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Matt Ronaldo

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Posts posted by Matt Ronaldo

  1. Unlucky Dingleberries, in the early stages i thought you were an absolute pigeon, after the later stages i realized you were one of the few people who actually knew what was necessary to fix the server, unfortunately you're leaving the staff team but i hope you enjoy life post straya gaming, Have a good one fusion

    • <3 1

  2. well he got the attention, server needs a lot of change to get it back to a healthy state, we're still missing a working federal reserve, a healthy cop force at this point, police can't get above 10 cops, the server at this point consists making planned gang wars with other rebel gangs because there is nothing else to do, we are just missing everything that will keep people staying around, we lack content and a cop force at this point, school holidays and we don't have 20+ cops online which is very off due to the fact school holidays are on we have 100+ players.
    Bring new content and bring back what works before all the new players get bored and move onto better servers.

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  3. 1 minute ago, James32 said:


    Do you think that means anything, it's like saying mitch doesn't have a vested interest in the apd still yet police continue to get advantages unnecessarily aka LRPS Scopes being added to only them, and removing any that rebels had

    • Haha 1

  4. 11 hours ago, Chris Shaw said:

    a complete cqc bank where it's staged in a massive building where you can only play internally would be a nice change, holding corners and all that.

    not sure how to pull this off but it would still be cool to defend/siege imo


    Send an entire copforce of chris shaws to lag around the corner, i see your point

    • Wesmart 1

  5. I think a working federal reserve would be nice, it's only been 3 weeks since it was reported it's broken, and still cooked.
    If you're not going to fix it, revert the old federal reserve, server is boring, do a westpac, hop off for an hour 30, do it again.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Matthew said:

    I Cant believe the amount of Immature people in the community some people act like they are 12 years old here its just a game and if people wanna run there own community then ppl should be allowed to with out causing problems for other community seems like Red doesn't want anyone else in Australia to have there own community.

    Yeah frank has made mistakes but so has Red and Wex and lots of other ppl but we should not all bitch and moan about it just get on with ya life play the game and be happy its only a game its not the end of the world.


    I enjoyed my time here as staff i was in role for just over a year and have decided for change and now playing on ANZUS i hope i dont get banned from straya for playing on another community. 

    This Video im posting is what frank has made up hopefully admins dont take it down he just wants to try clear his name. 

    As i said everone makes mistakes but everyone doesn't have the right to try run someone down for there mistakes they have made.



    This whole topic is just at this point a massive " he said, she said " situation which without proof, no side should be making aggressive statements as said below

    On 11/20/2018 at 6:57 PM, Red said:

    From most recent discussions with him... He has not changed one bit.
    The blatant lies are still there and he's still trying to manipulate people for personal gain. He's just as much a tool as he was when I banned him.

    As a server owner, unless you put proof, it's a serious allegation which paints a picture that your playing a game of pin the tail on the donkey instead of being diplomatic and giving evidence and letting the people form their own opinion and force feeding your person opinion down someone elses throat, a lot of people in all communities form bias/hatred to other servers without any proof or thinking the situation through rational thought process, they just listen to whatever the owner says and sit pretty.

    Going through that video and reading through all those comments i didn't see a level of disrespect from Frank to Red, Personally i feel red just doesn't like frank which is his own opinion which he can obviously have, but going directly after someone without any proof / not giving out any is just silly, Red you have a community of people that'll follow you no matter what, but doing stuff like this makes people feel like you're a maniacal tyrant on the hunt for every other server in the area, I've spoken with you and i know you're not that sort of person, but imagine a new player looking from outside the server and reading this whole post, it doesn't paint a pretty picture, this thread should be closed because nothing will come out of this witch hunt unless evidence is posted.

    I was a staff member for 3 months and personally felt like i did my job to the best of my ability, I've dealt with all levels of management but like any human, i made some stupid mistakes in regards to management, I've dealt with both James and Red in lots of different situations and both James and Red are both rational people and i feel both communities should just shake and move on and end this silly shit show of throwing shit at each other like monkeys and act like civilized people.

    Strayagaming at this point have our own issues we need to attend to, So does ANZUS Gaming, just move on and work on our own communities and let the circle jerk end.

    • Like 5
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    • Weary 1

  7. 2 hours ago, Red said:

    From most recent discussions with him... He has not changed one bit.
    The blatant lies are still there and he's still trying to manipulate people for personal gain. He's just as much a tool as he was when I banned him.

    The main reason why people have been switching over, even though people know frank can make some down right stupid decisions, the thing everyone loves about that community is that it is community based server, whenever people show rational and good ideas that don't screw the server over, it is thought about and if good enough, gets implemented, currently at this point on the server, just by looking at the population that's happened in the past 2 weeks, people don't feel comfortable being vocal about what they want, everyone just shutters because they feel if they voice their opinion, they won't get listened to and that's not how you want the community to feel, considering they are the foundation to this community, we've lost mass amounts of numbers since this update, majority of it due to the fact that this update had so many issues and things that could have been tested, but were completely overlooked and ruined quite a few experiences, majority for the new players.

    The new update should have been the complete return of Strayagaming taking over and cementing ourselves within the top 10 servers in ARMA 3, but we fumbled and now have let other servers have a foot into the community that we've spent a very long time growing and building, because of our silly decision making and continuous lack of giving information to the people to make them feel like this server will improve over time, but there will always be issues including from massive server wipes, but as things were said earlier, we could've improved the playing experience for everyone with some simple beta testing, It's easy to know the right thing to do after something has happened although these are things that need to be worked on IF you want the server to improve and get back to the mantle that we've held before.

