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Posts posted by Unit_3397

  1. I like it. While many aspects of the game are unfinished as it is early access, it is still enjoyable. I have yet to experience anything game-breaking. 

    You can always demo the game by purchasing the game through steam. As long as you play under 2 hours, you can refund it no questions asked. 

    Check out one of Spiffling brit's video on the game. It shows some of the current/ now patched exploits/ glitches that have been sighted about.


  2. On 8/27/2018 at 10:34 AM, Eagle said:

    To add to my prior statement, Wasteland should reward players who work together. For example a group of independent players who work together to claim the airfield should be able to buy jets which should be overpowered af. This would force players who are dedicated enough to find others in the community to play with, building online relationships. Consider it.

    I love the idea of rewarding loyal players, but I fail to see a viable solution as most things considered, veterans don't need to be more overpowered than they already are. ?


    On 8/19/2018 at 2:34 PM, BulletL said:

    Gameplay has deviated from a KOTH Style across map deathmatch to a restricted grinding simulator.


    All things considering, the servers pop is slowly rising...

    Of course, if it should fall again, then I guess another overhaul of the server may be in order.

    I agree that wasteland should be more deathmatch orientated than grinding simulator.

    If I had the devs that could dedicate 100% of their time back in my day I imagined a very different style of wasteland one focused on skill and deatchmatch over grinding.

    • No survival elements (food/ water/ fatigue~ leads deathmatch focus astray)
    • Fully coded/ balanced server events (events weren't necessarily balanced back in my day due to lack of coding) 
    • No thermals or unmanned vehicles (leads gameplay away from skill)
    • Low/ medium tier vehicles & all weapons dirt cheap while high end within reason  (perhaps nerfing of particular elements to balance those pesky high-end vehicles)
    • Spawn with 10k, earn 5k per capture, earn 10k per 20 minutes etc... (everyone rich = more balanced between new & long term players/ skill-based gameplay over grindfest)
    • 2 teams, with no faction bonuses or benefits
    •  Unique 'event' mission files/ server events such as Hardcore (first person only/ no crosshair etc) , tanks only, bolt action snipers only etc...

    essentially I envisioned a skill based style deathmatch that attempted to find a balance between newcomers and long-term players. A form of play between fun/ tactics.


    Imagine a new player to straya wasteland;

    • Scoreboard showing veterans having over 50+ kills
    • exploring money grinding vs item costs
    • realizing that veterans have quite a bit more cash than they do
    • getting killed relentlessly by the same veteran/ veteran groups
    • starting off lone wolf trying to purchase stuff in stores guarded via air/ formidable force
    • etc...

    Pretty off-putting I'd say ?

    On 8/21/2018 at 12:07 AM, SoulStealer said:

    Bring BACK MALDON enough space for everyone!

    mmmm perhaps a li'll too much space? ?

    On 8/20/2018 at 9:28 AM, nclem said:

    jets were such an issue, it encouraged TEAM WORK to take them down. You'd have people set up a net of AA's, or contribute cash for someone to go buy an AA jet. 

    People leaving when they are getting bombed are the minority. When I get killed repeatedly I keep at it until I achieve a desired outcome


    The minority has the potential to become the majority.

    Not all players have buddies that can team up together to help take down a threat, and for those that try, they are generally fronted with a formidable veteran squad utilizing both vehicles and tactics to their advantage. Yes, you can argue that's the point of the game, but as server owners they have to consider the li'll people. ?

    • Like 2

  3. On 4/5/2018 at 7:53 PM, James32 said:

    the recovery of the server is still in its early days. But i'm happy to see we're been clawing our way back up the ranks and winning back many players who left, we just need people to come on and play and we'll keep recovering and heading upwards :pogchamp:


    updates are key ;) 

  4. On 9/5/2018 at 9:59 PM, LAZYSHOT said:

    Good player but most of the drones are gone now and thermals..

    Wicked to hear therms and drones are gone, it just gave regular players an even better edge. 

    Its always the struggle i guess, finding a near as practical balance between keeping new players and keeping the loyal ones happy. 

  5. On 7/6/2018 at 12:15 AM, Invictiis said:

    Early on in Wasteland, MYGLYNN aka @Mozkelby let me ride in his pawnee while he destroyed entirety of blufor at killfarm. Didnt know anyone back then. Best admin to date. Miss the good ole days, when people just played and had fun together XD 


    yeah :3 Didn't matter if moz was representing straya staff or not, he was a wizard. Great to kick back on a Friday night with and an all-rounder awesome guy.

    • Like 2

  6. 20 hours ago, Derek ung said:


    Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but it seems like a bug to me!

    Base Building. Objects disappearing or moving after server restarts.


    Highlighted red field = objects that have disappeared from restart.

    Some locked objects are not spawning back in after restarts. Also there is an occasional issue with props not loading back in at the correct angle. If I was to guess objects are setup to be deleted after a certain amount of restarts as it looks like all old objects are dispersing first.

    When I first logged in after the restart all building objects were all over the place. Luckily most of them loaded back into position (sadly I didn't take any photos of this).

    Kind of disheartening watching your empire crumble in front of you after a restart.


    Could you provide me some more information on the base building aspect of this game?

    1. Are there building limits (other than whats stated in the rules eg. sky bases and blocking missions) ?

    2. Are props to disappearing as a functionality put in place coder or a glitch)?

    2a. If its a functionality when are objects planned to disappear?

