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Everything posted by Travesty

  1. Travesty

    If you have troubles on TeamSpeak in the future, near the top of the channel list there are Helpdesk channels if you need assistance. I wouldn't recommend spending too much in Pilot channel trying to get help, mainly due to Pilots trying to keep the air clear for coordination. You'll also find the Pilots channel is the main channel for I&A in terms of active users (It's a requirement to fly to be in that channel). I should have also mentioned that joining an ingame group for Side missions (It changes often, as the groups are dynamic) enables Group voice chat which is how most Side teams communicate. My bad.
  2. Travesty

    Hi NS24, From my experiences on the I&A server (Semi-regular player), most players tend to 'Rambo/Lone Wolf' the Main Objective ("AO"). Sometimes groups do form, but usually you get your loadout, bundle into the nearest transport aircraft and then deploy at the LZ at the AO and fight your way to the HQ. Sometimes it can be different depending on terrain and situation, but that's usually how it goes for me. The squads in I&A don't really get used outside of specific roles (Pilots/Medics/Snipers/Ironside Etc). I think you'd enjoy engaging in some of the Side missions if you want more squad-based activities on I&A. These occur regularly (Usually spawning 15 mins after the last one ended) and require more coordination and communication than the AO gets. There are a few players who gravitate to Side missions when they occur (*cough cough* Hamish [TEF], Kyroe for example *cough*), so don't be afraid to ask in the blue Side chat if anyone is headed to Side mission. NOTE: There is a Side Base located NE of the main Base where a Hummingbird and Offroad spawn for Side teams to arrange their own transport. If you do end up headed to a Side mission, do try to make contact with other players at Side or on their way. Side missions usually require multiple players to complete, and the time-sensitive missions require coordination to enable maximum time to complete it's objective. The Rambo/Lone-Wolf approach doesn't usually work at Side missions, but when a group of players come together on Side it's a damn good feeling (Especially when the reward is something awesome, like a Mortar Boat!). Good luck on the I&A server, don't be afraid to jump on our TS (ts.straya.life) as some players working together will be on there to coordinate. See you round Altis!
  3. Travesty

    NOTE: Sometimes (Rarely, but it does occur) domestic internet routers may cache the website address which will prevent the above from working. Common steps to troubleshoot the issue include: Flush your DNS cache manually (You can also go to https://www.whatsmydns.net/flush-dns.html for specific instructions for your operating system) Restart your computer Restart your internet router (Best done when no one else is using the internet!)
  4. Travesty

    Over the past few days, I have had ZERO instances of the FPS bug on my computer when playing hours at a time. Here's what I changed that worked for my rig (i7 7600K, NVidia 1070, 16GB DD4 RAM and a SSD): Removed ALL command line arguments from Arma. Right now they don't do squat in my opinion. Removed ANY parameters about memory allocator. I did leave the CPU Count at 8 and Hyper Threading parameters selected. Reinstalled NVidia GeForce Experience on my computer. Installed latest NVidia drivers for my card on my computer. Allowed NVidia GeForce Experience to 'optimise' the settings for Arma 3. Ran 'optimised' settings with NO mods installed (Disabled JSRS) for testing. Arma looks better, smoother, and FPS bug has occurred ZERO times since. I've now re-enabled JSRS on the I&A server, with almost no impact to performance. In fact, I was just playing I&A with a 2/3 full server and was getting consistently 55-65 fps during gameplay. NOTE: These steps worked for my computer, and may not apply to your rig or circumstances. However, I do recommend you try updating to the latest NVidia drivers and allowing NVidia GeForce Experience to optimise your game. I hope this works for others, there is an update coming to Arma 3 mentioned by Dwarden last night that includes some stability fixes and 64-bit is around the corner so hopefully we see more players able to run this game consistently in future.
  5. Travesty

    Thank you for the prompt reply.
  6. Travesty

    Hi Roger, Does this indicate that the Rust server SG were developing is being replaced by the servers that Rusted Outback operate?
  7. Travesty

    Just offering my thoughts on this. I only just started using TFR with another server, and to be honest with the TS and the use of groups in I&A I'm not sure that it's generally needed. However, I agree that with Zeus events TFR would be a strategic advantage with multiple teams.
  8. Travesty

    I've not been in this community for long, only a few months, so I thought I'd offer my thoughts as a fresh perspective. Also, since LuckyB33f did it, I'm a Mid-30's IT Manager called Travis so any military game is very far removed from my real life! StrayaGaming is in my opinion one of the most developed and welcoming Australian gaming communities I've been part of, even with the diverse range of ages in the community. While some may argue this point, in my experience the general level of maturity in SG players is higher than many other communities I've been in before. I see the staff in StrayaGaming giving more of a damn about the servers and community than I've seen in other communities I have been part of. I've regularly seen (I'm a semi-regular I&A Pilot/Medic/AT, sometimes Wasteland cannon fodder, and occasional Rust player) Mods and Admins educate and counsel new players on the rules in a way that is often quite polite and respectful. I've also seen the Mods and Admins be quite patient with players ignoring rules then enforcing the rules when needed. It's not all perfect obviously, as someone learning to play Rust I was saddened to see the server activity drop off rapidly at the end of the year. But overall this is a great community. But don't take my word for it, and don't take what you have for granted. Contribute, engage and support StrayaGaming.
  9. Travesty

