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Everything posted by Axle_Tiaky

  1. Axle_Tiaky

    Now who are we going to have a go at in slack xD
  2. Axle_Tiaky

    Thanks for everything lad. Hope you come back soon :D
  3. Axle_Tiaky

    About 6 so far I spent 3 hours trying to get in, and got in as it finished so we would have had 7 D; @Cpl Aidoss
  4. Axle_Tiaky

    I'll be ready soon :D
  5. Axle_Tiaky

    I'm up to have a play around with u boys
  6. Axle_Tiaky

    How about we end this issue by simply stating that the objective of rebels is to "Get money and make life on altis a hard time for both the cops and any civilians that have a problem with how they are operating". The cops are supposed to "Protect the civilians to the best of their ability". You boys simply complain about the cops being overpowered, and yes thats correct they are supposed to be. If they aren't they simply don't have the ability to counter you boys. So lets make a list of advantages and disadvantages. COPS: Advantages: Lower Weapon costs. Powerful weapons at different ranks. Quite a lot of money from arrests. Numbers Advantage. Disadvantages: Weapon and Equipment Restrictions at certain ranks. Cannot earn money in their spare time (While on cop). Most cops have normally not been trained. (Most of them are quite young and probably don't know what they are doing). A large amount of Miscommunication if not in sync. REBELS: Advantages: Continous money flows as long as you work for it. Access to all weapons at all ranks. Access to multiple vehicles at all ranks. Disadvantages: High Vehicle and Equipment Costs. Rebel Training can be lost if arrested. Don't gain anything from fighting the cops or civs (Unless they drop a good weapon or vehicle). Please send me a message if you think I should add something to one side. All in all both factions have Strengths and Weaknesses so the fact that people complain about one strength on one side, just honestly doesn't make sense to me. If you want something changed go ahead and try but I suggest making a list like this then see how you fare against the other faction.
  7. Axle_Tiaky

    My Apologies guys, I forgot to turn off the autohover.
  8. Axle_Tiaky

    @Brodie Dam right you did mate.
  9. Axle_Tiaky

    Incoming, Shit ton of screenshots
  10. Axle_Tiaky

  11. Axle_Tiaky

  12. Axle_Tiaky

    Obviously not
  13. Axle_Tiaky

    Not sure if Martin has had a chat with you about this, however I do not agree. Please have a chat to me at some point
  14. Axle_Tiaky

    When Luckyb33f spawns in propaganda
  15. Axle_Tiaky

    Dear Martin, Due to the increased growth in the sector of stock and other major gun materials, the CEO's of JSPL may not be able to make it for an extreme time. However Jake Spectre Propriety Limited, will have to make some changes to their schedule. But most of us should be able to make it there. Kind Regards, Matthew Edgely - CEO of JSPL @AUSIIImac21
  16. Axle_Tiaky

  17. Axle_Tiaky

    A-134 Buzzard (Cas) is the one flown in this video. @LuckyB33f
  18. Axle_Tiaky

    Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are basically no fly zones, unless your landing. Because if you troll back in the day the mods just kicked you off. You fly over the area once with a jet and boom you get a warning over global channel. However if they are add back in maybe we should look at adding Titan AAs back in for the highest levels in the cop force - @LuckyB33f - so that the cops have something to use against the Jets
  19. Axle_Tiaky

    How much fuel, because at the moment we get about 5 minutes of flight time before we have to find a gas station or land and refuel. It should be at least 30 minutes up in the air.
  20. Axle_Tiaky

  21. Axle_Tiaky

    @LuckyB33f Did i just see Jets shop??
  22. Axle_Tiaky

  23. Axle_Tiaky

    @DJ_JoozBrorg Hey brother, talking on behalf of all of the civilian contractors, I know that we would all love to help. Jump down and have a chat, would love to do something with you involving roleplay.
  24. Axle_Tiaky

    Rest in Peace Edubble D:
  25. Axle_Tiaky
