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Gotenks last won the day on February 11 2017

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About Gotenks

  • Rank
    Godlike Forumer
  • Birthday 08/22/1996

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  1. Gotenks

    Honestly. Its pure laziness from the EMS. The Higher ups(dco+) are fine, they have been around for a few years now. Even myself when i was active through EMS and gained my way to CEO. I never had a problem with role playing. I was always thinking of new ways to create role play and interesting role play. Surgeries to amputations etc etc. The list can go on if you decide to somewhat use your imagination. I think thats what people lack and come to the conclusion they get bored. Yes there isn't a lot of activities as EMS, but there isn't anything wrong with using your imagination to create some role play. It can get boring at times. But when people are dying you can generally enjoy yourself. When Zomboid was in charge and some other boys were there we never had a problem having some fun.
  2. Gotenks

    Playing It on console. Not bad of a game, really enjoy sniping and trying something different.
  3. Gotenks

    @FBI @Yuri @ZipRaid @Bang1324 @Kumo. What platform u guys on? Looking for 1-2 for the raid. Majority of my group have completed it over and over.
  4. Comment below which platform you play on. Use the following template :) Platform: Username/PSN/Battlenet: Class(warlock/hunter/titan): Light Level: Me: PS4 PSN- DeadliftingGod Class- Hunter and Warlock Hunter- 290+ Light Warlock- 250+ Light
  5. Gotenks

    Destiny 2 would be a nice one i think
  6. Gotenks

    Gotenks Work Chamber I paid for it and its used for when people want to chat or catch up. Do not delete.
  7. Gotenks

    it looks like your just jealous. Im pretty sure the cops used to have a protocol in place for this anyway and it didn't work to well. There shouldnt be anything wrong with PEOPLE wanting to play on a different faction. It is a game and you can get bored of playing the same faction over and over. It shouldnt matter who the player is. Learn to shoot, learn to communicate and learn new strategies if its such a problem
  8. Gotenks

    Cheers for all the good times TB. Hope all the best!
  9. Gotenks

    yeah why not, id be down to give it a shot. Granted my net isn't shitting itself and i dont have work
  10. Gotenks

    Any Ps4 console players in Here? Let me know what games you play or what you'll be playing, plus PSN down below :D
  11. Gotenks

    @Zesty that account is made in January 2016.
  12. Gotenks

    Welcome Sillas to our Community. I also enjoy the gym I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions regarding our forums or the gym feel free to shoot me a message im always up for a chat! Have a good day
  13. Gotenks

    Just a quick pointer. If possible, please place this in the videos and screenshots section of our forums. @Vitale The post has been moved to the correct location. This isn't much of a discussion. Thankyou
  14. Gotenks

    I don't know much about coding and I know Arma is only a simulation. But the bank should be somewhat realistic. In a semi populated town(not kav or closer to fed) but have office buildings, 2 story houses, 1 story shops and car parks around the bank for players to use. Inside the bank, include like an open area where you walk in, few desks and poles etc. either moving out to the back or up stairs have an actual set of tellers but only 1 will be able to be robbed or have a vault room. Roof on top of course with a heli pad for possible escape. (put my suggestion in here because I'll forget it later)
  15. Gotenks

    havnt had to no, haha. But im sure i could do some research, i assume itll be strength training and fitness