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Posts posted by Red

  1. Changing the attitude of players in an online gaming community, you are requesting something that is almost impossible. As much as I wish it was, it's not something I can force down the throats of our players, they will just leave or ignore us until they are banned. Something important to remember about the internet is that the majority of gamers believe in their own sense of anonymity and god like status, so they act however they see fit. accompanied by this is the ability to act like a complete prick or ass without a care in the world.

    Having said that, If you have suggestions on how we can change staff policies please send a message to @Nevetos and include me on the message as well.

    I can suggest a few things for you regarding the server
    - Report the player that RDM'ed you, 9/10 times they will be dealt with correctly. (According to our community policies and staff policies) Please keep in mind that our staff do not just instantly ban someone the first time they do something wrong, if they are remorseful, understand what they have done wrong and are willing to change they will be let off with a warning. Obviously if they go and do the same thing again 5 minutes later, they clearly do not care for our rules and will be punished appropriately.

    - If you have a major issue with the police force and you believe that the senior command team is not reacting, teaching or behaving appropriately, please feel free to send me a message detailing everything that occurred. Before you do that, please speak with the command team first, I am the finaly point of contact for major police issues on AL.

    • Like 5

  2. Yeah, as much as I would love to say yes, it won't turn out how you think it will.
    If you wanted to make something yourself, by all means, go for it. But it's not something we will support unless it's properly planned out and built.

    I definitely enjoyed my time playing when I used to play in a milsim unit.

  3. Hi All,

    I'm happy to say that we have moved the website off of the temporary server and onto a more permanent one, there are many advantages that I will explain shortly. If you or someone else is experiencing issues, please clear your browser cache. If problems persist contact a support team member on Teamspeak or Discord.

    Along with the new server I have done a performance audit on the website, there were a lot of improvements to be made to, reduce loading speeds, increase accessibility on different platforms and a few places to increase security. I won't go into depth as it would be quite boring, but simply put the website now loads 90+% faster and responds a lot better on different platforms like mobile.

    • Pogchamp 2
    • Clap 2

  4. @Carnifex

    In no way was Vitale banned or punished for "Nazi Imagery", his entire ban was for other reasons. Just clearing it up for you, it's not really important though.

    My post explicitly states that we will be removing racist and discriminatory content, and does not state black and white what is not acceptable. It will take time to figure out exactly how we should treat questionable content, and I don't see any reason for the content in Hell Let Loose to be censored or removed at this point in time.

    The entire ruling is subject to scrutiny and will be discussed internally among the management team over-time to smooth it out.

    • Like 1

  5. Sync data forces the commit to the database.

    Since your character only syncs every x amount of time or after a specific event, you can use the sync data button to force that update to occur.

    • Like 1
    • Seems Good 1

  6. I've said it many times, but i'll just say it once more before I stop caring.

    Bitching, yelling, screaming, swearing... at the staff gets you absolutely no where. They are less likely to agree or even consider your opinion if all they see is a child who has lost his dummy. Improve the attitude and have calm logical discussions, maybe you will get somewhere faster.

    I know the arma3 altis life community is a toxic P.O.S, but lets try act at least moderately civil in discussions at the minimum.

    • Clap 1

  7. It probably does, but we are talking nano seconds of delay while something else is being processed.
    I have Altis Life running on isolated cores to prevent both AL effecting other programs and other programs effecting AL.
    Anything regarding crashes and desync/lag is not caused by bad hardware.

    I can explain it, but it sounds like Connor is on top of it.

    The website is ridiculously large and resource intensive, and I am still getting my head around Apache and PHP optimisation on Windows. 

    • Like 6

  8. Hey all,


    I'm doing the assigning for the Straya Veteran tag, I've already done a few but realised not everyone would be watching specific threads for updates. So I have made this...

    Members can comment below requesting the tag and I will organise for it to be assigned.
    Teamspeak will add the tag automatically when checking Member Teamspeak UUID's. Please note that the tag will only be added if there is a valid UUID set on your profile! Check here to add one. https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/teamspeak/

    Members can check if they fit the pre-2016 criteria on their profile page.


    If there are any additional questions just ask them below.

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