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Posts posted by Alienware

  1. 1 hour ago, Mahfouz said:


    Name: [ARM] Rampage

    Player ID: 76561198135165758

    What do you want insurance for? my 2 crates in my house that had alot of guns
    Accident Insurance how many units? 
    Car insurance how many units?

    Rebel Insurance how many untis? 2 storage units, with around 1 mil worth of gear.


    // Denied \\

    We currently only cover the gear you have on your person. 

  2. Altis Insurance:

    Template to Apply:

    Name: Alienware

    Player ID:  21561941321564

    What do you want insurance for? accident, car, rebel
    Accident Insurance how many units? 10 units (100k)
    Car insurance how many units?  10 units (200k)

    Rebel Insurance how many units? 10 units of cover (1 mil)



  3. ........Welcome to Altis Insurance........

    Thank you for choosing our company to be part of your life.

    What are we:

    We're an insurance company offering insurance to the Civilians of Altis and the police department. we're located at the Sydney hospital.

    what we cover:

    We cover a wide range of things such as Accident insurance, car insurance, Rebel Insurance

        Accident Insurance - The person whom is insured has an accident causing death, but not caused by, excessive speed, War, performing crimes.
        Things you're covered for - Being a law a binding citizen who is just simply trying to look after his family by mining ect. 
        Car Insurance - covering you for when your car is simply not fixable or is stolen - cars will not be covered for when excisive speed causes a right off
        Rebel insurance - Is for those who like using the bigger guns to protect their selves these policies are higher in price simply due to the fact the guns are illegal but we all understand the "bigger is better" so why not right?

    Things you're not covered for

     Accident Insurance - you're not covered if you die due to an active declaration or if you purposely commit suicide, this includes but not limited to, speeding causing death, jumping from building ect.

    Car insurance - you're covered for almost everything except when you do not adhere to the driving laws. so if someone rear ends you ect you're covered 

        Rebel Insurance - you're covered when you are just mining or picking fields, and someone throws a declaration on your group or yourself and you choose to not show any aggression or fire any shots, the second you fire a shot or try to put yourself in danger by not listening to their demands then you will void your rebel insurance, guns are covered, attachments & mags are not. 


    How much does it cost

    Accident Insurance - 1 unit of cover = 10k
    Premium per unit = 2k

    Car insurance -1 unit of cover = 20k
    Premium per unit = 5k

        Rebel Insurance - 1 unit of cover = 100k
    Premium per unit = 48k

    Note: premiums are subject to change.


    This is a full RP thread and will be full RP in game 

    Policies if you decide if you do not want insurance anymore

    your policy you will cancelled and the amount of money that was paid for the week you're currently in will be refunded 

    e.g john pays per week and he cancelled his insurance on the 5th day we would refund his money for the 6th and 7th only. 


    You can find our application here on the forums, once you submit your application our underwriting team will contact you to ask you some questions about what you're covering ect.  





    • Like 3

  4. Altis Insurance:

    Template to Apply:


    Player ID:

    What do you want insurance for?
    Accident Insurance how many units?
    Car insurance how many units?

    Rebel Insurance how many untis?

    How much does it cost

    Accident Insurance - 1 unit of cover = 10k
    Premium per unit = 2k

    Car insurance -1 unit of cover = 20k
    Premium per unit = 5k

        Rebel Insurance - 1 unit of cover = 100k
    Premium per unit = 48k

    Note: premiums are subject to change.



    Once you have filled in this template and posted it, You have given your right to be engaged by the Altis Insurance company and yourself. Payment will be due weekly or fortnightly.
    Payment must be received before your insurance becomes in force You revoke your right to claim compensation via forums if you claim with our company. if you're a found to be "double dipping" you will be punished to the full extent of the server rules, and you will never be able to insured by our company again.

    • Like 1

  5. 12 hours ago, nclem said:

    I think it's important to remember, that (Excuse me for my french) if 50% of the server is just trolling and being dickheads and making life hard for the cops, it becomes harder for us to differentiate people who are actually trying to roleplay, and people who are just trolling, when it gets like this, People make mistakes, don't think properly and are just doing things on a call by call basis, responding to a call, processing anyone involved and moving to the next one. If we are getting LOADS Of calls about trolls, we just have to pile through them one after another after another.


    It's not normally like this, but when the server hits 90-100 people, it gets pretty bad.


    Roleplay should be 100% the focus of a cop at all times while playing on the server, but in saying that, if we are getting calls every 5 minutes about *MAN JUST SHOT ME SYDNEY MARKET SAFEZONE* or *VEHICLE GARAGE MAN RAMMING VEHICLES* Or even (And probably the best) *REBEL 1 MAN WITH GO KART RUNNING EVERYONE OVER* it gets a bit painful and we get ticked off.


    Essentially minimodding most of the time can be a bit of a pain in the ass, having to deal with the attitudinal trolls whos main objective it is is to slow us down and be a pain in the ass is a bit annoying.


    I think that at the moment we have two sets of players.


    People who follow the rules BY THE BOOK, and people who take the rules as "guidelines". I think that rules that relate to RDM/VLR and whatnot should be by the book, but roleplay and whatnot should be open ended and open to interpretation. 

    I've had people try and pull me up on cop for giving tickets that aren't on the database. There's no rule against it, and it adds to roleplay. 



