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Ya Mum

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Everything posted by Ya Mum

  1. Ya Mum

    Hi there, thanks for asking but I'm not very moist at the moment. In respect to the footage you've provided, you were killed by a UAV. That player had been flying a UAV for quite some time. Regarding the other incident, there are a number of glitches after the last BI update and you were probably subject to a bit of desync. What I would ask that is anyone has any footage or photos to submit them on the forums and not have a go in global.
  2. Ya Mum

    Lo oh please........???
  3. can you please let the rest of us know what suggestions you've made? I liked Malden and when James first released it, I believe we were probably the first and we had a consistent 70-80 players on but it was only new and once the novelty wore off, players started to leave, the player numbers we were consistently getting simply dont justify having such a large map and it seemed that there were more players complaining about the performance than not. My opinion is that we probably cant really compare the 2 maps equally because each map demanded a completely different game play. Stratis is more PVP (jets and drones aside) and Malden wasn't.... there was still PVP going on but certainly not to the same degree. A lot more air assets were used back then. Base building really has died which is a shame. I've seen some massive fuk off bases on Stratis but i think there was possibly a change in the coding or something that made it so you couldn't do it or something, James or Dak could probably shed some light on that.
  4. Ya Mum

    “Why does everything have to be so ****ing difficult....” Ya Mum, circa 2017
  5. Ya Mum

    Haven’t seen sun shine and blue skies for a few days now
  6. Ya Mum

    Hi mate Dynasound has just been put back up. @Unit_3397 might be able to confirm that its all good to go?
  7. Ya Mum

    @kristianit will be coming back..... its been delayed a bit but it will be back
  8. Ya Mum

    I've never been blown up by the car bombs?? ive probably just jinxed myself now ?
  9. Ya Mum

    Yup good luck with that ???
  10. Not entirely an accurate representation of what happened is it ....
  11. Sorry mate I've been away for the last week. I'm downloading the update now and check that out for you
  12. Ya Mum

    Would you play on Wasteland Tanoa if we got it?
  13. Ya Mum

    **** yeah..... just saying
  14. Ya Mum

    wow.....just wow...
  15. Ya Mum

    You didn't want to include me??
  16. Ya Mum

    ....and yet it's still only your group that seems to have any major issue with it. Clearly you get off on twisting words and distorting the truth to suit your own arguments and until you can start looking objectively at things and remove your ego"s and personality issues then there is no point continuing the conversation. @Unit_3397
  17. Ya Mum

    I simply do not understand even the most basic logic around this "issue" First of all these are my opinions only, If you want to form a large or winning team, there are 2 teams to for you to choose from. We as SG Staff create a map based on what is best for the majority of the player base and community generally. Not specific teams or people There are probably lots of things Agent Rev has developed for the map but its up to the SG Staff to filter out what we want and don't want. The fact that you choose to restrict yourselves to a side that is at a size disadvantage is a personal problem If you genuinely want to integrate into the community and server, do not put yourselves in the position of being ostracized by saying all the other teams a crap and we demand the server be managed "this way" just to satisfy your own "teams" wishes.
  18. Ya Mum

    Done!!! Got my vote.
  19. Ya Mum

    The Wasteland staff have discussed it and, we are comfortable with the current arrangements at this point in time and as such, will not reset gametracker. We are happy with the current arrangements and levels of player efficiency since the bank wipe. Not ruling it out later down the track though.
  20. Ya Mum

    We did actually remove the spotting way back in the day but managed to find its way back in. My view if you want to see them on the map, buy a drone
  21. Ya Mum

    Actually @James32 it was the second airfield that sold me lol
  22. I'm loving some of the suggestions in this thread. Some really positive (and really shit) suggestions. how about this, keep jets and mortars but simply remove the red and green markers for the gun stores on the map? if you're in a gun store we'll keep the enemy entered the area message but on the map it will just look like a vacant gun store The intent would be that the pilots and mortar spammers can still have their fun but they need intel from other players where the enemy is and not rely on map colours
  23. Ya Mum

    ummmmmm im not sure how I feel about this....... Best of luck man and thanks for all your support.
  24. Yes and an altitude cap to stop knob heads sitting out of range
  25. Ya Mum

    @Unit_3397 is this something you can look into? sorry mate I know we are loading you up lately