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About ALI

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  1. ALI

    ALI <3 money
  2. ALI

    The power of explosive charges in 3 videos. I was up late in the first video (RIP aim) @Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]@BulletL
  3. ALI

    @Unit_3397 @James32 It is a arma 3 issue from what I have seen. Since dieing in shallow water you can loot your body if you're standing.
  4. ALI

    @Invictiis Beat that, RPG-7 and thirdperson
  5. ALI

    Please don't leave me father.
  6. ALI

    Fully sick
  7. ALI

    Don't go bby
  8. ALI

    What happens during a Ainc Security Run when they find SP. @KennyBoo @Aidanjr @[AI] STALKER
  9. ALI

    Kali linux and
  10. Hey @Spectral Just wanted to say I'm sorry about taking items that were not meant for me in the first place. I let myself get greedy when I knew I didn't earn the weapons. I fully understand why you decided to ban me from all server events but I just wanted to take minute out of your time and say I'm sorry. I've learn't to think twice about my actions before doing them and how it will affect others. Yours Sincerely, ALI
  11. ALI

    Waste of a chopper smh