    I think that with the recent issues surrounding cartels/rebel gangs and cop relationships, instead of adding new rules, relax the rules surrounding these things a little bit, make it known what cartel roleplay is, how the cops have to play by it and make sure that it's actually getting followed, because at the end of the day when the cartels are having a go at the cops because they're not taking bribes, the cops are just doing what they thought was right and arguments happen, and that ruins both sides.


    Sorry if this was a little bit broken up/badly worded. Just a little bit of a rant.


    If you're having problems with trolls ect. Record the issue and get a mod to put them on the watchlist. Simple as that. 

    Yes it's hard when you get lots of them but as we enforce these trolling rules they should get a clear picture don't do it


    • Like 1

  6. Make drugs more exclusive


    ok here is my theory, 


    make drugs worth a LOT 

    But make the process of making them longer 

    say for example, you need to make cocaine, you need fuel you need poppy seeds and you need something else but you got to go to individual specialised processing places. 

    The more complex the drug is to make the more it's worth. So for weed make it worthless almost but a little more then your average legal run. 

    By doing this it brings more risk by being exposed to robberies and cops ect. But also gives the much needed reward

    what do you guys think?

    and maybe add benefits to using drugs like speed give 2x movement speed.

    steroids give you 1000 carry space. 

    This would allow drugs to be used and be would encourage people to use in game trading 

    • Like 1

  7. On 29/11/2016 at 3:07 PM, nclem said:

    @Leopard it's a bit hard to play it smart when you have 4 rebel gangs already in sydney... 


    PMC, SP, Memes and usually 1 other random one are ALWAYS causing shit for us and we usually don't have enough resources to deal with it. It's kind of fun-ruining. Part of cop is about managing the team, but this is just a new level of hair-pulling.


    May I also add PMC is massive, memes has all of the devs, SP just swarms you and the random one is usually breaking rules.



    Look mate I loved it when bank went off in Sydney, when I used to play cop

    how about next time bank goes off you send in a ground unit on foot and have overwatch. Don't be silly and roll up to the gate thinking it's going to be all honky dory.


    expect players to be outside the bank, think where you would hide ect. 



    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, vizzN said:

    Our undercover ASIO team is bound by strict secrecy, they are to blend with the profile they have been given and will have the necessary equipment to have their "blue name" hidden. They shouldn't be any were near a drug field unless a raiding team has been organised by a Sergeant or above. If they are declared on, taking hostage, killed, etc. we are not required to take responsibility for them. They are bound by their agreement with the Altis government to be responsible for their own actions, this is to avoid secret ASIO operations being exposed. 

    I completely agree with Larry's opinion with regards to 'declarations'. Side chat declarations are not good role play and most of the time end up in a blood bath. This is due to the person (being declared on) not having the declarers in sight. 90% of people end up running and around 10% will comply with the deck to roleplay. I would be an advocate for declarations happening only in Direct Chat whether you use voice or type it out. People will think twice about running when they are surrounded by the declarers. Side Chat declarations caused enough issues in Help Desk as it is, it would be worth trialing a new declaration system. It would certainly clear up the issue @Alienware has expressed, but also for all declarations on police. You would not need to make use of the police dispatch either, you could simply surround police and declare in Direct. 

    Please contact me if you have any further issues, questions, etc regarding the APD's ASIO unit. ASIO will be a very active unit on the new server update, so it is important that all players are on the same page. 

    APD Deputy Commissioner [F03A]

    To further on your point about the declarations.  There is a script out there that allows you to point at the so called player and write and email to directly that person it also does not give that persons name away and remains anonymous. To have that script in place would clear up a lot of issues between factions ect 

    • Like 2

  9. 3 minutes ago, Gotenks said:

    if thats the case of how UC units should be. They should be making a character and joining the gang and messaging the police of ops they are doing etc. But at the same time, you are still a normal civ and work as a civ, just an informant like EMS have permission to do and cartels. It can create more roleplay through civ slot, but like Roger said, causing alot more metagaming. 

    I think maybe having a cop slot that is scripted or something to be Undercover and you have to be wearing civ clothes and blend in, like you would in real life.
    If anything, thats what cartels are there for. They gather information about rebel gangs and movements and report to the PD. 

    But the thing with that is your name would be blue. 

    The way to avoid that would be have a special licence to allow you to access an area with special gear and stuff? 

    That way meta gaming is avoided 

  10. Hey guys just thought I would mention my thoughts on this as it could become an issue down the track.


    scenario 1: the undercover units rolling near your area (heroin ect) you want to stop them from doing drugs. You assume it's a normal civ so you declaire via side chat

    they don't answer they all die and take you up for rdm


    soloution: make a whitelisted civ slot for undercover cops, that way they can access all this awesome stuff and still get to see the decs via side and can declaire them selves E.g stop in the name of the law this is the APD undercover unit pull over now! Or make a licence that only they can get which is like an undercover base so no need for whitelist 

    Thanks guys 

    • Like 5

  11. I would like to see some use of the rebel island. Maybe some big ticket drugs or something. 


    In regards to the prison it should be only breakable by bolt cutters sorta like fed. And police get alerted. 

    Also prison times should be increased by value of crimes/ degree of crimes like murder 

    • Like 1

  12. It's seems Alienware has taken off in a boat to the Bermuda Triangle, some say he comes out in the dark and gloomy nights. There have been multiple reported sightings of him. Though many do not live to tell the tale 


    *****out of roleplay***** 


    sorry i I haven't been on been working real hard. When I'm able to have a weekend spare I'll come and have lots of fun times miss you all 


    love alienware


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