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About Deluxe

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  • Birthday 11/01/1997

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  1. Deluxe

    Welcome, I am back after a year leave :), Hope to see you ingame.
  2. Deluxe

    Awesome, see you there!
  3. Deluxe

    Haha wow, I would be devastated....
  4. Deluxe

    Very beautiful brought a tear to my eye.
  5. Deluxe

  6. Deluxe

    Welcome to the community Rohan, glad that you've joined us
  7. Deluxe

    xXJarredSwagMaster2k16EliteProfessionalKillerZombie12345Xx The X's bring out the name, but I believe this is a the best name 4 you man.
  8. Deluxe

    o/ Welcome!
  9. Deluxe

    Welcome to the community, looking forward to seeing you ingame :-)!
  10. Deluxe

    I'm not really good for introductions so give me a break guys ;). I'm fairly new to this community and loving it. I'm Deluxe anyway, some people might have already seen me in-game and others might have not noticed, but I am currently into the A3 Altis life server, I'm 18 years of age and a full time worker, I try to be active as much as I can to spend time with the roleplay scenario because it's great. anyway like I said, I'm not good with introductions, but I hope to see all of you ingame to encounter a good roleplay aspect, thanks all. ~Deluxe
  11. Deluxe
