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Posts posted by Byron

  1. Honestly, I'd suggest getting a decent processor considering ARMA is very CPU intensive. I had FPS issues a while back when i was in [AV] i just overclocked and got a decent GPU. now running at 3.8 Ghz with a Radeon R7 360 overclocked. getting 30-40 FPS on Ultra unless I'm in Sydney.

    Keep In Mind

    The more player scrips the server has to run will affects FPS. 

    If the server is only running at 30FPS then you'll only get 30FPS.

    Try ARMA 3 launch options, I've noticed a bit of an increase in performance while using this guide, can be found Here


    Hope this gave you a little understanding of what you might be experiencing 

  2. If you would like to become a white-listed Police officer you'll need to have two referrals from a Sergeant or above and then once you've obtained said referrals you will then proceed to make a white list application which can be found Here, If accepted you will have to undergo a interview with two inspectors or above. Again, if successful you will then be promoted to Prob. Constable.


    Hope this explained things.

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  3. 1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    those gang/cartel channel would simply be replaced with "gang channel 1 open" "cartel Channel 2 open" you wouldnt be cleaning anything up. the deleting the channels would make it look nicer but considering theres about 4-5 teamspeak managers of which they cant be on all the time. its a bit hard to get a teamspeak channel organised.

    teamspeak does have a scroll bar option on the right hand side that allows you to scroll where you need to be

    Gang/Cartel channels are understandable, What about Private channels that have been in-active/abandon? 

    I mean, B33f didn't mind wiping all the houses that were in-active for a one month period along with the garages, so i don't see a difference with TeamSpeak.

  4. Welcome


    As you can tell from the title this topic is about TeamSpeak channels. The abandon ones to be more specific, At the moment there are a lot of private channels, gang channels and cartel channels that people have donated for but there is no point keeping them there if no one is going to be using them. Yes they might come back but who knows when? and they can easily come to help desk and give a link to their profile on Forums and bam, their channel is back with no hassles and minimal conflict.



    Cleans up TeamSpeak a lot considering there are a few abandon channels.

    Makes the TeamSpeak look a little more clean and professional. 

    It doesn't take a whole minute to scroll though the TeamSpeak.



    Nothing tbh...


    Thanks for reading ayee.

    P.S didn't know where to post this but YOLO 420 kush it, Right?

  5. tbh the "KOS" zone on gun missions isn't checkered red yet. People are always having banter in side chat cause they got RDM'ed while inside the Red circle that is meant to be KOS. Please fix that cause people are bitching about it in sidechat and it's anoying asf @ExcelForce

  6. To be completely honest PD now have it all over the Rebels when it comes to FED's and Banks. You'll have at least 1 Sniper at every Bank/Fed with a lynx with probably a TWS. which as rebel is a God weapon to have considering you need to craft it which takes a shit load of time and half of the crafting system is broken. Leather is yet to be fixed. Skills aren't working so it takes forever to pick items from fields. (can't even craft TWS's) 


    Cop's just buy it from an NPC and sit on a hill 2Km's out...


    Something needs to be done temporarily to even it out until the server is 100%



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  7. Welcome to where i actually talk about my life and where i came from! :o 


    I don't have work until 5PM so i thought i'd do something as useless as Shift 5, introduce myself.

    Hi, I'm Byron. I'm 17 Years of age and I've been playing in the strayagaming community for some time now, I have been on here since about February of 2015. I ended up making a forums account in April i think, i figured why not since I'm gunna be playing on the services. I originally started playing WasteLand with a few people in TS as independent. I i soon realised that WasteLand isn't for me. So Altis Life got my eye! and I've been playing it ever since. I'd say about 600-700 hours are on StrayaGaming servers alone to be honest


    Lets talk about where i came from and how i grew up.


    I originally lived in Melbourne for about 6 years of my life until my dad made the bold decision of moving all the way to Queens Land. We weren't the richest of people so we had to take a 18 hour train ride from Melbourne all the way into Sydney. then had to wait a few more hours to catch the next train to Brisbane. 


    Lets fast forward 6 years cause i can't remember shit within that time frame to be honest. I was going to a nice school in Queens Land that was within a community called Lowood. If you google it you might just be lucky enough to see some Hobo in a ally way shooting up. But that's besides the point here. At this school i met one of my best mates who i still know very well to this day. That mighty fine blokes name is Steven, We became best friends along with two other people who i still know and play ARMA with to this day. @Flex @Bluey 


    Anyway lets fast forward some more, lets say about 5 more years so basically i'll give you a recap of my recent life events cause i feel the need to TBH. 


    While i was living with my dad in Lowood my Pop past away and my father got into a really depressed state and started drinking heavily, He'd come home and start yelling and going off at people for no reason. some stages it got pretty crazy and scary. My best mate Steven who i went to High School with was moving away, very far away in-fact. He was moving to Albury which is on the border of NSW and VIC. So i made the choice of moving away from home and down to Albury where i still live today, Looking back on it i definitely made the right choice considering the situation i was in. We've moved into a nice house and i've got my life together pretty good i'd say. I have a job, I'm studying my year 12. I've spent over $2000 in my gaming setup which is a nice investment i reckon, Anyways people this has been my life story/Boring the shit outta people post.


    Thanks for reading ayee





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