    Not a criticism Fitz, just a funny situation! The idea of infantry being able to rappel down to targets intrigues me!
  10. Travesty

    Just had someone ask me to attach a cargo crate... to the infantry BlackFish. Yeah, no thanks, bit of a big target to keep it in Vector Mode to fly cargo to an LZ! After the latest changes to sling dynamics, this should add some interesting options for Zeus missions.
  11. Travesty

    -high removed, will continue to test: -nosplash -world=empty -skipIntro -nologs -noPause -cpuCount=8 -hugepages -maxMem=3071 -maxVRAM=7191 -mod=@task_force_radio;@CBA_A3 Thanks Dave.
  12. Travesty

    In the interests of testing Dave's post, I'll be running the following for a while without changing anything else: -high -nosplash -world=empty -skipIntro -nologs -noPause -cpuCount=8 -hugepages -maxMem=3071 -maxVRAM=7191 This is my rig, for comparison of CPU/GPU: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/travestyau/saved/svLJxr If I see this improve my game (Just now I was running 90+ fps, but there were not many on the server when I did), I will advise here. Thanks to Aussie Dave for posting this, and others for commenting. Now, to wait for the x64 builds of Arma3... P.S - If this DOES fix my fps bug issues Dave, you're getting a big wet sloppy smooch (No tongue! :P)!
  13. Travesty

    Hell yes! This is a great move. Sadly I wont be able to be on at 7pm due to prior plans, but will get it setup ASAP for future testing.
  14. Travesty

    As Kushieda would say: He's right, and I didn't realise other players were curious about my callsigns until I was asked twice this weekend about them. There's nothing fancy about them, but I figured I'd state what they were (Most are commonly used anyway) if they help newer pilots get used to radio/TS comms. Aircraft Callsigns I use the model of the aircraft to denote what I am flying: Ghost 1-1 (I use "Ghost" only, to avoid confusing Ghost Hawk with Mohawk) Mohawk 1-1 Huron 1-1 Taru 1-1 Little Bird 1-1 (I've not heard anyone use Hummingbird, so stick to Little Bird also) Buzzard 1-1 Neophoron 1-1 Blackfish 1-1 Because there are three Ghost Hawk spawns, I use Ghost 1-1, Ghost 1-2, and Ghost 1-3. 1-1 is closest pad to pilot spawn, 1-2 the middle pad, and Ghost 1-3 (My personal preference) is the camo Ghost Hawk next to the Huron spawn. The same for the Blackfish, the Infantry Transport is closest to pilot spawn so that's 1-1, the Vehicle Transport is 1-2. Why 1-1? Because if you have a couple of AA/CAS over AO, you can designate them as 2-1 and 2-2 to denote hostiles and use this to coordinate attacks. Helicopter Pad Callsigns Most pilots already do this, but there's been some confusion about which pad at base is 1 and which is 4. It's left to right, if you're facing infantry spawn. E.g. 1 is closest to the heli repair pad, 4 is the closest to the AA tower. Use of callsigns Most pilots pick this up from listening to TS, but here are some examples I use when flying on the I&A server: Like I said, there's nothing fancy about these callsigns. Just a bit of roleplay fun. If I've missed anything, please add it below. I'd love to expand to my callsigns!
  15. Travesty

    I knew it!
  16. Travesty

    Got my butt shot down multiple times with the enemy CAS last night. Damn good fun. I'd like to see a moving Enemy Helicopter mission like Wasteland in I&A that operates away from the AO.
  17. Travesty

    I have only been a member of Straya Gaming for a few months, and having come from another community the most striking aspect that I like about this community is the respect and good humour the members generally treat each other with. Sure, sometimes there are dickheads on the servers, but generally speaking everyone here treats each other with humanity and respect. It's something that is missing from some communities and frankly it's a testament to the staff and members that it stands out to new members.
  18. Travesty

    I haven't been a member for that long gents, but thank you for all your efforts with the community. I think you should both be proud of what you've built, this is a great community. All the very best for the future, and thank you again.
  19. Travesty

    This happened last night after an impromptu server restart. I ended up taking a slot so one of the pilots before the restart didn't lose it. I think it's poor form to slide into a slot without checking with the current pilots.
  20. Travesty

    Sing out if you need help getting that malware off your computer. Plenty of tools available to do this without a Backup, Format and Reinstall (Though this does help with housecleaning every now and then!). You say weird, I say waifu. Let's agree to disagree
  21. Travesty

    Some pilots do play music on their helicopter, I personally don't because I like to clearly hear what is said in vehicle or TS. I think the pilot should ask the passengers first before doing this, and if there are no objections then crank it up! As for TS, paste the link in chat if you want to share music. Don't force the whole channel to listen to it, especially when the channel is to coordinate pilot operations.
  22. Travesty

    Player ID: 76561198044220407 Amount: $25.00