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About SebastianB

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    Learning Beginner

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  1. SebastianB

    Im guessing you got the prizes from decembers humble bundle lol?
  2. SebastianB

    Basics: - General Alias: Sebastian In-Game Role Play Name: Sebastian Müller TeamSpeak Name: Sebastian Age (Minimum 15): 18 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198136457426 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD? General in-activity which was a result of school exams and general boredom of the game. I've taken a rather lengthy break from the game, specifically life servers in general and I felt like re-enlisting as a cop as I thoroughly enjoyed my time here both as a civ and a cop (more-so cop). Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? (50 Words Min) I strongly believe that having once been a respected member of the APD as a Sergeant and the original POLAIR Commander who laid foundations in which the unit could grow, I could bring my range of skills and knowledge back to the PD which I have gained from undertaking similar or more prestigious roles on other communities. Having already proven myself to be a competent person capable of carrying out basic police duty and the following procedure, re-adjusting to changes would not be an issue as I would have a familiar understanding in how the APD operates. I believe all of this would make me more than fit to re-enter the APD. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: I see myself in a role where I excel whether that be a more general position such as a constable or in a position of higher responsibility such as a Sergeant or further up the chain. As cliche as it sounds, rank doesn't matter to me, I am happy where I am seen fit and happy to help where-ever I am needed. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: (50 Words Min) I can bring a wide variety of skills that will allow me to excel in such a role. I'd like to consider myself a respectable person that has a sense of humor but also the ability to act professionally. I am capable of communicating with others in a fluent manner, also using the various communication protocols such as ten codes and also using the phonetic alphabet. I also believe that I am capable of leading and directing a small team, with prior experience doing so in GD units, QRF teams and other tactical teams. I also bring a plethora of life experience (Arma 3 Life that is) which is also a bonus. Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yes, i've read the protocols previously as a former sergeant & POLAIR lead, but have taken the initiative to read over them quickly again. I will continue to update myself on them every so often if successful as well. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I feel that I can dedicate a fair amount of time to the PD, however, more as a casual player. I have a lot going on IRL right now as i've just graduated college and am moving onto a uni course. I will try to dedicate as much time as I can to the PD, notifying the proper authorities when I may not be as active. If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): Doesn't apply to me
  3. SebastianB

    mReport post Posted June 15 (edited) Reenlistment Application for Demotions or Removals due to Inactivity Please Copy the Template between the lines and title the topic appropriately. NOTE: Entry in the APD is age restricted. For more information about this click here. .................................................................................................................................................................................... Basics: - General Alias: Sebastian In-Game Role Play Name: Sebastian Müller TeamSpeak Name: Sebastian Age (Minimum 15): 18 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198136457426 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD? In-activity a bit ago Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? Honestly, I've taken a break from standard Altis to try other modded life mods and just take a break from ArmA in general. I've been away for a while so I don't really expect much. I feel I have a plethora of experience that I can bring to the APD to benefit the force greatly. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: Sticking around Senior Constable, not too interested in taking up a commanding or leadership role unless absolutely necessary. I've got the skills to do it just probably not the time or drive. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: A vast amount of experience from my ridiculously long ArmA 3 career. My tactical mindset really allows me to thrive in stressful situations, keeping cool and guiding others in the right direction. Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yea, had a brief look over, keen to go through them again to ensure my absolute understanding. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: A couple hours a day throughout the week. Nothing too special but enough to be recognised and appreciated in the role (obviously if accepted) If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): Demoted for in-activity (not applicable) ....................................................................................................................................................................................
  4. SebastianB

    Depending on circumstances like many others have highlighted, the cops will approach situations differently. If they are confident that by taking an aggressive approach to the situation that they don't put the hostage in harm's way then they will so that. Having that said smooth negotiations are always a preference regardless of the circumstances but that's my opinion only and I'm not in charge of making decisions. Also when you make bold claims like this ensure you back up your statement with evidence or else there is no credibility to your claims and they will most likely be dismissed immediately.
  5. SebastianB

    You misread what I meant. I was replying to Noordo's post about how everyone left after the restart. Wasn't implying we need another one.
  6. SebastianB

    resetting the police force is the hardest and most difficult way to cleanse out the bad cops however it is the best way to do it. It shows you who is willing to stick around and go the extra mile to return to whatever their position was before the restart.
  7. SebastianB

    Well I mean this is an RP server focused on a decent rp experience not combat, remember that. If you want to tear shit up go play wasteland for a bit, Comparing this to real life is just blowing it way out of proportion, this is still a game regardless of how you want to 'roleplay' it. The argument between cop rebel is just a ongoing loop of flame wars with no real outcome. Like many people have said, you are taking on a government funded by NATO so expect a high calibre response especially when your using armoured vehicles against cops who more often than not are running nothing more than 5.56mm unless there are a few higher ranks with access to more. What good is having an Special Reponse Team if your not going to use it? They're trained and armed to deal with armed offenders. It would only make sense to call in SRT to minimize casualties (following VLR) preventing the issue from escalating with more SP members joining in on the chaos.
  8. SebastianB

    Have you looked around to see if there are any pre-policing courses you can do? Personally I'm interested in pursuing a career in police and have applied for a pre-policing course to help me get back into shape and learn a bit more about policing. Might be different for AUS because I live in NZ but might be something worth looking in to.
  9. SebastianB

    Or they can add autonomous air defence systems ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). CIWS Phalanx and S.A.M's ex dee