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Posts posted by Gotenks

  1. 18 minutes ago, LickMyWhat?? said:

    To add to Surey's comment. I cant prove this but i suspect Civ/Medics log off change there names and then log on as cops.. its is so frustrating when we start the fed say 10 cops 6-8 off us.. 5 mins after starting there is close to 20 cops.. where do they sit idal and how do they find out ? we get taken to help desk for doing the same if a member logs on and wants to join.. (almost never) as we always try and start fed with the max numbers we have at the time... and we have never looked at the cop list and said "Sorry boys there are to many cops on lets try when there are less" its always "Is there enough cops on cos im broke and need make some money" and we set up and wait for that last cop to log on and then we start.. then as i said we start it and 10 more log on outa no where..."Please Explain"(cops)

    This need to be fixed.. ether limit the number of cops that can respond after Fed/Bank is started or say no to anyone joining after Fed/Bank is started.


    [NTR] LickMyWhat??


    I'm always on teamspeak and monitoring Sydney paramedic chat, I've never actually seen an EMS change over to cop when bank has started. The only EMS to join the channel are the tact meds. 

    I also know that most of the current EMS blokes don't play cop except maybe 3-4. 

  2. So 2nd time bank as a pub slot, never got any real action with the first.
    But im a tad proud of this moment. 
    AOTF had double robbed bank which both members ended up being killed anyway.
    Videos below :D Do not give a pubslot an mx when hes a wasteland vet ;) 

    No means for banter, was just a good moment. 

    • Like 1

  3. Coming from EMS as we don't have much to do with this whole situation as such except reviving in some cases.

    i think if rebels decide to rob bank when only pub slots on they should be allowed to grab a couple of the next higher ranking officers to help make it fair. But if there are already more than 6 cops on, they should not be able to log on and help including rebels/cartels can not log on just to help bank. It needs to be made fair in a way where gunpower and skill can vs gunpower and skill. 

    As for fed, rebels/cops shouldn't be able to log on as soon as the teller is hit, once the teller is hit regardless if cops are there or not neither side should get extra reinforcements. It's your own choice as a rebel aswell to hit that teller before extra members jump on, if you want to be at a slight disadvantage then that's your problem. But the same deal with fed is trying to make it as fair as possible and seeing who is actually better with gunpower and skill. Fed Should not be robbed of less than 8 cops but a max of 12. Keep the max the same for rebels aswell. Same with cartels as soon as you hit responding to fed or bank, your members can't log on to help unless they are already in that process or in the team speak channel with you. But if someone has been kicked or logged off just as teller is being hit or during they can find a replacement for that person so it stays as fair as possible.
    Not sure if any of this makes sense, not much experience on rebel and none on cop.

    As for 3rd party like Leopard mentioned. I dont think any rebel gangs should be declaring on cops or the robbers even through a crack in the rules.
    With the new declaring to do bank rule. As soon as that declaration is out NOONE CAN DECLARE ON THAT GANG. They are already in a declaration and a roleplay scenario. They are already in a declaration with cops and so forth. Only 1 cartel should be declaring on them with the reason responding to bank.

  4. Welcome mate! 

    I am the director of Life saving and Executive officer for the EMS on Altis life. Also apart of the great Support Team for straya gaming. Make sure to read up on the rules before you join, also come chat in help desk if you have any questions you would like to ask.


    i hope you enjoy your time :)

    • Like 1

  5. Hi guys, 

    just writing on behalf of the EMS, we are currently looking to post up more videos about EMS life and how it rolls like smokey has done with the PD. If anyone is interested in being apart of the video as a patient, feel free to contact myself or DJ Joozbrorg. We are looking for more scenarios to perform and get some entertaining Roleplay and videos out for the community! @DJ_JoozBrorg Add anything if you'd like. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, vizzN said:

    I feel that diet is just that bit more important than exercise, obviously a combination of both will make your goals happen faster though. 

    For weight loss, it is good to set a particular calorie consumption you aim to hit each day. Counting calories can be daunting, so there are many apps that do it for you. The MyFitness app allows you to type in what you ate and it will do the rest for you. You can also use this app to calculate what number of calories you should be consuming each day to loose weight. For example, you may consume 1700 calories in one day but your target is to only consume 1400 calories to lose weight. So you would also exercise and burn 300 calories to meet your target. 

    With exercise, a lot of people give up within the first 1-2 weeks because of the pain. It's the people who make it past the first couple of weeks who will succeed with their goals. 

    Yeah agreed. Tracking your calories is the worst part, unless you are taking supplements most the time or something. 
    20% work 80% diet. Thats with gaining and losing. Also being consistent is a big one and knowing how to change up your scheme of exercising promotes new stimuli for the muscles. Another thing PT's are there for. 

