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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    Laters Larry. So many meme memories.
  2. Leopard

    Cya later @Greg, I remember when you joined PNX. You were a bit of a bellend. Then you left. Then you came back, and you were a great member. A very valuable one. Overall, you were a sik lad memester. I'll be honest. Some of the little things you did annoyed me soooooooo much. Like saying people smeel. Argghhh that was irritating.
  3. Leopard

    Laters Smokey! Was good having you around. Best of luck. "Why do they call you Smokey?" *BOOM* *EYES FLASHED*
  4. Leopard

    @Spetsnaz AKA Andrew How does extending cool downs act as a solution to the number of cops required to do a robbery? I do agree that time needs to be extended so cops can actually patrol an RP. Rebels can put all their gear away and go rp with them. Not murder them. Increasing time between doesn't change a thing in regard to how many numbers are on. SRT only gets called when you are in city limits. Why are you there? Medics can't be forced to revive as they will be non stop getting killed by which ever side sees them reviving the opposing faction. You shouldn't, and you can't get revived and continue to engage in a fire fight. So why the need to be revived in combat to then have to leave? Have you ever been a cop with a 9mm smg sitting in a tin can getting engaged by a 9.3mm 150 round belt? Ever tried not getting one tapped by a 6.5 because you can't buy a vest? Trying to take down an Armour level 5 with a 9mm only to be wearing a armour level 1? Being a rebel isn't all about vsing cops. Not having a go at you, just debating the topic. You're entitled to the same.
  5. Leopard

    1. Add the Moderator and Administrator suit back into the admin menu. 2. Clothing store is too cramped you can't actually click any buttons. 3. Admin menu is now really cramped, none of the words fit in the boxes. (New Y menu looks great though). 4. SRT shop gone from Sydney PD? 5. No 6.5mm suppressors in any of the cop weapon attachment stores. 6. All the stores are empty at the SRT/SAD base. 6.1 All the npcs there are titled "TPD (Tanoa Police Deparment) South East district)" "APD Kavala district". (Also empty). 7. Police still have access to Blackfish VTOL and bomber drone. 8. Where did Westpac bank go? 9. Clothes are military (obvious one). 10. Air Garage is still a mess, revert it back to the old one. Possibly move it back to soccer field. 11. New bank location is good. However, can we possibly get that one either made smaller and remove most of the buildings, there are too many. 11.1 Please put the current Sydney Bank out there? That bank is original, everybody loves it, it's not to big to cause any frame lag. It's perfect. 12. The Shoot House at PD is still there. It's majorly in the way, please move it to a district like Melbourne or Brisbane where there is plenty of space for training facilities. 13. Get the grass cutting tool and do the whole map. 13.1 Add the wasteland settings box for view distance and object distance. (Please do!) @envy
  6. Leopard

    Hunter HMGs are weak anyway... 4 or 5 x 6.5 to the gun and it's disabled... Ahhahahah. Wasn't even there but gg rebellion lads.
  7. Leopard

    // HIDDEN - @Spectral @Brodie Although this is top banter. Your comments are back and forward flame wars and must be hidden.
  8. Leopard

    @Yuri @Joshua Walker @MadHackz From the beta that I played on there was one 7.62mm rifle available for purchase. That was the AKM.
  9. Leopard

    Map. Props. Structure. @LuckyB33f 1. Revert back to old Altis Map. Make slight changes, nothing major. 1.1. Keep current PD, Current Rebel 1 & 2. Keep current market. 1.2. The only thing people don't like with current Altis is the bugs and lag. The rebuild only needs to fix them. 1.3. Keep the addition of props inside buildings like Sydney Bank etc. Remove all others that aren't in current Altis. 2. Overall placement of things; i.e. Sydney Bank, jail. Exactly where it will need to change will be more obvious moving forward. 3. (When possible). Add an objects menu like wasteland, seperate from view distance. This allows players to turn it up so that the terrain at distance isn't floating. See this as a key addition that would help a lot.
  10. Leopard

    That video was amazing. Hahaha. @vizzN was rejected by Vatsim so he just pretends on Altis Life hence the "I will be your captain". Welcome to SG Altis Life btw.
  11. Leopard

    Click <<<<
  12. Leopard

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Congratulation Straya, took a little over a year for them 5,000 which I think is pretty good! Thanks to everyone for being a member of this epic community. (UP ALTIS!)
  13. Leopard

    Glad to have a new member joining the community. Welcome, Ensure you read the rules carefully as to sucha point where you understand them 100%. They are there to guide players to having a good time. Any questions, come see me or another member of staff on teamspeak or private message on the forums. Most importantly. Have fun! - Leopard Altis Life Administrator
  14. Leopard

    // HIDDEN - @Deano @nclem There are set rules for this thread, failure to follow them results in your content being removed. If a rule is agreed on (By clicking the like button), by enough people a separate discussion thread will be made then.
  15. Leopard

    A few rules for you guys to brainstorm; - Who can respond to bank and fed after it has started? - What constitutes the start of bank and fed? - Clarification on VDM rules. I.e. Armour on Armour. - Set in stone rule on having rebel gear in Sydney. - What constitutes rebel gear. - What classes as a valid RP reason to be in Sydney with rebel gear. I will post my perspective on these later.
  16. Leopard

    Eye n' Aye. Welcome to StrayaGaming mate. Glad to have you on board.
  17. Leopard

    @Akbar No mods are required for any of our servers... Rust might but I'm not sure how all that works hit up @Brodie (Rust Administrator) for more info on that. There are a few optional ones on I&A, hit up someone like @InfamousNova (I&A moderator) for some more direct info... Anyway. Welcome to StrayaGaming, please enjoy your time here, ensure you read all the rules as they are there to guide your enjoyment within the servers. Any questions hit myself, or another staff member up!
  18. Leopard

    This thread is like a tyre rolling down a hill. Just keeps going 'round in circles. Same thing everytime. Eventually it will hit a bump and start to wobble before finally landing on its side. At about the point of which it is about to hit the 'bump', I will lock this thread.
  19. Leopard

  20. Leopard

    When Angus trys to one man bank against SP. Doesn't even use the speedboat. Most costly transport vehicle ever? Was actually on cop for this one. SP certainly did destroy us. Saw some good reaction from rebels after they got shot with the Speed Boat Minigun by SP.
  21. Leopard

    Would love to see Ainc back on Altis. The Civilian Contractor Roleplay section on the Altis Life Rules fit Aincs motives perfectly. I think you guys as a whole, need to have a sit down with senior staff and clear the path of any "vines" that could cause any issues. Prior to your return. Apart from that I'm keen to see you guys around shortly!
  22. Leopard

    @Fletcher Fletcher lad will chuck in money because thats just the kinda guy he is . I would but I've only got 1 million...
  23. Leopard

    Ahahahahaha. Looks mint. Vin-z had to have his gun holstered unlike everyone else. Sheesh.
  24. Leopard

    Cya later Moygstar. Please no be public stunt. Best of luck in future mate.
  25. Leopard

    Without mods I think this would be impossible. I'm 99.999999% certain. Pretty sure it's the same as vests, atleast with vests can can re-texture just can't add textured without mod. Guns I don't think there is even a .paa or .tga file to do so. (From memory). @envy Can probably confirm.