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JoshieYeezy last won the day on March 24 2020

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74 Rising Star

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About JoshieYeezy

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    Learning Beginner

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  1. JoshieYeezy

    "AoW best gang"
  2. JoshieYeezy

  3. JoshieYeezy

    Ever fought a witcher before? Guess not.
  4. JoshieYeezy

    Channel Name: Yeezy Shop ID: 101898-joshieyeezy
  5. JoshieYeezy

    "Well, bust my buffers!"
  6. Basics: - Name: JoshieYeezy (Officer John) TeamSpeak Name: JoshieYeezy (Officer John) Last Held Rank: Sergeant Age: 15 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198144273408 Induction Training Completed By (Must have been completed no more than 30 days ago): Smith Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD?: I requested to leave the Altis Police Department. Why should you be reinstated into the APD?: (50 Words Min): I believe I should be reinstated into the APD because I have many hours of experience within the Altis Police Department (Over 800). I believe I know what I'm doing within this force due to my many many (too many) hours of experience. I also have many hours (about 3000) on this video game so I know how to shoot a gun. Due to these reasons, I believe I'll be a great asset to the APD. When was the last time you played consistently on Cop?: I played consistently on cop prior to when I left while I was in SRT. Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols?: Yes, I am. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I can't give an exact number but due to self isolation I will be able to spend many hours working for the Altis Police Deparment. If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): Referral One: @Sterling Referral Two: @Johny V.
  7. JoshieYeezy

    Sergeant Expression of Interest Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not entitled to the rank Sergeant and it can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your EOI, if you do it will be denied. Name: JoshieYeezy Callsign: K25W Assignment: Special Response Team Training Completed By: @Critters List all Recruit Inductions you have done: Robert Hill, Martyn, Pozzy, Hill, Demitri Chevcos, NoiceToasty (Also have completed 2 trainings and an enlistment). Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I believe I deserve a promotion because I am a valuable member of the Altis Police Department. There are multiple reasons that make me a valuable member of the APD and deserve a promotion. Firstly, I have experience within the APD. I have been in this APD for a little longer than a year and I have gained a lot of experience throughout this time. I have had the role Sergeant before and know what the role requires. This experience gives me an edge over other applicants. Some may argue although I have the experience, I don't follow protocols due to my recent divisional strike and I admit it, I broke the protocol and deserve it. It was a mistake by me but the divisional strike has benefited me as I can look and use it as a wake-up call. This strike has empowered me to make sure I display all the APD's values, protocols and uphold the police department's reputation. Secondly, I can lead. With much leadership experience from leading many online gaming groups to directing a business teams, I believe I can not just lead but lead well. And lastly, I believe I am a team player. I persevere, persist and try my best to ensure that all members of the APD (not just myself) are upholding what cabinet and command what them to be. If anyone requires help or anything at all, I will assist them. Concluding my brief discussion, I believe I deserve a promotion for the points stated above. I have the experience, great leadership ability, and overall a great team player. With the role of Sergeant, I will not let the APD down. Who would recommend you for a promotion? Anyone who likes this post.
  8. JoshieYeezy

    I could have gone on floating through space forever.
  9. JoshieYeezy

    Yeezy Shop || 101898-joshieyeezy
  10. JoshieYeezy

    Remember, efficiency is just clever laziness
  11. JoshieYeezy

    // DENIED @RaPiD Mason Unfortunately your application has been denied for the following reasons: Not up to Scratch to be an APD officer Failed Maturity Standards Test PLEASE RE-APPLY IN 2 WEEKS TIME Junior Officer - JoshieYeezy
  12. JoshieYeezy

    Epic Gamer Lineup: -JoshieYeezy -PaulB -Diz. -Skyfise -Kmart -Nuu Rushean Subs: micheal_ We epic gamers will win ez.
  13. Sergeant Expression of Interest Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not in-titled to Sergeant and can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your application, if you do it will be hidden. Name: JoshieYeezy Callsign: K25W Training Completed By: @Sparrow. List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: Ben, Wade Mccree, Noordo, Harv, Scott Bushman, Thomas, Dr Death, Ghett, RaggingSniper55, Astrix, Mullet, Tazza2012, TeacupofDoom, Kodak Black, Billy Young, Vilothang Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I believe that the role of Sergeant requires leadership, diligence, integrity, dedication, hard work and much more. I believe I have these traits and I show and use them to greatly help and benefit the APD. I have been actively taking CO for general duties and Banks whenever I can. I have also been actively completing Induction trainings to a high standard which I enjoy doing. If I got a promotion to Sergeant it will allow me to bring more to the Altis Police Department as I could add charges, drag users in TS, add roles in TS etc. In conclusion, I believe I deserve a promotion to Sergeant because I have been actively taking CO, actively completing Inductions to a high standard and because I believe I have what it takes to be a Sergeant of the APD. Who would recommend you for a promotion? @Critters, @Jot, @Fegget, @Smif, @Loxtonjoel, and everyone else who likes this post.
  14. JoshieYeezy

    You should be able to craft Striders. Kappa