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Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

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Everything posted by Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  1. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Right? lol.
  2. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    This idea is alright but it would defeat the purpose of solo indies camping general stores for easy cash since they can rock up click 1 button and be full kit.. gotta think of the little guy
  3. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Not to mention this would also cause alot of hackusations as good players who can spot an infantryman with a pawnee from over 1k and nail them with the Miniguns now if only we knew someone like that?
  4. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Destiny is an online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Activision. It was released worldwide on September 9, 2014, for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles Its got lots of traits of an MMO Like Raids and gear drops and dailies and stuff. Think Warframe but less weabish
  5. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    i think if it gets to a point where everyone has a fit and goes to support after every engagement you shouldn't be playing AL.. unless its a major rulebreak just move on tbh i do it all the time in games, if i get offline raided on rust i don't give up i build a new base, if my base on exile gets raided i dont go to the admins and cry they glitched in i just move on rebuild and raid the people who raided me. thats just my opinion tho.
  6. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  7. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Why not just make an overall goal then?
  8. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    So if i was to donate 15 dollars to say The wasteland server once the "Goal" had already been reached i wouldn't be donating to the wasteland server but to a giveaway or something?
  9. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Very funny video :c don't fly to low in Kavala "Sydney" High up admins get mad xcDDD
  10. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if you were being serious.
  11. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Remember that Blackfish a few days back lolololol
  12. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    And since its in the future you won't need to do anything the computer will do it all for you!! #fixjetsBI
  13. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Nope, I hear @Ya Dad is. Speaking of how did you like that bounding mine i left for you dad?
  14. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  15. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    3D Spotting is what you refer to @Adolf
  16. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    It is extremely easy to Cheat on KoTH but it is 100% detectable, Most cheaters are banned with a few days of cheating. there is over 40k people who have been banned already
  17. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    I wouldn't worry about more wasteland servers when the current one has so many bugs and issues that need resolving. if you were to bring out a second server id reccomend an Altis server like before, The game has alot more players now then it did then. If this were to happen you could Convert Stratis into Infantry Only or Light Vehicles Only with no Lock-Ons and make Altis how stratis is now for a week to see how it plays out.
  18. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Notorious? Thats me
  19. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    @Invictiis you are in this one
  20. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  21. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    I remember a time when no one used Aircraft on the server.
  22. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    The server has always had a problem with price balancing, Especially a year and a half ago when everything was alot different andi had just started playing+ the server dev was a dropkick
  23. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    or if you are playing PvP TvT Gametypes like KoTH you almost need to have it set to 4k constantly otherwise you are going to die very very fast.
  24. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    Is this config any good for 110 slot KoTH Servers?
  25. Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

    will do