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Corporal Kerry

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Everything posted by Corporal Kerry

  1. Corporal Kerry

    Another view. http://www.securitronlinux.com/arma3/Arma3_x64 2017-07-12 12-28-29-40.jpg The tweezers looking thing is a jet towbar, that would connect to the tractor. Here is one in RL. https://www.aerospecialties.com/app/uploads/2015/03/001675_34R_Universal_Towbar_01.jpg
  2. Corporal Kerry

    These new objects in DEV build would be very nice decorations for either CAS spawn or the jets service area. Pity you cannot get in and drive the tractor. Would be good for moving stuck jets around... http://www.securitronlinux.com/arma3/Arma3_x64 2017-07-12 12-39-12-41.jpg So what do you think? These should have been in from the start TBH.
  3. Corporal Kerry

    This guy was so annoying, on top of stairs and back against window, you could not see him unless you already stuck your head up. Very devious enemy placement.
  4. Corporal Kerry

    I have this script. This will show icons on BLUFOR when you aim at them, but it might be laggy with 60 players.
  5. Corporal Kerry

    Just run this on server, gives dust storms for all players. [player, -1, 0.8, true] call BIS_fnc_sandstorm;
  6. Corporal Kerry

    http://imgur.com/a/8z2pV Check these shots out. This carrier does not have any CIWS yet, or any modules for deck crew AI, but it works. There is only the top level you can get into, you cannot get into the lower levels, as they do not exist. But there are catapults and catch cables as on any Nimitz class carrier. And it is a static object. There are also placeable turrets for missile launchers and the 25mm CIWS under NATO->turrets. The CIWS turrets are controlled with the UAV terminal. Otherwise they automatically engage enemies in range. And the CIWS is very effective. Could be a good alternative to the Cheetah for base defense. More shots. http://imgur.com/a/a4Ztq
  7. Corporal Kerry

    Just turn up to the HQ in my creation. Kek.
  8. Corporal Kerry

    This will work on Altis to remove rabbits and snakes. class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; // External class reference class Altis : CAWorld { class DefaultLighting; // External class reference class AmbientA3 { maxCost = 1; }; }; }; Working in 1.68. Updated properly working config, this will remove animals on Altis.
  9. Corporal Kerry

    And this now.
  10. Corporal Kerry

    Good for IFF.
  11. Corporal Kerry

    Driving such a large vehicle is impossible in the Arma 3 engine. But we could use it as a floating FOB.
  12. Corporal Kerry

    Have a sniz at this: http://imgur.com/a/xG2GK Jets DLC screenies from Corporal Ben Kerry USMC.
  13. Corporal Kerry

    I wonder if you can rearm at it like the CUP carrier. And lower inflatable boats from it. We better be able to get into the tower as well. You could not get inside the man bridge tower in the Arma 2 one. The USS Khe Sahn. But that one was only a Landing Helicopter Dock.
  14. I guess they could make it so you can customize it when next to ammo truck like the old Peral a10c mod. Should be able to control what ordnance is available to pilots with scripting so they do not have 9 Maverick missiles.
  15. You can script the pylon loadouts. I am not sure if you will be able to customize the loadout of the jet in-game, I think this is only an editor thing. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_Loadouts#Scripting But since we do not use ATGM missiles, we could remove them and replace them with AA or MK82 bombs. Or more GBU12 bombs. Then the CAS pilots could just have the weapons they can actually make use of.
  16. Corporal Kerry

    You cannot place explosives on boats like that unless we had ACE3 mod. Unless you use complex scripting to attachto the charges to the boats when they are places with an addaction. You can just shoot the crew out of the boat from a distance and this will take care of them. In the vanilla scuba mission, they used scripting to allow you to disable boats. Just use a MMG and take the boat crews out.
  17. Corporal Kerry

    On a Neophron, I could fit 140 HE rockets. So there is that. With 2 AA missiles as well.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9bCFJ5z1vk This is very exciting, we might get an aircraft carrier for Arma 3, just like the one on the Utes map in Arma 2. Would this be a possibility for the server? Or would it add a mod dependency? This would be a good helicopter base to complement the existing base at Lemnos airport. The new UCAV and jets are exciting, sure we are keeping the existing JTAC role and not using the full targeting pod capabilities, but they would still be useful. What do you think of this new content?
  19. Corporal Kerry

    Well, you could remove AG missiles and have bombs instead, so the CAS would have more ammo for GBU drops. Or HE missiles for anti-infantry runs.
  20. Corporal Kerry

    This happened just as we were getting into the group shot. I hope we got it, it was seconds before restart.
  21. Corporal Kerry

    Another Jets DLC feature is the ability to designate for your own bombs with the targeting pod. Will we be keeping this, or will we be staying with JTACS to designate targets? I think the current system requires much more teamwork. What do you think? Another feature is the ability to feed radar information from one thing to another, so a drone can feed radar information to a jet. That would be good, you can send a drone on ahead to an AO and then get the radar information fed back to allies to plan a bombing run. Very exciting.