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Posts posted by Excel

  1. Something I think could help out alot and remove confusion is upon creating a gang aswell as selecting a name for your gang you also select a tag, when a player joins that gang the tag auto applies to them infront of the name, This could also allow gang leaders/founders to pick a colour for there tag so [SP] Excel to [SP] Excel just for a little bit more fun.



    Design of the Gang Base:

    I'm not great with map editing or have knowledge on the limitations of the server's mission file but I'll leave the guidelines to the more qualified people. The gang bases should be designed by a member of the gang unless a member of the staff team is willing to design a gang base for them. Maybe even have a default gang base to work from if a design can't be made. 


    Regarding this, Server staff could develop certain gang base designs maybe like 3-5 options for gangs to choose from. Some designs may be big bases with many features that would cost more $$$ however there could also be smaller options that cost less $$$, It all comes down to what the gang is interested in. Gang owners can then upgrade/downgrade or even change design of there base for a cost.



    Gang Shed:

    • Very high amount of storage compared to houses.
    • Allowing gangs to store gear and items to share among the whole gang.
    • The shed has to unlocked by a Gang Leader/Founder either via an updated gang menu or windows key at the shed. 
    • Can be raided by the police if they have a valid warrant on at least 3 members or the gang founder.

    I feel as If there could be issues with a communal storage so with the ranks in the gang as you mentioned you could do It so the storage is private and everyone is allocated a certain ammount. A gang leader would have more storage space than a member of the gang maybe like that?

    However when being raided by cops all items would show in the inventory.



    • Like 2

  2. 9 hours ago, [AI] STALKER said:

    The words P v E and EXILE are not meant to co - exist.

    1. The thrill of exile is : " **** yes we cleared that mission of all the AI , and roving AI vehicles without taking a dam loss.... go us "
         followed almost immediately by another team's comms " Contact 4'o clock... distance ranged ... 500 meters ... 3 targets on edge of tree line reference Red stone wall .... wait for signal "

    2. The risk of exile is : Those guys who just watched you clear the mission .... waited for you to waltz up to the crate and loot... and then dropped you and your mates because this is not a PvE minecraft server ... and other people have guns and will use them to kill you and take your loot. Completing a mission does not equal " I earned the loot ". 

    3. The Goal of exile is : Those bastards who keep killing people at missions and stealing the loot ....... have a really big base ... lets go raid those bastards and make that loot OUR loot "
    Communications as follows " Hey mate .. remember how we had those 12 level 3 safes full of all that stolen loot ..... "
    " Yea mate ........ wait .. what do you mean .. Had ? "

    4.  Vehicle spawns on map are fine .. ONLY if you are running the server on a dedicated box .... make sure that the server runs an actual clean up script .... and take into account that for every vehicle you allow to spawn on the map ... takes away the value of vehicles you need to purchase. Free stuff has no value. Earn it to keep it.

    Give players the ability to spawn in a quad bike (* Not push bike as the arma 2 asset can and does defeat TANKS in a head on collision ... and no exile server should run tanks... *)
    by sacrificing a non usable item such as toilet paper which other wise is a pointless item spawn on your loot table ... which brings me to .....

    5. Loot tables : You need to define these clearly as : Low tier (Think altis life civilian legal gear - or in other words - shit ) and medium ( Think up to 7.62 ) and keep those spawns in military areas or clearly define those areas as military spawn loot.

    Every item you ALLOW to spawn for players .... removes the VALUE of that item in MISSION LOOT.   Spawn items are not contested by 10-20 AI with static MGs and roving armed vehicles.

    So i strongly advise that anything you want the players to actually value and FIGHT over .... do not include in NORMAL MAP LOOT TABLES. Period.
    Example : If you allow a 9.3 Cyrus to spawn in a military base... im not fighting for that on a tier 4 sniper camp mission. No point.
    But make that item ONLY attainable via either BLACK MARKET non safe zone trader ... or via a high tier mission ... and Cyrus's just gained VALUE and not everyone is sniping from 1600 meters away with a suppressor and a LRPS ....

    6. BLACK MARKETS :  So .. you have limited what you are allowing on the SPAWN TABLE ... now you can add those items you still want to appear in game into (A) Black markets ... and (B) mission only loot.       My advise here is to allow anything that is MISSION ATTAINABLE but not LOOT TABLE attainable ... to be purchased HERE ONLY. 

    Including ammo and attachments.

    And BAM ..... shit has value.

    7. Missions BANDIT * Random spawning *:   Do not .. i say again .. do not run stock standard DMS.

    I wrote a guide on the EXILE FORUMS on how to create and edit your own unique custom DMS missions with unique item placement for BANDIT MISSIONS.
    There is a MISSION EXAMPLE with both OBJECT.SQF and MISSION.SQF available on the forum if you want it.

    If you have any experience with opening a .sqf file .... you should be able to work this out pretty easy.
    Failing that .... RedNEd .... Eraser1 amoungst others should be able to point you in the right direction.

    Trust me ... unique missions make servers.  Carbon copied ones do not.

    8. Missions STATIC :  Choose 2 areas on your map. 

    Make one area a HIGH VALUE air asset. Make it a locked vehicle. Give it unique loot you are NOT including anywere else. Add 2+ extra crates with some other random high value content you include in other missions ..... and you have a HIGH value area that players will fight over.

    Make a second area a HIGH VALUE land asset. Make it a locked vehicle. Give it unique loot you are NOT including anywere else. Add 2+ extra crates with some other random high value content you include in other missions..... 

    Now make the server spawn only 1 of these missions per server restart ..... and BAM ... you now have something cool for players to fight over when they get sick of base building , base raiding .. and just want a seriously good scrap.



    Well said brother, well said!

  3. Us hackers are in danger in the upcoming Unity Port!!!!!

    The game is being moved to unity and most likely all hacks will be unusable for a short period of time. I suggest you download all you clients and keep them saved somewhere and prepare for abit of down time

    If you DO NOT hack then please let us know what the game is like 


