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Posts posted by Gotenks

  1. Hi guys, 
    Bringing you another event for tonight at around 7pm(1- 1 1/2 hours after restart).
    Event is sponsored by the ALTIS LIFE RADIO STATION.

    THE STRAYA RACE. Competitors will be solo or teams of 2. Very similar to the amazing race you see on television. There will be various locations players must race to by running or driving to. Once they have reached the location they will be asked a 1 or more questions from various staff members relating to rules/staff and general quizzes. If answered correctly they will be given their next clue and location. First team to cross the finish line and Find GOTENKS(MOD) will win.Participants: 5-10 teams = 10-20 participants will allow extra if needed. 
    If you get a question wrong you will be given a different clue to the next location.
    (there is to be no salt or being a sook about the event- first and final warning.)
    Risk: Low
    Entry fee: 50k Per person
    Supplies: Bring your own Food/water/toolkits/FAKs/map/gps/fuel cans, vehicles will be supplied
    Reward: YOU WILL FIND OUT- very very rare prizes

    Station 1: Start
    Station 2: @Sam I Am
    Station 3: @Axle_Tiaky
    Station 4: @Hatto 

    You are to come with only a backpack- NO WEAPONS
    Teams of 2 at sign up or you will be paired with someone.
    Supplies: Bring your own Food/water/toolkits/FAKs/map/gps/fuel cans, vehicles will be supplied

    Please fill in the following template and past it Below.
    Name of Team:

    • Like 9

  2. Rainbow six siege with majority of the staff team.

    personally enjoy some NBA 2k17 which I've gotten a bit bored of. 

    Overwatch(blizzard) and dragonball xenoverse 2.

    Also battlefield 1 with a few staff members.

    • Like 1

  3. 16 minutes ago, Mahfouz said:


    Name: [ARM] Rampage

    Player ID: 76561198135165758

    What do you want insurance for? my 2 crates in my house that had alot of guns
    Accident Insurance how many units? 
    Car insurance how many units?

    Rebel Insurance how many untis? 2 storage units, with around 1 mil worth of gear.

    Alienware and Myself will speak with you shortly

  4. I'm coming up on 1 year next week and I've thoroughly enjoyed this community and it's the best community I've been apart of. 

    In the past year I've seen people leave and people join back and forth and I've seen this community double in size in just 1 year. 

    I hope I can be here to see it grow bigger and better and want to be apart of it. 


    • Like 1

  5. @Snowwiiee

    snowwiee: my back hurts from deadlifts.

    Me:why does your back hurt? do you deadlift with your back or legs?

    S: umm back...

    M:you ****ing idiot you are meant to use your legs.

    One of snowwies finest moments as a 'bodybuilder' (this was majority from memory of what was said.

    • Like 1

  6. Drinks with Fam/friends.
    Play some board games and have some laughs with music on and singing etc. 
    Or hit up the carnival or something(if they still do them) and watch the good ole fireworks. 

    I personally dont do much for NYE anymore. Drinks and just a bit of fun with the Mrs and family. 

  7. On 09/12/2016 at 6:40 PM, Fascinating said:

    man theres lots of rules that arnt followed that messes up rp it would be cool if like you could be set rp persons in town and stuff and possible make it easyer to start upa  little shop or something im hoping to rp alot if i become a lawyer but like as medic the outher day we gathered around and went down to market and tried some rp of beening health instructors and got a few people doing push ups and was fun but a cop came down and told us were getting paid by the goverment so nic off back to the hospital even no there was no call outs and we still had an active medic?

    Yeah the cops shouldn't be doing that. If your bothering people then yeah sure, but it's about having fun and just doing the role you are playing. Unless your breaking the law or rules they shouldn't be telling you off

  8. Maybe when rdm gets fixed and so on. 

    What about EMS? If they die or get killed and lose all their stuff? 

    You shouldn't be stripped naked just because you've died, you've got constant civs/trolls that'll be running around or just tryna kill people for gear. Do you really want civs running around with full cop gear. 

    Like where is the Roleplay for that? 

    Why can they just kill someone and instantly have over 50k worth of gear? Not including the weapon?

    • Like 1

  9. 34 minutes ago, BradB said:


    No offence at all here, I have been apart of many many many communities in the past none with a unique rule set like this. Everyone is open to provide opinion and heck some of them will be great. Some people are always going to complain that a rule isn't in favour of them and thus it becomes impossible to amend the rules. In this instance the entire police force is going to be against this proposition and all rebels for it. Trying to change such a rule will please some but anger many. Yes I am a cop but im going to speak from an unbiased position and from experience. If the proposed rule restricted police officers from carrying a primary weapon the following implications would happen:


    - Police officers would be restricted in protecting the lives of the innocent.

    - Police officers would become largely ineffective in terms of time.

    - Police officers cannot defend themselves in times of need without literally running back to their car.

    - The vest and backpack capacity either just holds the primary or doesn't even fit, never-the-less if it did fit thered be no room for anything else.

    - Police officers would be in a massively unfair advantage in comparison to other groups i.e. rebels etc.

    - Many junior cops need many lessons to lock their cars which is literally easy access to the weapons and would create more crime and problems.

    - If police chose a lethal over a non-lethal (pretty sure have to have one of each) the restrictions could get more people killed and anger more people where previously they would of just been tazed. 

    - It doesnt provide  any less RP in an open carry then it doesn't holstered? By this i mean if the cop literally had it holstered or lowered in rp the civs should be more inclined to rp and not just use their lethal should they be caring one.

    - From experience i notice the amount of fail decs that result in a gun fight are ridiculous and the cops would literally drop like flies and cause way too many more issues in help desk.\

    - Rebels would be more inclined to come into Sydney without role-play reason 



    - Cops would become possibly easier to kill, and why some would like this overall theres less gunfight and less skill required etc.

    - Most rebels are more interested in killing and enjoy killing in bank situations etc but in casual rp itd be silly lol

    - Easier with vlr

    - Increased rp as cops wouldn't be aiming lethals at our heads all the time.


    overall in my opinion [as a cop] the very minor benefits to rebel outweigh massively on the cop side and would annoy many. This may have worked on ozzy but i believe and unnecessary amendment is only going to cause people to be annoyed for no reason.

    Creating pros and cons / arguments either way either in support of this proposition is very and could be very lengthy for very small amendments. Such a change would be stupid.


    Nothing is changing brad. It's a simple discussion for opinions. 

    Nothing wrong with it. 

    There are pros and cons for every decision. People just need to adapt

  10. I think no they don't show it. But they should have it holstered just like civs. 

    It doesn't need to be in a backpack or vest, just have the weapon holstered.

    but with that said, like said earlier, it gives the cops less of a chance to react to trolls and rebels and end up not having an equal advantage. Safe zones they should be holstered. 

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