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About LuckyDagger

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  1. LuckyDagger

    Well if ya think about it COPS irl do have an explosives division or squad, so i don't see why cops can't blow up things if its necessary and they RP it out on how bomb squad IRL would operate and do things. (That's what i think and hopefully is happening)
  2. LuckyDagger

    Das just sad man really, i left the altis life scene for like 3 years and then is this oh boy this is gonna be FUN
  3. Heyyy guys, long time no seeeeeeee, names LuckyDagger and if some of you would remember back in the hey days of straya gaming altis life i was apart of TSF group that DJ Joozeborg used to run ahha. Good to see you guys are still around and that i've finally come back to altis life after like 3 years of not playing it ahah ?
  4. LuckyDagger

    No acutally never heard of that name of record, i used to play CSGO heavily until the hacks started infesting Competitive in csgo, currently ranked in COMP LE
  5. Hey guys names LuckyDagger, Currently Living in Australia Melbourne Victoria Age: 20 Currently studying an bachelor degreee in product design and game design at melbourne university,been gaming since the age of 6 with my first gaming experience coming from the playstation 1, i currently play the following games Rust,WarThunder,Arma 3,Arma 2,Counter Strike Global Offensive,World of Warships & Minecraft I used to play Arma 3 abit back with some of my friends i was a decent heli pilot with me 50/50 piloting skills with my joystick but overall just looking for an clan to be apart with and hell RIP SOME HALAL SNACK PACKS WHILE AT IT #LuckyDagger #AsianAustralian