    "With exercise, a lot of people give up within the first 1-2 weeks because of the pain. It's the people who make it past the first couple of weeks who will succeed with their goals." This is where I come in as a PT and motivate them. We call this the Honeymoon week(s) where they enjoy it the first 2-4 weeks. Things start to hurt after that and they cant handle it. But the reason they hurt is DOMS and there body isn't used to it. I use being sore as a positive. Being sore is a sign of a Good workout, means your body is growing. For your body to grow, it must heal and repair. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Leopard said:

    <<<< This dude needs to take Goten's advice...


    I enjoy cycling and am capable at riding for a long time over long distances at a good pace. (i.e. 40km in a hour and 20-30/40 (cruise)).


    It never really seems to burn weight though....


    I will be honest, I think diet is the next step,


    Drinking like 3 litres of milk is kinda bad as I discovered after about 12 years of drinking that much....

    Holy geez. Yeah you shouldn't drink so much milk. It can impact on your chemicals in your body. You should be drinking 2-3L of water and like a glass of milk every day or 2 days. Sounds to me you need to change it up. Do like intervals instead.
    Slow ride-comfortable speed for like 1 min
    Fast ride- 1 min
     and repeat. 
    You burn weight more efficiently if you are doing intervals. like High Intensity Interval Training.
    Diet is what makes and breaks you. Like i said if you are eating junk foods/fast food its absorbed quicker and turned into fat. 
    If you are really into cycling over running, your best bet is to just google ways to lose weight on a bike. Running is a bit easier to explain. 
    But sounds to me that your at a Plateau and for you to adapt and change you must expose yourself to something different. (progressive overloading)

    Your Cardiovascular system seems to be in good tact. Your very fit if you can stick to a good pace over long distance. But losing weight you need to change it up a bit. Probably a better way to explain would be:
    Cruise speed for an amount of time or distance and then increase it by 10km/h for a time or distance, then back to cruise and repeat.

    • Like 1

  8. Ive been asked a few times about the benefits of exercising so ive decided to make a post about it instead. I think it could help anyone and everyone if you are interested.

    So coming from someone who is underweight for my age and height. 52kg at age 20 and 170cm. I get criticised alot and not taken seriously. But thing is it comes down to genetics.
    My genetics suck and Ive learnt to live with it. There are things in life you can try and change or modified and things in life that can be changed.
    Genetics and some medical diseases-Diabetes Type 1 for example. You are born with it, but you can modify your life to help that. 
    Things like Coronary Artery Disease is something in your life that can be changed. Coronary Artery Disease is plaque build up in the Coronary Arteries(transfers blood to the heart), Eventually this can cause a Heart attack if it gets to the point where your Coronary Arteries are completely blocked. Plaque is from saturated fats, high cholestrol etc from Fast foods or fatty foods. 

    All fatty/fast foods that are greasy and taste good are the ones that have the most impact on you and your body. By all means eat them if you please, but you will hit an age where it starts to take a toll on your body without you even knowing about it. 

    Benefits of Exercise
    Exercise isn't just hitting the gym or running 5kms. Its movement. Its parking further away from your work or the shops and walking. Walking at least 20 minutes a day at a decent pace can improve your ability to lose weight(if thats what your looking at doing, just an example). Without movement, your body cant function properly and your muscle wont work properly either. Sitting down most of the day results in weaker muscles and shortened muscles which can cause injuries. 

    Exercising has many Benefits.
    Increasing things like Flexibility(dont think of it like yoga or things like that) Flexibility is your muscles ability to work. Flexibility=Mobility.
    Exercising increases the ability for your heart to pump blood to muscles and organs increasing functionality of organs and your body. 
    Exercising Decreases chances of Heart attack or failure. Decreases chances of many many diseases which can have such a big effect on your overall life span. 
    Exercising increases Muscle mass and Muscle Strength and bone density=Stronger muscles and Stronger Bones.


    There are so so so many Benefits to Exercising whether its just going for a walk or hitting the gym.
    Just some main points that I could think of at 8am in the morning just woken up. If you are interested comment below if you have any questions or just give it a read and take it into account.

    Ive seen and heard incredible things from people who had given up Fast Food or started exercising no matter the age, you can always change things in your life or modify them to suit you better. 

    I hope you guys understand this and can make a change if you need. 

    By all means comment below, ask questions and so forth. But this is just a taste of what you can do with your life.
    (no intention to pick on anyone or hurt peoples feelings, if this has please let me know and i will get it removed.)


    • Like 3

  9. This is completely off topic and not relevant to computer gaming.

    But to anyone in South Australia(Adelaide) know of any milsim arenas? I'm not interested in paintball. I've looked over Google and Facebook etc and can't find anything. Curious if anyone else knows. 


    Please remove if not allowed. 

    • Like 1

  10. Requirements: 

    • Must be able to stay calm and mature in all situations.
    • Play as public officer for at least 15 Hours
    • Must have a mic and Teamspeak
    • Must have 2 referrals from Sergeants or Higher 
    • Must have all training marked off
    • Must be prepared to take a white-listing test and interview with Captains or Above

    They are the requirements. Join the Teamspeak and the Police channel in the Altis Life section. Play as a public slot for 15 hours.
