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Game Services Manager
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Posts posted by Lotza

  1. Can we cut down on the responses saying "Yes" or "+1" and give a constructive response to this topic.
    I am interested to see what people think of this topic and how they would like to see it, with the reasons they would like it like that.
    I do agree with the responses that the CP is not being used as they may be intended or by police officers,
    I see it more being manned by rebels or small gangs to create an ambush for small groups entering and leaving Sydney.
    I would love to see it being used for RBT's, vehicle checks, etc by the police officers again.
    The reason I would say that police do not man it is the immediate threat of rebels, they are sitting outside of the city limits, meaning that there are no rule restrictions that prevent a group using the rebel gear at this location.

    • Like 3
    • Wesmart 1

  2. 2 hours ago, sirgeneralj said:

    So everyone knows about this wipe that will be happening. However, wiping players money who have worked hard to build their wealth seems to be a little unfair. My proposition is the ability to use your money and playtime on the old server to purchase limited edition items and vehicles which you can use on the new server. This would then give meaning to all the money you built up on the current builds. Monetarily they should be worth very little however they could be an indicator of status, a veteran of the old server. The same could be done with rare weapons and vehicles (like planes). Maybe offer a green P07 for some rare guns and limited edition skins for civilian/cop cars. Once again, not worth much, but make it super rare.

    There was a suggestion made to administrators about a wipe on the current build. This suggestion was discussed briefly and it was very quickly determined we were not going to be doing this, as the risks associated with such an action far outweighed the benefits of it. As @Red mentioned, there will be no carrying over of anything to the StrayaLife RPG server when it is launched, everyone will receive a new start, regardless of their position in the community.

    2 hours ago, Red said:

    With strayalife, I can 100% say for sure there will be absolutely nothing carried over. It is a new system and a new economy, everyone will be starting on the same level no exceptions.


  3. Hey mate,

    If your wanting to get a Private TS channel set up,
    You just need to join the General Assistance channel in HD and wait for someone to give you a hand.
    Any Administrator for SG can create them, so they'll get you hooked up with someone.

  4. Hey Guys,

    We have made a few updates to some of the rules. The rules themselves haven't had major changes, just some rewording and updating to be relevant to some of the changes that have happened in game. 

    2.5 Rebels that enter a city limits in rebel clothing or carry an illegal weapon may be met with undeclared lethal force from the police force.
    5.5 Civilian Contractors must declare via side chat before responding to bank and fed.
    8.2.1 Cop v Rebel declarations are called off when all members of either party reaches to their safe zone (PD or Rebel outposts). 8.2 is void in this situation. Cartels and Civilian Contractors must also return to the Rebel Outpost over their set outposts

    7.3.1 Immunity period only applies when the rag doll was caused by the opposition not team mates.
    7.3.2 Ground vs. Air Ramming is prohibited.
    7.3.3 Unarmored vehicles can not be used to ram or ram other vehicles


    TRIAL Update - https://strayagaming.com.au/topic/16220-altis-life-rule-trial-301017/
    2.9.1 - Only Small arms (Up 6.5mm rifles) are allowed.
    2.8 Rebels must not enter CITY LIMITS in Rebel Gear or Vehicles without a Resistance Roleplay Reason (Westpac or Brisbane Bank). Robbing Civilians/Cops or taking hostage is not a valid Roleplay Reason. This is inclusive of clothes, vests, helmets, balaclavas and weapons.

    • Like 1
    • wooow 1

  5. Hey Guys,

    Myself and the Altis Life Administration team have taken in feedback from the last few community meetings and general discussion with players and other staff members. With this feedback we have made a short trial for allowing rebel gear into Sydney Limits with restriction. This trial will run through the period of this week for evaluation by staff and the community. Starting 3PM restart today (October 30th) and running through to Monday the 6th of November. It will be discussed at tonight's community meeting @ 6:30PM AEDT. Any questions may be posted there.
    Please keep your eyes on the forums for any updates to this rule trial, as it may be terminated or modified during the period of the week due to how it turns out. Any changes will be posted as a reply to this topic.
    The rules are as follows:
    2.9 - TRIAL -  Rebel gear is permitted in city limits with restriction
    2.9.1 - Only Small arms (Up to 7.62mm rifles) are allowed.
    2.9.2 - Lightly armoured vehicles (No strider or Ifrit)
    2.9.3 - The only exception to this is Rebel Takeovers
    2.9.4 - You must have a valid RP reason to use it (Going in to kill cops is not a valid RP reason)
    2.9.5 - Level 4 and 5 Apparel cannot be used inside city limits.
    2.9.6 - There must be 6 or more cops online

