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♥ Motivate ♥

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Mikhail    134


Lately I've been going through rough times tying in with lack of motivation and my attitude toward everything has been terrible and I took a step back and looked at everything I've succeeded during my time being on earth and realised how much I've really achieved and how much further I can go. What I'm trying to say here is to never give up, motivate yourself and find something you love to do.

Thank you to @Spectral for talking to me and helping me get away from all of the negativity I was throwing at myself.

"Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine."

Edited by Lloyd
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  • Yuri    441

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Just think about all of the things that you have done in Altis. You started the best cartel which is now thriving with new recruits and that would not have happened without you. And you even helped the Cartel grow when you left by starting rival gangs who would actually do banks for us to respond to.


    Mate you will always be regarded highly in my book and you are an integral part of this community, and anyone who says otherwise isn't a true member of this community. Yea sure we all have our rivalry's in Altis or other servers but once we jump on another game we play well together.


    I have not been here very long but I believe here at SG we are the greatest community and we do look out for each other no matter what happens 'in-game'.


    I hope you stick around mate because it wouldn't be the same without you.

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    Leopard    7


    I am glad you have cleared your head,

    I hope we can have some of this mad battles like we used to above cocaine processing.

    They were oh so much fun and always followed up with some epic banter.

    Oh I miss those days!


    Giving up or losing motivation is something we all go through at some stage, it is very much important that we just keep going.



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    Mikhail    134

    @Leopard Yes, I miss those days indefinitely! Good luck to you and your boys in Phoenix, keep your heads up and keep grinding! I'll always have unconditional love for Phoenix Cartel no matter what, even though you's guys do make me a little bit salty at times :D

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    Mikhail    134

    Pope Yuri

    I am very happy that Phoenix Cartel is thriving till this day and I will never forget our ups and downs we had, Thank you for being such a great Founder along with Leopard! Keep up your great work guys!

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