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Jacob Richardson

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Everything posted by Jacob Richardson

  1. Jacob Richardson

    @geera so because mitch did his job as a mod thats why you want him gone? Don't cry to red about censorship when you and others handled yourselves like a bunch of kids with certain things that were posted. I've known Mitch for over 3 years within Straya and hes the sort of Moderator this community needs, someone that isnt a pushover and punishes those who deserve it and with the evidence that @Red presented everything that was done is justified. Please Geera have a sook off the forums and PM Red in the future please. :)
  2. Jacob Richardson

    Great points boys, should be interesting to see if there is any sort of reply :) #bringKOSback
  3. Jacob Richardson


    How long do you plan on having this server open for?
  4. Jacob Richardson

    Fair enough mate community has been rather poor for awhile now but who are you?
  5. Jacob Richardson

    @Jewbacca alright guy x
  6. Jacob Richardson

    Maybe some driving lessons will help you in the future ;)
  7. Jacob Richardson

    lost that he
  8. Jacob Richardson

    Nice to see some cop roleplay
  9. Jacob Richardson


    cya mate :)
  10. Jacob Richardson

    Standard reb vs cop bitch fest. Well with what has been said and shown today let’s just hope that Aug and Mitch don’t get commission otherwise APD getting a reset within a month. Hmmm let’s call SRT then camp on a roof sounds like a really good tactical idea. Hmmm that man shot at me with a pistol I know let me snipe him, oh shit I missed oh well it’s just Rhys hmmm let’s be smart and use non leathals with civs trying to climb a ladder nah stuff that 7.62 best RP round. Uncle Mitch mate I don’t mean to start any shit but the grunts are only follow the leaders and if that’s what they are seeing and reading i guess we all know what that “S” stands for in SRT.
  11. Jacob Richardson

    You're a good bloke Kiwi I truly hope things get better for you and your family, my door is always open if you ever want to talk about anything. I myself know people in a similar situation like yours where without others they would not be here today so i can understand where you are coming from. <3
  12. Jacob Richardson

    @Pezza Now i feel like people are mad at the fact that there is no voice for the rebels, you can say you're not bias but we know that this is just simply not true, ive heard plenty of issues dealing with rebels such as SP and mods have done nothing nitbit at the issue on hand and find some sort of enjoyment punishing them or trying to justify the actions of the police, now some of these mods are longer staff which helps on the bias views but this still doesn't change the fact that certain staff currently still hold these views. I have been apart of Straya for over a year now and ive seen a good amount of Mods and Admins that were never bias and did a tremendous jobs at keeping peace but sadly due to staff politics they have left, which is a huge shame because those shoes will never be filled. No one here knows what the future holds for Straya but im sure if we give it time things will change. What i think is best is rebels that feel who dont have a voice apply for Support Team so you can make that climb into a staff position and make a change in Alts Life. I feel for Apollo and dont think its fair with his situation with his mod but i guess thats life, end of the day this is a community surrounded by a game and i think everyone should have a voice so if we give it time im sure things will be fixed.
  13. Jacob Richardson

    Standard STR members low ego and proud of frags, nice music though :) x
  14. Jacob Richardson

    WW2 AL @LuckyB33f?
  15. Jacob Richardson

    I think we all need to play civ and pick apples :)
  16. Jacob Richardson

    I love the fact that my spud PC can run it at 60 frames, this makes me smile on the inside. Though not as much as @Sam01
  17. Jacob Richardson

    Lets just leave this be boys.
  18. Jacob Richardson

    The new update has brought the Spar 17- and Spar 16S for Senior Constables to buy and use in such a situation. I think it comes down to training over anything else, If the Higher ups trained GD with basic tactics and used they are able to use good coms i am sure many if not all Banks would end with a Police Victory. Rebels have far more to lose if they die when you compare it to the police which is how it should be, i think give it time @Vitale and things will be balanced but until then i think its best to focus on those Jr Police Officers to boost the chances of winning a bank. :Re Jacob Richardson.
  19. Jacob Richardson

    Im sure if the price of things were lowered there would be less complaints from rebels. Now what happened today was good fun and i dont think its needed to bad mouth the cops however, what they did was pretty silly in calling SRT on 3 SP members, its a sign that the higher up officers dont have faith in GD to handle a situation such as 3 armed rebels within limits. I think its best if with lay this conversation to rest mainly because its going to back and forth. all we need is balance within the prices and then we should be good.
  20. Jacob Richardson

    Hey guys. We all know the KOS open for when there are 30 civs on, one big problem with the 30 civ limit is the fact that i rarely see 30 civs. currently its 1:22 PM in SA and there are more police than civs on a Saturday. Now i dont know about you but i would expect a Saturday would be where Straya is at its peak but lately there has been no peak, now how is it fair that we have a shop that we cant use due to the 30 civ limit. if moving it is out of the question can we at least change the limit for the shop to open. Kind regards Jacob Richardson.
  21. Jacob Richardson

    Nawww thanks man <3
  22. Jacob Richardson

    @Pizda Maybe if you were nice to the police then maybe they will listen
  23. Jacob Richardson

    1. WHAT IS MY FAVOURITE WEAPON IN ARMA 3? Rook 9m 2. WHAT IS MY FAVORITE CALL OF DUTY? [COD 4, MW3, INFINITE WARFARE, BO2, BO1, MW2, BO3] Battlefield 3 (Call Of Duty World At War) 3. WHAT STATE WAS I BORN IN? [AUSTRALIA] [GUESS] South Australia, (Only state that matters) 4. WHAT WAS MY FIRST SERVER I EVER PLAYED ON ARMA 3? StrayaGaming Alts Life 5. WHO HIDES ALL MY COMMENTS ON THE FORUMNS? Whoever ive pissed off that night
  24. Jacob Richardson

    @Frank Lucas With these rounds added they add more security on the pubs themselves and their White listed officer and therefor making Alts a safer place the less cops killed for gear the better and giving Pubs better firepower is a way of dealing with this. last time i played EMS i went to over 10 cop deaths within a hour. Now rather it was just a bad day for the police or people kill way too many cops, take it anyways you like but i think its a change for the better. @Spetsnaz AKA Andrew is that correct about the Mk20?? Just unsure
  25. Jacob Richardson

    @Griffo Music to my ears