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Everything posted by Kyroe

  1. Kyroe

    even though you were joking. i could turn that into a small scale mission No Prob
  2. Kyroe

    im seeing he AA being taken out quickly as a skill of pilots increasing over time. used to be a hassle alot. not they have gotten the skills to take care of the AA quickly. some with coordination form ground. but also. can't discount some people my have armour near the AO already when it changes. there fore allowing armour some activity and clearing out the AA threats. (Note this is about AA threats alone on my experience and what i've seen recently)
  3. Kyroe

    and being tired makes misreading happen.. as well as some thoughts you normally don't get. well anyhow. thats all i have to say on it for now.
  4. Kyroe

    the friendly tag is not reliable as it actually goes based on unit detection. if u see someone from afar. they will not have a green friendly tag regardless even up close it sometimes doesn't work as while you yourself can see them. your character most times will not have detected them. as inf sometimes the best course is to press T on the target your aiming at. it will then make it so your character has detected them but even at long range. it would still be near impossible to instantly tell if its friendly... besides. friendly fire while always happen intentional or not as mentioned above. when i wear csat. i accept the risk of being tk'd as its by my own choice. not everyone realises its a risk but those who do and still do it. well they like to wear it. aside form appearance the csat gear provides better protection compared to nato. which is half the reason why i wear it. the look is the other half
  5. Kyroe

    i would like to point out some csat items are already restricted. meaning tropical csat gear is the only unrestricted atm which is not the same colour as the standard desert or urban colours (tropical csat helmet is also restricted as well)
  6. Kyroe

    I'm afraid i have to agree and say no myself. while for a mil sim that will work. I&A Is casual. not everyone will want to do it and will ruin the experience for some. although there is no problems as far as i can see if you wish to act as ATC as you have been, its optional and for those interested in having someone act as ATC can be fun for those people. others may not wish for that experience and just to perform there roll and transport in and out on a timely basis as they have been without an ATC. your suggestion seems to make it sound mandatory if it was implemented as such and as before. not everyone will want to follow this in such a manner. its too much for casual people to remember call outs and proper 'etiquette' so to speak. in short. if you wish to act as ATC as i have seen a few nights ago. Then why not just keep doing it as such. there really isn't a need to add this in.
  7. Kyroe

    not bad. but i must say the light weight and low power of the hummingbirds design is somewhat less challenging to land in comparison to a larger, heavier craft to lose a tail rotor. But still nice work with the landing.
  8. Kyroe

    its conditional i believe. may only go for an hour or 2 or possibly longer. it depends on the mission type
  9. Kyroe

    A personal project i did.
  10. Kyroe

    thx guys. Can also make one for the wasteland guys aswell. but i'll need to look at wasteland more before deciding on the trilier layout
  11. Kyroe

    im sure thats what it is lol
  12. Kyroe

    i question the development implementation shown in this sneak peek
  13. Kyroe

    Sounds good. I would record some clips myself but fps doesn't really allow for me to get anything decent. But i would be willing to help in any other ways ingame if need be.
  14. Kyroe

    Can count me in
  15. why ya gotta be Dissin the Slammer? sure she aint the best tank compared to the T100 and Kuma. but its still an invaluable tank. even proves fairly useful in some POW missions i've probably completed atleast 10 using a slammer to Evac the POW as it actually has passenger capabilites where the other 2 tanks do not. best tank? no. useful? yes. each to their own i suppose?
  16. Kyroe

    ATGMS have a massive range to hit targets from. (tested with Skalpel ATGMS.) they can travel up to roughly a max of 8.6km before detonating mid air(the more you know). I do enjoy my atgms but i do not need to use them. more situational. but as so without them being active. it adds more of a challenge and perspective for CAS pilots. a decent pilot can still manage a gun run on a specified target from over 2km away. and still AA threats and air targets are no joke. specifically when an AA battery is up
  17. Kyroe

    Hey guys. so the last few weeks to a month I've been working on some Missions for the OPTRE mod. unlike most i thought i'd throw a twist into it by adding Zombies and turning it into a survival like series. the first two are already on the steam workshop. but if anyone's interested in assisting me by testing them out for the Multiplayer/COOP aspect of said Missions. let me know (you can also PM me if you prefer). here's the link to both Missions if anyone is interested in trying them out: (first mission: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=813232280 ) (second mission: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833999130) I am currently Making another 2 missions that Follow the same timeline and theme but on Altis for those who don't have the Apex expansion
  18. Kyroe

    Hey guys. been playing arma 3 for a good amount of time now and have been on the I&A server for a good amount of time. some of you might recognise me from there as one of your pilots. with that said.... I decided to join up after playing for a while, so here I am.