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About Vayne

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  1. Name: Victor Hawk Callsign: [Z45E] Date of Disciplinary Action: 6/12/2017 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist & Suspension Who were you Disciplined by: Never was stated, just referred to as "The Highest of Command" Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Being involved in an incident that I had little to non involvement with, the video can be found linked below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrkd75t5NoA&feature=youtu.be Why the appeal should be accepted: To begin with, I feel as though the disciplinary action that was taken against me was unnecessary, this incident took place on the 3rd of December which marked the first day of me playing as a public slot police officer and not knowing how to handle situations and not being 100% serious to the fact that I was learning the ropes and still am of the APD. At this time where the evidence was captured, Reddit and I where left to man the PD by ourselves while an event was taking place as I logged in too late and was unable to attend, (Officer seen at start was AFK while I was there). This caused PD to be a big target and which the public slot and I where overwhelmed and startled by the 4+ men that attempted to barge through the PD. During this, neither of the 4 individuals that entered the PD where attempting to take a serious manner of the situation and I believe where merely there just for the "Shits and gigs" to get a good laugh at the public slots and there attempts to detain them, that were left at PD. Yes, what reddit did was completely immature and uncalled for at the start of the evidence, there is no way for him to defend himself as it's there in the video what he was committing was completely uncalled for. You need keep in mind I was completely unaware of what was happening in the processing room and I was simply just trying to man the gates out front and stop their friends from getting in. When the other restrained individual was moved out of PD, you can clearly here me state that i'm removing the civ from his hand cuffs in an entirely different fashion then the way "Reddit" handled the situation here. During the video you can also here the civs talking in comms about how, the situations "So funny" and where laughing in game and entirely having a joke about it and you can completely see was OOC, I only believe they wanted to take action against the PD was just for some quick cash. Although moving the other restrained civ around to commit the act was completely immature and out of character due to the fact that nobody was really at PD and thought it would be funny to **** around, This is the main reason why I did so, You can see the the when it was occurring nobody was really distressed about the situation and wasn't going to take it to help desk etc. as they clearly didn't care. In my eyes these guys had no intention of role-playing and where just being blatant trolls. I immensely regret when I turned the civ around, but didn't think much of it at the time and didn't expect this to come back and bite me on the ass, even after all that occurred in the video you can still here me continue my role-play and duty of a Cop near the end. After these incidents took place on the 3rd, I continued to play up until the 6th, which consisted of a solid 3 days role-playing my duties as a police officer, I'm not sure as of what Reddit intentions where in the APD as I never saw him after my first day, But I was there to stay in PD and to further apply for my Prob. Constable position in which I did. I later passed my interview on the 6th aswell, after I received my commendations from higher ups for my outstanding behavior on duty. I feel as though I should be given a second chance at the PD as I didn't know any better on my first day and if not clear already I'm not just a simple troll in the police force trying to piss people off, and that I genuinely wish to have my position granted back to me.