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Everything posted by FBI

  1. I think the new central needs to be all construction buildings
  2. Yeah.. its slighty bigger than stratis. During the day yes i do agree it will be boring (keep in might uni breaks and school breaks around the corner), however if this map is successful it will bring a much much needed player boost being one of the first Malden servers.
  3. FBI

    Because one server will be populated and one won't? Or both servers have equal players 30ish~ which makes for boring gameplay. Malden is the way to go.
  4. FBI

    The amount of times this has saved me. Now i have to take off like a normal person
  5. FBI

    Hmmm i wonder who was doing this?
  6. FBI

    What? The viper helm is horrible regardless of what colour it is. The whole point of the green hex ones is that they can be sold for $10 rather than the hex counterpart at 35k so you dont care as much when and if you die, i can see what you're saying but using the viper suit/viper helm makes you stand out alot more (granted you look cool). If you want green hex viper helmets learn the spots for them or just don't play opfor (unlikely) and kill @Ya Mum for them.
  7. In a recent wasteland patch the amount of Independents allowed in a group has been restricted to 5 from unlimited. I can see where this idea came from, large groups on blufor/opfor would switch from their respective teams to indi in order to gain more kills as their team would be stacked and they found it to be boring. This was used multiple times and gave the players leaving the teams a unfair advantage (in some situations). The idea was to reduce the stack, but it rarely worked as the skilled players leaving would result in the team falling apart. With the current limit being 5, even extremely skilled players cannot defeat opfor regardless or of their skill within vehicles or in ground combat, this is due to a variety of reasons: 1. Often the number of opfor's exceed 15 players leaving the indi group at a 1:3 player ratio and opfor at a 3:1 advantage. 2. The problem really becomes apparent when the Wasteland Veterans play in opfor. For Example opfor control the main runway, they are sitting at gunstore with 20k each, if any air vehicles come within 2km they are shot down, if someone is sniping at them with a lynx from 2km they are found and killed by Titan At's. This makes it impossible to take over the store and defeat opfor, even if you do manage to kill them all they will just drop back down to their gear making it impossible to bury bodies with 5 players. I suggest that the number be raised from 5 to 8. 8 Players would be sufficient to stand a chance against large teams and it would also result in players being left out of the 5 man teams due to there being no room for them. Most often than not these players join opfor such then increases the problem and disadvantages the indi group fighting them. Now before anyone says "why not just join blufor", i find blufor in most cases to be a disadvantage as it has many newer players and they cannot work cohesively against opfor, most often they just die and spawn on a zone a player is in and die again (and the process repeats). @Unit_3397 @Ya Mum
  8. FBI

    The fact of the matter is, for me playing on blufor or opfor is very boring. It requires little skill, for example today me and a few others joined opfor and dominated the server with little to no resistance. This is due to the fact we are pretty much the only threat to opfors existance. The majority of the time BLUFOR does not have a clue as to what is going on and opfor is 'stacked'. This is what the server looked like today. https://gyazo.com/f3f377dc0a2afdb4f78ee2494acec94e https://gyazo.com/6ee99630124535b2e9b3125004865f89 Not a very fun or enticing experience for anyone not playing OPFOR. It is silly restricting if friends can play together on any desired 'team' they wish including independant, what if someone doesn't want to play on BLUFOR or OPFOR? Why should they be restricted to excluding players due to the 5 man Indepedant limit. Im not saying the limit has to be infinite, after all it is Staff's final opinion on the matter. Im not saying StrayaGaming staff members should cater for specific groups or individuals, this is merely a suggestion which i believe will benefit the server. I really dont mind things being kept out of the map, the less 'OP' shit the better. We do not 'restrict' ourselves to independent to be for the fun if it. I personally find independent to be a much more fun experience. 5 players is far to scarce to compete with highly skilled players for the average joe. I could buy Jets and pawnees all day and pick on smaller groups, but for what? To make them rage quit declining the servers population? What for i'd rather vs a larger and more experienced team even if it is at the expense of losing sometimes. I only say BLUFOR is 'shit' because it is from my own personal experiences. The majority of the time they are lost as to what they are doing. Once again my personal opinion. OPFOR players are not 'shit' players i myself started out there and know many people from that team, shit talking is apart of video games, it happens very frequently in Global chat and most of the time it is a Joke. I'm not demanding in any way shape or form for independent group slots to be increased, it is only a suggestion, which i happen to feel strongly about. As for my "own" teams wishes, i cannot speak on behalf of them, i feel this is the best solution for the problem i see. At the end of the day this is a video game. I find it silly that people need to be 'forced' to play on BLUFOR or OPFOR if they have a group larger than 5. If a final decision is made by the Server Manager i will not argue with it. At this point in time this is merely a suggestion, how the staff choose to interpret it and resolve it as they see fit is completely up to you guys.
  9. FBI

