What's cracking homeslices,
Just a small suggestion in regards to locking bags.
After having a couple issues with and being an overly forgetful person myself, I'm suggesting that a more permanent solution of bag locking. Perhaps in the form of a new script adding a setting in the menu (if possible) that allows players to keep their bag locked even after a leaving server and rejoining.
The primary reason for my suggestion is I have, and others, on many occasions gone into the AO been clapped from 600m away by the Jason Borne AI and left there waiting for a medic. In our time of vulnerability we have forgotten to lock our bags (and while downed you cant access inventory to do so). So, at times some sticky finger buggers raid our belongings whilst the gangrene infects our wounds and we cant do anything.
I've lost med kits, explosive charges, first aids, ammo and more.
Once again, I'm not sure if its an option but it would be a pretty good quality of life addition. Thank you for your time.