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★Smokey★ last won the day on February 5 2018

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About ★Smokey★

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    Forum Addict
  • Birthday 07/30/1989

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  1. ★Smokey★

    yer but with that $100 that you donated it help keep a server that you want to play on running with out the donation from the people in I & A the server would not be maintained
  2. ★Smokey★

    Lm it has got a roof on it you cant see it tho lol
  3. ★Smokey★

    okay i edit map make a flat land then give conner the prison if you would li8ke it in there
  4. ★Smokey★

    @LuckyB33f what do you think for my 2nd time on eden
  5. ★Smokey★

    cap that would have to be a script. which would be more work for connor.
  6. ★Smokey★

    thank you conner i was thinking maybe you could script lic plate make to lower the time people are in jail and stuff like that for good behaviour
  7. I wrote a post about three weeks ago about a change in the prison and it seam the post got good feedback so this is my design of a new altis Prison Please give feed back and what you think about this.
  8. ★Smokey★

    Thanks for Everything you have done Excel thanks for the help in the past you will be missed
  9. ★Smokey★

    Basics: - General Alias: Smokey In-Game Role Play Name: Smokey TeamSpeak Name: Smokey Age (Minimum 15): 28 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: unknown Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD? . Blacklist from the apd by wex for defamed Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? (50 Words Min) Becus i think people need a chance to grow and move past the past with trhat in mind. I have a lot i can do for the apd and i have a lot of Experience in all departments i can help train or go and help other with roleplay or see myself as a teacher If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: Somewhere in the apd where i can train officers What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: (50 Words Min) same thing that i said in the question up above i can being alot of help back to the pd with training and show other what not to do and how i can help is by teaching other the way of the apd Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: 5 hours a day 7 days a week 256 days a year
  10. ★Smokey★

    Conner if it a hole new framework then does that not mean it will take long for the scripting
  11. ★Smokey★

    Thing do need to change got shot becus a cop died and we was there
  12. ★Smokey★

    voxtrio you commented on the wrong video lol but it was fun to rec it to bad now though Thanks
  13. What do you guys think on this video