    • Like 2
    • Triggered 1
    • Facepalm 1
    • Clap 3

  6. After having this trialed for 12 hours on the server,
    I can now definitely say without a doubt that on low end systems, it destroys our FPS.
    I would usually play somewhere between 15-20FPS stable, would have a few frame lock ups, but not too many to effect overall gameplay.
    Playing tonight my FPS would barely go above 10 when it was raining and I would be experiencing constant frame lock ups,
    Just to clarify what I mean by "frame lock ups", my frames would go to 0, the game freezes for a second or two and then catch back up, this would happen a few times over a period of 10 or so seconds and then return to normal, it may not seem like a big deal, but I can assure you that a few vehicles were lost due to this. The game runs alright for the first half hour, anything after that, the frame lockups and single digit FPS, becomes the norm for the rest of your play sessions, until you run out of memory at least.
    It was aesthetically pleasing and looked nice, added to the immersion. However it is extremely difficult to even play in these low FPS conditions, let alone admire the aesthetics or be immersed when your playing on single digit FPS with game freezes.
    So at the end of the day, I am still against the adding of rain, as are a number of other people I have heard from.
    It just simply does not work for those of us who can't afford a higher end system.

    For reference, these are the PC specs I can give you (The ones I remember and are of major significance):

    Core - Intel i5 4210u @ 2.4GHz (Runs at 2.7GHz Because overclocked supposedly)
    RAM - 8GB DDR3
    OS - Windows 10 Home 64Bit
    Graphics - Radeon R5 M330 2GB @1100MHz

    • Like 1

  7. 22 hours ago, Granteus said:

    Altis life already has lots of fps, I think there's some room for rape because I rarely dip below 100.

    I rarely get above 30FPS. I play on an average of 20FPS. I can get a lot lower.
    Rain would cause me an average FPS of 10-15.
    We don't all have beastly PC's. Some of us, unfortunately, have rather restrictive financial situations.

    • Like 1
    • Feels Bad Man 1

  8. @d0nk

    I've had a chat to the EMS command team about this issue. It's been said to them that they need to start cracking down on EMS officers who fail to listen to the other parties, whether they decide not to leave or revive anyway.

    I will allow them the chance to try and fix this issue within the confines of procedure and their punishment system. If after a period of time this does not have any results. A modification to the rules allowing the killing of EMS in this situation will be made.

    • <3 1

  9. As of the 29/9/7 we will be making another update to the AL rules.
    They will be in effect as of the 6PM AEST Scheduled Restart.
    We welcome and value any feedback the community have in regards to these changes.
    If you have any questions as to the changes in the rules, please contact either myself or any one of the Altis Life Staff

    The Following Rules Will be Added:
    1.2 - Any form of racism or derogatory comments will not be tolerated.
    5.9 - You cannot rob or hold up an EMS personnel
    5.9.1 - You cannot steal an EMS vehicle
    8.2.4 - Police may return to Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane PD during a bank only for the purpose of Escalation and will not call off their declaration in doing this.
    10.11 - You cannot take an EMS hostage
    11.4 - No more than 15 Cartel members are to be online at any time.

    The Following Rules Will be Modified:
    Section 1 renamed to General Rules
    3.2 You may not return to the same situation or area you were killed in until the situation has ended.
    - All Police Protocol Breaches should be taken up with the Police Command Team

    A reminder to all players on the Altis Life Server that the Altis Life Staff are still cracking down on Combat Logging.
    This is not only referring to logging whilst in combat or restraints, but all forms of combat logging, examples include logging immediately after death or before the respawn timer has finished, Using Alt+F4 to immediately disconnect from the game, disconnecting to avoid an RP situation, disconnecting during a combat or RP situation.
    The original post can be found here.

    • Like 1

  10. So this topic seems to have a significantly large amount of attention and seems to be a center for discussion right now.

    My two cents on the issue.
    There is no reason for us to stop players being in a gang because they are a cop.
    Why is this the case, simply by stopping players being members of both factions severely limits the replay ability and restricts content to the players.
    To address a balancing concern of this, there is always meant to be a bit of a imbalance slightly in favor of the APD, they are government funded, rebels are self-funded and gear from the blackmarket. In terms of gear, cops have the clear advantage, the rest is down to how you play it out. Playing both factions is a two-sided coin, you get information on both parties which you use against the other when your playing it, there is no one-sided way to look at it.

  11. 2 minutes ago, MAY said:

    So you dont have to declare you are doing a city takeover anymore?

