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About Parko

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    Learning Beginner

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  1. Parko

    Also apparently you shouldnt text and drive in tanks either.
  2. Parko

    Not all, but just a few WTFs from I&A @Ora209 @=S.N.A.F.U.= @Fitz @InfamousNova
  3. Loving the AUSCAM uniform texture and the Marshal skin @Fitz
  4. Parko

    That will only happen if you lock the channel and dont give out the password Just wondering if it would be worth putting up a list of common abbrvs?
  5. ^Would look good on a Kuma or Slammer
  6. Maybe a skin for the kuma and cheetah etc with "FRIENDLY" written in fluro orange or something
  7. So before someone screams #pilotmasterrace some of us supporters like to use other vehicles (refer #heavyarmourmasterrace), but don't have access to any custom skins. Wondering if we might be able to get some for tanks, APCs etc. ALSO, is there some way to mark friendly "enemy" vehicles such as the Kuma so that the idiots who just shoot on sight without checking first have less of an excuse for doing so? But yea, tank skins
  8. Parko

    Oh hey look, another poor bastard living in "Radelaide" Good luck on finding anything in this boring ass state, and if you do find something, make sure to not let the old bastards or pollies know, they'll try to get it banned! Out of curiosity, which end of SA are you in?
  9. Parko

    @InfamousNova, I suggest taking a look through some of this guy's videos. He has a lot of play through videos, and just as many Zeus mission videos. Might be good for a few ideas. Leutin09 Youtube - I like the speed boat and rhib races haha
  10. Parko

    Another point that needs to be raised is the fact that as soon as HALO'ing becomes a thing, people are going to start whining and crying about being shot out of the sky, because all the idiots will decide to drop straight over the RT or HQ marker and expect to land safely. Riflemen, Engineers, Combat Medics etc are basic roles, they aren't paratroopers. Although if we want to start playing technical, medics aren't gillie wearing marksmen either.
  11. Parko

    @Ora209 @=S.N.A.F.U.= @Artorias @Kaboose this is the little mod I was talking about. Doesnt do too much, but all the more frames the better hahaha
  12. Parko

    Should have probably done this a while ago, but better late than never. 24yo living in Adelaide, South Australia, but actually born of the Tasmanian master race. Recently decided to get back into Arma after having finished Witcher 3 (again) on Xbone. I used to play a lot of Arma 2 (epoch, overwatch, overpoch etc) and DayZ (mod and SA). My in-game and TS name are the same as my forum name, Im usually on around the evening playing I&A. My xbox gt is GSTwin if anyone wants to add me, and if console game co's actually decide to publish a decent game you might find me on there. IRL I'm a motoring enthusiast with a fetish for motorbikes, and have a bad tinkering habit, an odd and varied employment history and a sense of humour that can sometimes be labeled as sick and twisted. Im always looking to meet new people and make new mates, so if you're unlucky enough to live in the sorry state of SA chuck me a message
  13. Parko

    Would be good to see increased use of land/water transport too. Constantly see inf bitch and complain about pilots, heli's crashing or a lack of transport while the carpark sits with its full compliment of vehicles. I understand that the heavy vehicles are slow, and you either need a competent and trustworthy mate, or knowledge of how to control AI, to use the armed vehicles effectively, but by god are they great fun. Perhaps it could be worth looking into changing a few inf slots over to armour or land vehicle operator slots to encourage their use. If the server wasnt so limiting I'd maybe even suggest a boat team. A little variation is great, Ive recently taken to ditching my marksmen rifle for a tool kit, 1 or 2 AI and a Slammer