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Posts posted by Matsozetex

  1. I suggest that some restrictions are made to reduce team killing

    - Digi camouflage uniform, vests and backpacks (AAF gear, excluding olive gear)

    - Hex  camouflage uniform, vests and backpacks (CSAT uniform is already banned, but bags are not)

    I suggest that these restrictions are made to produce more well defined classes

    - .338 and 9.3mm Rifles to Marksman, Sharpshooters, Spotters (Stops the ghille, sniper-medics)

    - 12.7mm and .408 to Snipers ONLY (Prevents wastage of limited sniper slots)

    - Titan MPRL to AT specialists (Apparently anyone can use them)


  2. Hello everyone, 

    I wish to inquire as changes in I&A have left to some questions regarding new features.

    To start off, I want to inquire about the rules regarding ironside; (as I have been a whining b**** As always when some infantry camp ironside spawn for tanks.)

    1. Are the ironside tank slots make those players the ONLY people who can use those tanks?

    2. Is being active in teamspeak a necessary requirement for the use of tanks?

    These questions are based off being told off by staff for asking infantry (mainly normal engineers) for stealing ironside tanks and camping the spawns, which leads to people who actually hop in the ironside slot and expect to play armour be shocked when there are no tanks at ironside and have to marvel when the T-100, Kuma and even the Slammer (people play the slammer, its weird) are on the map and active but role selection told of one other player leading you to think that you could grab the extra tank.


    Also, a request, can you make the screen that displays rules upon spawning (As infantry) last a bit longer to allow them to properly read such rules. This idea was prompted by 5 separate events in which someone hopped into my tank to either, hop in the main gun or drive the tank away without prior acknowledgement, which shortly led to my death as some A*** jumped into my tank and drove me towards a T-100 while I was in a Slammer.  

    This addition will only apply to tankers who bother to press their [W] Key *cough @Aussie Dave *cough.


    • Like 1

  3. Ok the new additions to base are pretty damn good looking, but one thing really annoys me. The Service pad decor, it honestly needs to be removed, if you anti-torque is gone its a honest bastard to land with those boxes there. 

    An example of the boxes messing up a landing https://imgur.com/PXwHFpm

    Honestly removing the boxes would save the pilots some time and patience.



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  4. Hey 

    I've just donated $25 to the I and A server recently and I would like to receive the whitelist slot abilities and other donator perks.

    Thank you for all the fun


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  5. Hello all

    Recently I have seen a mass abuse of pilots for things that are out of their control (i.e AAA, Dumb LZ locations etc). And people come by constantly abusing pilots, which ends up in long heated arguments. It has come to the point where I am requesting, for the abuse rule to be more heavily enforced. Comments have ranged from calling someone "shit" from asking someone to kill themselves, which is quite offensive.

    Please this abuse has gotten out of hand.