    Any more info will be helpful, don't think i'm going to commit to building any bases until I can get some answers about this :(


    Thanks and keep up the good work!

    Post your bug issues in here bruh, or better still, track down james32 on Teamspeak or discord and let him know directly :) 

  7. 15 hours ago, LAZYSHOT said:

    Hacker mission luv it.a mission I asked for year or 2 ago hope it's similar to the one I played few years ago..basically need a tank to finish it..or I wasn't that good back then?


    Might not be the one you played if you need a tank to finish it :/ this is an old semi-completed version from agent rev's a3 wasteland that we will make some changes too.   
    Basically, you gotta sit defenseless at a laptop for x amount of minutes to get the reward. If you have to halt the process to defend yourself, the 'hack' will restart and the time needed to stand there will change. 

    14 hours ago, LAZYSHOT said:

    I think money cap should be reduced a lot...I get by with less then 100k why anyone needs 7mill ATM is just silly...gives More reason for mission fights rather than someone chilling back as they have a stack full in an atm. What do you guys think.i would say 500k limit but for the plebs 1mill wouldn't be so bad!..?


    I like your train of thought here, yes such a change would increase the pvp for mission fights, and it would help limit the spamming of costly vehicles, but I recall we reduced the max balance about a year back and our player base responded by requesting the decision get reversed shortly after.  I'll add the prospect of re-evaluating the max balance to our list of things to review. If your keen to speed up the process a bit, write up a poll in wasteland suggestions and direct wasteland players to it.  If the majority vote in favor, it will increase the chances us making the change.

    • <3 1

  8. CPU: Intel i7 4790k @ 4.00GHz *not overclocked*
    GPU: 2x GTX Black edition Titans 8gb SLI
    RAM: 4x8gb G.Skill Ripjaw
    Power Supply: 1050 *something* 
    Cooling System: pretty colorful fans that come standard with the case :3 
    Case: Thermaltake Level 10 GT
    Storage: 2x 6TB WDC, 2x3TB WDC, 1x 500mb WDC
    Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Chroma
    Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite chroma
    Monitor: 27" Asus rog swift PG27-*something*    24" Asus *... shitty office standard monitor*
    OS: Windows 10 Pro
    Headset/Speakers/Mic: Corsair VOID Pro RGB Wireless
    Extras: (This build was a money sink...)

    • Like 1

  9. Wasteland Stratis Version 3.2.0 - 3.2.6

    Please find a generalized list of various tweaks and changes made between map versions 3.2.0 to 3.2.6



    General Changes -

    • Added - New skins
    • Added - Old appeal back into general store
    • Tweak - Map changes/ alterations to stores
    • Tweak - Ghost hawk price reduced to 100 bucks (limited time)
    • Tweak -  Various price changes
    • Tweak - Other stuff 



    For some generalized information in relation to server events, please click here 



  10. Server Event List:

    Quite recently we have started to increase the frequency of server events on our wasteland server, in particular, the 'admin gone rogue' event.
    During the duration of the event, we have had many people ask questions like, "do you have increased health?" and "whats your health now?"
    So I've created this list to show you a generalized outline of how the events run and some changes 'may' 
    occur to the events at a later stage in development. 


    Current server event general pointers.


    Admin Gone Rogue:

    • Admin that runs event becomes rogue.
    • Map marker follows rogue admin ever 30 seconds
    • Gets given an insane increase in damage resistance.
    • Gets 'op loadout' gear
    • (may or may not be inside a Zeus created base guarded by other staff)


              OP gear + 100k

    Future ideas & requests  - 

    • Player that kills rogue admin gets reward money directly deposited into his/ her account.
    • UI display of rogue admins health on screen while mission active
    • Preset damage resistance + reward based on how many players are online
    • UI display of reward in transit/ when dropped
    • Prevent players from 'combat logging' with reward.


    Jet mission:

    • Spawns selected person into a jet that fly
    • On death spawns 100k at wrecks final resting place + create of op gear at altitude of death that parachutes down
    • Mission marker follows players jet constantly
    • Mission marker changes to blue (ON PLANE DEATH, not final resting place)


              OP gear crate + 100k

    Future ideas & suggestions - 

    • Kills do not count towards the players k/d ratio while event runs
    • Mission marker updates every 30 seconds
    • Preset reward based on how many players are online
    • Make marker follow wreck to final resting place



    Future server events ideas: 


    Classified documents:

    • Take case to designated area and upload documents to buyer via laptop
    • Undefined  ~
    • ~


              Undefined ~


    Bounty System:

    • Players able to assign pre-defined bounties to other players
    • On death reward gets put into killers account. 
    • 1 bounty per x time limit/ 1 bounty at any time
    • Undefined  ~
    • ~


              Bounty that was set


    EMP Event:

    • Spawns tempest device that causes EMP's to occur every x seconds/ minutes until destroyed/ deactivated
    • disables all engines on server/ massive radius around tempest truck while burst is active
    • Undefined  ~
    • ~


              EMP Deactivates


    Hacker Mission:

    • Spawns laptop that players must hack to retrieve x % from all online players bank balance
    • Undefined  ~
    • ~


              % of online players money



    'Ideas' noted in this post won't necessarily make their way into the game.
    This is just a generalized post in relation to current and 'possible' future server events.
    If you have any suggestions or request in relation to current or future server event ideas, please post them below. 

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