack Ryan last won the day on April 11 2017

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88 Rising Star

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About Jack Ryan

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  • Birthday 01/19/2000

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  1. Jack Ryan

    General Alias: Jack Ryan In-Game Role Play Name: Jack Ryan TeamSpeak Name: Jack Ryan Age (Minimum 15): 18 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198046531944 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD? . Inactivity, Final exams for Yr12 and Holiday break. Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? (50 Words Min) Prior to my leave I was a committed member of the APD and began progressing through the ranks of SRT. If given this opportunity once again i would like to mentor newer members of the police force once i am a suitable rank. This training would increase the efficiency of communication between members of the police force, thus providing useful information in a combat engagement. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: Making new friends and progressing through the ranks of the police force. In addition, to be selected for SRT duties, only once combat skills are proven. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: (50 Words Min) I have trained across a variety of FPS shooter games and I feel that my combat knowledge would greatly assist how police officers engage opponents. Through use of re positioning, teamwork and decoys i feel that the cop force could become an even more difficult foe for rebels and criminals alike. Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: However much is needed.
  2. Jack Ryan

    Just looking for people who want to play Battlefield 1 and be on TS. Hit me up with origin names and ill add.
  3. Jack Ryan

    SP. I have known you guys since December 2015. As the former gang leader of KC / KS. I can tell you that there has been no greater privilege than being able to fight you gentlemen. I have the utmost respect for your members who dedicated so much time, effort and money into your gang. As an adversary and a predecessor, thank you for your time, service and memories. God speed to you all.
  4. Jack Ryan

    "And a Partrig in a pair tree" ? lol
  5. Jack Ryan

    Its just anytime whether they are in or out. No unflipping etc. Ill try get video
  6. Jack Ryan

    Better if... Civ 1: "Can I buy that Gun of ya?" Civ 2: "Yeah sure, 30k ****ing dollarydoos ****". Civ 1: "Yeah alright, 30k ****ing dollarydoos mate".
  7. Jack Ryan

    You see this is the issue. Not everyone is alert 24/7. RDM may increase if new players discover they can loot corpses. Here is a scenario for example... A civilian buys a .45acp, they are new to the server and are hoping to make a quick dollar. They see a police officer wearing a vest, helmet, etc. At the moment the officer is prosecuting a member of the public for speeding, whilst his pub cop is busy impounding vehicles involved in a crash. The civilian sneaks up on the officer without his knowledge and shoots him with no declaration. The pub cop is still trying to read the situation and is shot in doing so. After all of this the civilian takes the gear of the white listed officer and begins his own shooting spree with his newfound love for destruction. Now whilst he may be banned, the point lies in the fact that people will die because of the fact that they are wearing good gear (In the eyes of the civilian). And even though the simple solution may be not to wear heavy gear, its not appropriate when officers are rushing to bank and simply have taser pistols or light arms. In my mind this ban on inventory serves as a deterrent to new players to steal gear. Just my 2 cents, not everyone will see it my way.
  8. Jack Ryan

    @envy Its mainly striders that I have seen it occur in. Police vehicles such as SUV's and hatchbacks manage to just knock civ's down when you speed past them.
  9. Jack Ryan

    Right now one of the largest issues is VDM of players at rebel areas. Just wondering if there is an ETA on a VDM script so that deaths are lowered and the support lounge is less cluttered. Cheers. @envy
  10. Can already see this as a problem. There is a ledge above cop base processing where people can view in. They simply just take a piss into cop base and disrupt the ability for cops to process. It needs to be a regulated offence for the police with hefty fines. Otherwise it wont deter people from doing it. For example it could come under public urination or public nu-sense.
  12. Jack Ryan

    For symbols I was thinking something along these lines with a 'Double D' (hahaha he mentioned the D). With the gold D (You mean a gold c**k?) representing dollary bit and the grey D (A Grey D? show me) representing the 'doos' bit. The chain like appearence represents security and financial stability. What do you think?
  13. I am the single greatest memer that has ever lived. I propose that the official currency of Strayagaming be 'Dollarydoos'. As a mixture between dollars and kangaroos. Given that we have Australian culture written all over this server. I think that this would be the most suitable. The currency symbol could be changed to a custom made symbol so that it signifies a new form of currency. By symbols I mean, $, £ , etc. Chuck forward your designs, photoshop wizards. Cheers Boys... Jack Ryan Commence meme ignition sequence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. Was just digging through some old footage saved in our spreadsheet. And this resurfaced... I don't know about you but for me just the sheer range at which he is firing is crazy, let alone his lead on the hunter. http://plays.tv/video/56ffda3882c2465c0d/hahahahahahaha?from=user Credit this shot: [KS] Tony Montanna , Come back soon pal. -------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Ryan Gang Leader Empty [/\] , Formerly Knave Syndicate [KS].