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Posts posted by DIRTYSCRUB

  1. On 2/15/2018 at 8:30 AM, Invictiis said:

    Thanks @Red , @James32 and everyone for your responses. Good too see others interested in Wasteland becoming great again. 

    Here's suggestion/changelog that me and a few WL veterans created:

    -Opfor/Blufor 1+- difference. Prevents team stacking and group farming at 2am. Groups can go indie if they cant join main teams.

    - Major armed drone nerf. Lower ordance/flares and higher price. Big step to reduce toxic gameplay.

    -Armed drones only purchasable at main airfield. Realign drone use as infantry support & reconnaissance. People dc due to getting killed by skalpel missles from invisible enemies.

    -Remove Cape Cod

    -Original WL stratis map. Low building/object count and less clutter to improve performance/fps. Player built structures are main focus.

    -Rearm tank (bobcat) needs nerf. Slower rearm speed or higher price.

    -Vehicle storage nerf. introduce vehicle class cooldown, which slows retrieval and storing. Preventing tank spam & toxic mission camping.

    -Spawn beacon nerf. Cannot be placed within 300-500m of another friendly beacon.

    -A.I jet/heli buff. Increase their intelligence/difficulty to naturally remove player tanks and drones.

    -Mission Reward nerf. lower reward by 25-50% to counter money farming.

    -Money Wipes within 2-3 month interval

    -Spread mission spawns and key locations down south of map. 

    Couldn't agree more with this Invic. These are solid ideas that should be definitely taken into consideration. I would really like to highlight the nerfing, or even better yet, the removal of these putrid drones. Absolutely no skill required and really destroys the entire wasteland feel.

    As of recent there seems to be a major influx in the toxicity of a number of players on the server.  I think that a lot of the issues you mentioned above would rid them of this toxic behavior and bring back a more well balanced infantry fighting environment that all us vets crave for in the OG wasteland and also force people into squads to fight for territory as it should be.

    • Like 1

  2. 11 hours ago, Blue Eagle [+1 CREW] said:

    i called this abuse of power out MULTIPLE times March last year and it either fell on deaf ears or Ya Mum Denied it resulting in it being ignored. im glad this injustice has finally ended and wish you all the best in restoring Strayagamings Wasteland to its former self.

    Couldn't agree more with this. I had multiple run ins with that particular scumbag. His day finally came.

    • Like 8

  3. @James32


    Tactics? please. Yes, players should be able to buy what they want, but when they are spammed for easy kills, (referring to the use of orcas due to the amount of atgm's) that in itself becomes a different issue. And we are not talking about Arma in itself either, we play on a modified server where spamming becomes a real issue. But it will be interesting to see how this price balancing works out.

  4. Putrid is all i can say. At least we know how @James32 & @Assassin got a place in the top 10. With their spamming of Orca's, AI's and Mortars. Youse aren't the only ones though.

    On 28/02/2017 at 6:09 AM, BulletL said:

    But they said remove Jets because they are so OP, can only be purchased from one place, are extremely vulnerable while rearming, need to constantly relocate to avoid AA, require flight skills and aim. But let's leave the mortar.

    For once I can agree with you, solid points. @BulletL :D 


    @Unit_3397 @Dak Commstar This is the real problem that needs addressing... including the spam use of orcas, AI's and mortars.

    • Like 1

  5. 10 hours ago, FBI said:

    People don't reliase how easy it is to kill a chopper, the way i was flying over that gunstore a rocket from sub 100m is very hard to dodge. If more people have aa's and stay away from gunstores after they're done purchasing what they need it they will most likely be able to hide until a armed heli flys over and they can kill it with aa and then simply go back into the store. 

    You and James found that out the hard way when i ruined your fun that match ayeee ;) 

  6. Quote


    As you all my well know jets can completely destroy a stratis wasteland server in the hands of a good pilot, which leads to complaining and whining for the removal of jets etc. But anyone who actually flys a jet knows how hard it can be to actually avoid aa's being fired at you as jets only get 5 sets of flares, which isnt much compared to a blackfoot which gets 10 sets. Any really good jet pilot will have to use the mountains and fly very low of the ground to avoid aa fire which i've seen only 4 pilots do on the entire time i have been playing on the server, others will be shot down after they lose all their flares and wouldn't of done much to impact the server. Jets are a high risk high reward item so lets keep them like that by adding them back in but making them 100k rather than 80k so you show on the map as a HVT, another thing that can balance jets out is the removal of atgm missles throughout the jet line up. These missles are ridiculously op and can kill any kind of enemy armor in one shot from over 5km's away without them knowing. An example of this is a enemy buying aa tank just for them to have it blown up right after being purchased by a jet, with the removal of atgm missles from jets it will give aa tanks a fighting chance as the pilot will have to use the 30mm cannon to kill the aa tank from a fairly close range. The removal of atgms from jets and the price hike i feel will help balance the server out abit more in jet gameplay aswell as tank gameplay. 

    I Highly agree with FBI in regards to the Wipeout. There are only 5-6 skilled pilots that can actually be useful in the Wipeout. Removing or limiting ATGM's would be a more realistic approach and also increasing the price. I'm struggling to understand the reasoning behind the removal of the Wipeout as there are only a small amount of people that can actually skillfully fly them, still the orca, blackfoot and even mortars have not been removed due to this so called "spamming". It honestly isn't that hard for an opposing team to take down a Jet, it's just that strategic game play is something bluefor never has, this is why opfor is stacked at times due to teamwork, communication and better general coordination etc..

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