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Ravenn last won the day on February 9 2021

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22 Recognised

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1 Follower

About Ravenn

  • Rank
    Learning Beginner

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  1. Ravenn

    Name of gang initiating war:YUP Targeted Gang Base: GB1 Date preferred for gang war:19/2/21 Members partaking in the war: 5 @Fraz
  2. Ravenn

    Group Name - YUUUP Category (Rebel or GContractor) - Rebel Group's Founder (You can only have one founder) - Ravennn Group Founders Player UID (find UID here) - 76561198253808096 Groups Members - TeaBag, ThroughTheRift, TheAussieTerra, Lachlan, Aiden, Jason952, Alatz, Robocop, Wesley What can we expect to see from you on Altis - A controlled and very expriced group to help new players and teach them the ways of being a rebel Roleplay backstory for the group (Optional) - we wish to bring back the good and pure drugs back to this amazing land and make sure that people only endure such an amazing and drug fueled night
  3. Ravenn

    Chem proccessing

    you buy the liceense but it still tells you you need to pay to process without a license
  4. Ravenn

    "AoW best gang"
  5. Ravenn

  6. Ravenn

    Beware the easy path. Knowledge grows only through challenge.
  7. Ravenn

    Ever fought a witcher before? Guess not.
  8. Ravenn

    please fix this i wont to fish and cook
  9. Ravenn

    | BACON 6352-luke231
  10. Ravenn

    Ravenn channel 6352-luke231
  11. Ravenn

    Remember, efficiency is just clever laziness
  12. Ravenn

    Name:Ravenn Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted):76561198150256174 Date of Disciplinary Action: Late october early november not to sure What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Augnov Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: i was blacklisted for meta gaming peoples locations to a rebel gang during bank Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] I understand what i did was wrong at the time I thought that playing as a dirty cop was kinda the way to go but i realise that was not the right path to go down I am sorry that i let many people down during the short period that i was active as a cop for and would really like the chance to make things right again and to apoligise to all those i did wrong Any other information: Not applicable
  13. Ravenn

    Name:Ravenn Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted):76561198150256174 Date of Disciplinary Action: Late october early november not to sure What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Augnov Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: i was blacklisted for meta gaming peoples locations to a rebel gang during bank Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] I understand what i did was wrong at the time I thought that playing as a dirty cop was kinda the way to go but i realise that was not the right path to go down I am sorry that i let many people down during the short period that i was active as a cop for and would really like the chance to make things right again and to apoligise to all those i did wrong Any other information: Not applicable
  14. Ravenn

    My wallet is like an onion, opening it makes me cry.