  10. FBI

    Blind? The whole point of this thread is to combat opfor and blufor stacking. I don't want to play on those teams unless im farming money. Joining blufor or opfor with a group of over 5 people is only making the problem worse now isnt it? Blufor is legitimately useless in a team, Opfor only works when certain players are online, without them they fall apart and are useless like blufor. Hell why not just make independant for solo players only!, that seems like a great idea. Let opfor camp gunstores in massive groups and make a whole zone of the map untouchable. Why even bother playing if you have 10/15/20/25 players behind you attacking groups of 5 or less? Seems like the only people that play on these teams currently rely on excessive teamates to have their backs?
  11. FBI

    Ah Destiny the game that came out incomplete and needed various DLC's to make it enjoyable. All jokes aside i played the shit out of this game and i enjoyed it.. alot, i haven't been following the 2nd games release but if Destiny 1 was such a fun experience (except multiplayer **** that) I might consider buying it but currently the only game i enjoy is arma 3. Destiny always required you to grind and play for hours to reieve the things you wanted (thanks to rng). The casual playerbase ruined the community and the experience and i havent touched it since WOTM challenge modes. If you enjoyed destiny 1 i would suggest getting it. Another factor to consider is PC will have substantially less players then consoles so it might be harder to find raid teams etc..
  12. FBI

    Wait people use the miniguns? Thought it took 24 dars to kill a single infrantry
  13. FBI

    Kind of defeats the purpose of stealth/sniping/stealth aircraft. Now that 3d spotting is gone why should this be implemented? Its already difficult enough playing as 5man indis vs the entirety of opfor. Sniping from sub 500m, get a kill bam they know a general locatiom. Close combat kill someone with a slient gun bam general location revealed. Good feature on exile but not so good on wasteland.
  14. FBI

    I wanna join as i need money to fund some air vehicles
  15. FBI

  16. FBI

    Good ol opfor.
  17. FBI

    Can hit armed orca from 1.3km away, cant hit a blackfish from 50m away. God damn i suck sometimes
  18. FBI

    Who needs lockons
  19. FBI

    I really would not of thought they made a difference i understand the 3000mb/s write speed extra but never thought it was ultalized in games correctly(must of changed since 2015 when they where stupidly expensive). Also with partpicker you can get a 1080 for $750 and still run most games at 4k 60fps at high instead of 4k 60fps maxed like the 1080ti. There isnt any need to spend over 2k on a pc if you aren't playing 4k titles or 1440p anyway.
  20. FBI

    Just gonna leave this here https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/wM39vV
  21. FBI

    Pc that will destroy arma 3 *sees crossfire 480's and ryzen 1700* anyone with good pc knowledge reliases a 7700k and 1070/1080 would demolish that amd rig. Edit : Also why m.2 over sata.
  22. FBI

    The scroll wheel broke and the laser stopped tracking
  23. FBI

    Mine broke after a year:(
  24. FBI

    I've had a death adder in the past and it being one of the cheaper razer mice it did well but had a cheap feeling, idk if they have changed this or improved its quality but currently i have a naga and it serves me quite well for a variety of games, it has buttons on the side can be programmed too your liking (theres 12 of them). Its a good mouse for $100, i've also heard good things about corsair mice maybe try giving them a look if its strictly for fps games.