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Posts posted by Mikhail

  1. Soooooo... recently, I've been searching around for some well-edited Frag Movies for 'Arma 3: Altis Life' but can't really find any which I really enjoy, so if any of you guys know of any well-edited Frag Movies could you leave a link to them below? Please and Thank you. (and to those who I know/care I'll be making a return to Altis eventually hehe).


    Frag Movies which I have created (pretty average really):


  2. On 14/12/2017 at 7:23 PM, w0nder said:

    All officers I know use lethals when a fed bank is being robbed. Even recruits and prob. constables get lethals because the situation requires it. Speaking of the VLR, how can you argue that you would rather be shot than tazed if you care so much about that rule. Lol?

    That is the situation, there is an escalation graph the APD follows. Officers do not use lethals unless the situation requires it.

    I agree, however, the only people who would not use lethals in this situation would be recruits and last time I checked neither myself or you want someone who just joined the police force with no experience whatsoever handling a weapon that can take your life. Would be interesting to see what would happen if you got your way, I know damn well there would be another forum post with the title "RECRUITS SHOULD NOT HAVE LETHALS!" Although I respect your opinion, you know there is no other solution to this issue.

    tbh im quite an old player and havent read over the rules was just wingin just wanted to say what made sense in my eyes

    • Like 1

  3. 5 hours ago, Chow Muhammad said:

    Whether you like it or not tasers nor knockdowns will not be removed. How are you going to send people to jail process wanted crimiinals if there are no tasers do you except them to listen to you when you say stop running? haha what are you going to use to stop them, lethals? Didn't think so.

    Maybe don't completely remove them but remove them from being used in certain situations, for example: If the APD are responding to Federal Reserve only lethal should be used; if an officer goes into Federal Reserve with only a TASER isn't that some what breaking the Value Life Rule? because I know for a fact that if you were put into this situation and it meant life or death you'd not go in using a taser you'd go in with something that you can actually defend yourself with. 

    Maybe even make it that if you're in high populated city's (Melbourne, Sydney, etc) the only fire arm used is a taser for the civilians safety, unless the situation becomes out of hand.


    What I'm basically trying to say is if YOUR life is at risk by going into an area where it's more than likely you're going to be involved in a shootout with high tier rebels that you should defend yourself with a lethal instead of a little taser which puts your life in danger (to a degree). 

    • Like 1
    • Seems Good 1

  4. G'day,


    Hey ladies and gents, starting to get into the mojo of creating edits, send in some csgo clips or just anything that's sick even if it's IRL skating, etc and i'll edit it all up and make that look lit, cheers fam.

  5. Hmm.. Might just be able to throw a couple of letters around for ya @Jared, we'll see ;)



    [Lloyd, Ex-Founder & Trial Member of Phoenix Cartel]

  6. @Leopard Yes, I miss those days indefinitely! Good luck to you and your boys in Phoenix, keep your heads up and keep grinding! I'll always have unconditional love for Phoenix Cartel no matter what, even though you's guys do make me a little bit salty at times :D

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    Lately I've been going through rough times tying in with lack of motivation and my attitude toward everything has been terrible and I took a step back and looked at everything I've succeeded during my time being on earth and realised how much I've really achieved and how much further I can go. What I'm trying to say here is to never give up, motivate yourself and find something you love to do.

    Thank you to @Spectral for talking to me and helping me get away from all of the negativity I was throwing at myself.

    "Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine."

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