    The main downfall for this community will always be adapting and changing things, this server has an awful knack for waiting till everything becomes so stale and boring, that when people leave, then management have to scurry together and try and figure out what's necessary to make the server better for that time being, until it rebuilds again, instead of being stale and not adapting, we should be relying on what the community feels is the right thing to do, what things need to be changed, giving information to people who can build off of it and never be complacent, complacency is the down fall of servers, IF this server can show consistency, Dedication and letting the community have a vote on what needs to be done and you'll have a server that'll be placing extremely well and you'll be sitting pretty.

    All this is hear say but if you want any chance of keeping this community alive and thriving, make the right decisions and don't be complacent, complacency kills this server every time, we've dropped to the levels of 10 players multiple times, but this drop of players is something out of the ordinary, adapt consistently or frank will take what players we have floating around with open hands, frank might make some completely retarded decisions and act in a way to manipulate the people but on the other hand, management listens to the community and makes them feel wanted, The decision for the players are 

    1. Have a server that doesn't adapt / change anything in regards to content, unless completely forced to due to lack of players.
    2. Deal with someone that can act like a shady **** but consistently changes the server up and listens to the people, and adapts all the time.

    I know this server can fill the mantle that we've had before, just do whats needed and we'll be at the top again in no time.

    • Like 2
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    • thinking3d 2

  8. 2 hours ago, Red said:

    The **** do you think the polls, discussions on TS and discord, or the suggestions threads are for then?

    Why wasn't a poll there regarding KOS, it's the most important thing out of all those polls, the rest of them are nice things to add to make the community feel like change is happening, but if you won't include that, you already know how the entirety of the community feels about your opinion about KOS rewarding bad rebels with good weapons, it was a massive spit in the face and absolutely absurd statement to be made, it just seems like you don't want the server to be on an even playing field, and if you don't want that, JUST SAY IT.

    Also, any rebels planning on doing a federal reserve, just know if you win the bank, if the cops log out, you will not be compensated.
    Red himself has said that compensation guidelines have been changed, and if they log out, you will not be compensated, glhf at feds.

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    • feelsretardedman 1

  9. 3 hours ago, Havoxa said:

    Personally i dont have an issue with cops (SRT) having higher grade weapons then rebels. Gangs and cartels have one clear enemy which is the police. However a cop could get shafted at a moments notice by anyone or any crime organization.

    Plus with a sniper, i dont think it would matter if its .338 or a .408. Your still going to get gatted.

    It does heavily, mar10 isn't a 1 hit kill majority of the time, you flinch the bullet and move off.
    m320 you take a shot, and your dropping 24.7

  10. 10 hours ago, Kmart and Coles said:

    Yeah I get what you mean, and I strongly agree that the KOS should be opened again for Rebels, there’s just ome thing I’m really sick regarding rebels\civilains (not all gangs or civilians). We hear everyday people complaining about different shit. Whether it’s corruption.... when I see someone mow down another civie, I detain them and it’s apparently corruption lol. Complaints about tasers being over powered and that other weaponry should be used. Then when we use ‘other’ weaponry, we get complaints we are over powered ( not referring to the situation you are talking about but others in the past), it just frustrates me because we get told we need to roleplay more and when we do, by doing our jobs, we get chewed out verbally by some pissed kid. I’ve played on both ends, I’ve been a rebel before full time and now been cop. I don’t see where the problems are besides SOME people being a bit salty they get caught or that they don’t get the weapons they want. Sorry if it seemed I was targeting you and your gang, I was just trying to emphasise how much complaints and bullshit we deal with for doing our job on a roleplay server lol

    It would've been simple reading through and obviously i'm not angry at police, i'm annoyed at management who have completely been incoherent regarding making the server better and even, but consistently making decisions without any idea on how the server is now, not 2 years ago when they use to play, either play the server and get a feel for the server is now or talk to people that play day in and day out and figure out how you want the server to improve.

    If the server goes the way it currently is, you'll lose rebel gangs, which in turn means SRT / Detectives become useless, as without rebel gangs, it's just civilians inside the city limits trolling and trying to kill the police without any sense of the word role play.
    We saw what happened when the rebel gangs were gone for a good month, SRT weren't logging in and neither was a lot of cops unless they got discord messages saying " Someone hit bank, log in "
    Giving us the KOS Store means that everyone can fairly spend their money, and be able to fight rebels / cops on a fair and even playing ground, it also lets cops get off restrictions that they currently have, and will make both sides very happy, all it takes is to give the go ahead, if both sides complain, remove it, but as i'm fairly sure, both sides not being restricted will be a big plus and can make the server thrive instead of slowly dieing at the pace it has been currently.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Red said:

    There are no .408 rifles on the server, dunno what you are smoking.

    We killed zarco last night and he was using a .408, he was openly using it at a hostage situation when we had 7 AOW members on along with an LRPS.
    that is the .408 in our house.
    He is additionally using a mar10 that we also have now in an additional house.
    He is using an LRPS and .408's and mar10's, which he has lost one of each in the past 2 days, it is an absolute joke that they have access to stuff like this but talk about rewarding bad rebels when we're out maneuvering bad police for those weapons, it really doesn't make sense.
    Yes, we don't have more then 1 mag for them, but it's unbelievable the perks they get for doing stupid plays and bad decision making because they are police, it is completely unfair and unrealistic.

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