    12.7.5 News Broadcast intentions to the Altis Life Public which must include (City with a reason for the Takeover)

    When this is broadcasted it will mark the beginning of the takeover.

  12. Farewell mate,
    We've had some ups and downs with SG in the time you've been here.
    Watched you move from green tick to SG Lead, soaring way above me.
    Sad to see you go, but all good things must come to an end.
    Best of luck with the future.

    • <3 1

  13. 3 minutes ago, Augnov said:

    @Lotza Just confirming does the removal of 7.3 mean that ramming is now allowed?

    The removing of rule 7.3 is accompanied with the 7.4 being taken off being a trial rule and formalized as the complete rule.

    EDIT: I have just added 7.4 into here as 7.3 to prevent any misunderstanding with the rules.

    • Like 1

  14. Hey Guys,

    Coming on the 8/9/17 there will be a number of changes coming to the Altis Life Rules.
    They will be in effect as of the 6PM restart on that day.
    We welcome and value any feedback the community have in regards to these changes.
    If you have any questions as to the changes in the rules, please contact either myself or any one of the Altis Life Staff

    The following rules have been added:

    5.8 All declarations must include the following
    5.8.1 A statement of intentions e.g. This is a robbery
    5.8.2 An action for the person being declared on e.g. Hands on your head
    5.8.3 A consequence for failing to comply e.g. You will be shot
    7.3 Armour vs. Armour ramming is allowed when you are in an active declaration with the other party. Ramming can only occur when both parties are INSIDE of the vehicle. Players standing outside the vehicle who become rag dolled will gain immunity for a short period of time, until the rag doll animation is over.
    8.4 You are not to airlift a vehicle from within the city limits.
    8.4.1 The only exception to this is vehicles you own or have keys to and can only be lifted from the air garage

    The following rules have been modified:

    2.8 Rebels must not enter CITY LIMITS in Rebel Gear or Vehicles without a Resistance Roleplay Reason (Westpac or Brisbane Bank). Robbing Civilians/Cops or taking hostage is not a valid Roleplay Reason. This is inclusive of clothes, vests, helmets, balaclavas and weapons.
    8.2.3 All above rules do not apply for when Bank is being conducted. Any players involved in the declaration that enter a 2km radius will be considered active in the declaration. Anybody seen withdrawing to a SZ, will not be permitted to return and is calling off their individual declaration.
    9.4.2 Westpac has a cooldown time of one hour.
    9.4.3 Brisbane Bank has a cooldown time of one and a half hours.
    9.6 There cannot be more than 15 gang members on at one time (under the same tags) partaking in the same activities.
    12.7.5 News Broadcast intentions to the Altis Life Public which must include (City with a reason for the Takeover)

    The following rules have been removed:

    7.3 Ramming of any kind is prohibited. Including Break Checks and Desync Rams.
    12.7.3 Successfully Rob the Bank of Westpac
    12.7.6 Dispatch message sent to the entire APD declaring the beginning of the Takeover.

    • Like 2
    • Seems Good 1
    • Clap 1

  15. Hey Guys,

    Addressing the Altis Life Community meeting we have been running on a weekly basis.
    As of next Monday 11/9/17, we will be running the community meeting on a fortnightly basis.
    The meeting will take place at 6:30PM AEST, 30 minutes after the restart and will be lead by a Server Adminstrator or next appropriate staff member
    What will we be discussing at this meeting. The community meeting will work similar to how it has in the past.
    Start with the regular formalities from which we will then go on to discuss what has happened with the suggested changes up to that point,
    From there we will move on to suggestions from each individual person, moving down the list as ordered by TeamSpeak. Each person will have a chance to speak and their idea will be discussed as a group. After discussions and suggestions have concluded, any additional notes by staff will be added and the meeting concluded.

    I'm sure you are also all wondering what is happening with the changes that have already been suggested.
    A number of these have already been approved and the changes have been made into the game files, awaiting the launch of the DLC, at which point we will also launch the updated version the Altis Life Mission File.

    • Like 2
    • Wesmart 1
    • Seems Good 1
    • kkool 1
    • wooow 2
    • reee 1

  16. 6 hours ago, Rat66 said:

    What date ?


    9 hours ago, Lucas Gluesniff said:

    Date will be this coming Friday the 18/08/2017 


    1 hour ago, krypkii said:

    What about detectives?

    I would assume that's uhh classified due to their nature of work. Undercover work can be dangerous at times. Don't wanna give away their secrets.

    • Clap 1