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Status Updates posted by Charlie

  1. Anyone else cringe at the shoutbox sound

    1. Leopard


      I hate it, 

      But. You can disable it. ;) just open your eyes and look.

  2. Anyone else had someone leave you in life for what seems like its gonna be forever before you see them again... Shit sucks ay.

    1. Gotenks


      People will always come back and forth out of your life, it just depends on how you act towards it.
      You will meet thousands of people and only a few will stick around. Sometimes its better to let them leave but it can be hard at the sametime. Always be positive and keep that chin up mate.

  3. I'm sick again... Oh well time to refresh the forums unread page a million times again.

    1. Leopard


      Story of my life.

    2. Charlie


      @Leopard the refreshing the unread topics a million times part orrrrrrrrrrrr???

    3. Leopard
  4. So i dont see why everyone loves Pokémon Go so much like i saw my manager playing it walking around out back on Saturday like wtf. 

  5. So i woke up this morning and there was no one else home and Im like i aint making breakfast to much effort so i just rode down to maccas for breakfast. I'm a lazy shit.

    1. Tiggati


      This is me with anything food related.

    2. Zorgain


      Heyyyy atleast you "rode" down not "drove" not to lazy tbh

    3. Charlie


      @Zorgain yeah cause i have my license and driving is definetly an option :/ 

  6. Straya Gaming forums is my procrastination tool!

  7. The motto i roll on in life "If you're doing what everyone else is doing, You're doing it wrong" - Casey Neistat
