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Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

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Posts posted by Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

  1. whitelist slots on I&A is kind of stupid unless your a pilot.... can we add better customization for slots and possible add a whitelist tank slot that allows him to choose a different type of tank from the general ones.. i.e a kaj or cheeta i realise these can be achieved from side missions but aside from 1 skin there is no incentives for most I&A players to actually donate. 

    • Wait What? 1

  2. I breezed through comments so sorry if this is a double tap... when a cop restrains some one when does it become a dec then?

    cause sounds like to me if a cop does not read you why you are restrained and tells u just before you enter PD that you are under arrest then they force the onus onto the gang to dec so they may see the location of further members.... police already abuse mechanics..

    cops should have to tell you under force of rule if you are under arrest forcing the dec once restrained..


    again i assume if some one is under arrest that shoild be a declaration.

  3. From the legal Office of Spetsnaz Incorporation.

    I would at this point like to make it publicly known, that the assistant commissioner as well as Inspector Mitch was made personally aware by my self on the very same day that this case hit my desk, both failing their duties to promptly pass said information on wards to the officers involved as well the state prosecutor is not my responsibility, In fact i went so far as to send copies of all documentation to the state prosecutor personally myself, again not my requirement last time i checked...

    It is on the state to request evidence in any trial they are taking part in. Hence i will now formally request any documentation you wish to present at said appeal.
    If you wish to continue i require correspondence from your state prosecutor team in regards to new evidence that you clearly have to bring to life that would alter the out come of the verdict handed down by the honorable Attorney General, Bevan Damndarty Gluesniff.

    As stated by the (AG) Bevan Gluesniff the officers where all released and the court case it self had been finished and finalized and verdict handed out before the bank robbers tripped up the alarm system in the Westpac Bank, From recollection the Court House in Melbourne would have been allot closer then the Sydney LAC station making responding to the Bank robbery quicker then normal response times from the Sydney LAC.

    In the Matter of Zehaava vs The State,  I never asked the PD to actually pay for the legal fees, Since the verdict was against the PD and said officer accused.
    I would be treading carefully especially when attempts at defaming Spetsnaz Incorporation are at hand.





    Spetsnaz Incorporation.

    Head Officer of Legal Justice

    (02) ts.straya.lif

    @Subnoize@Nevetos @SMOKEY?

    • Like 1

  4. @Jacob Richardson for actual stats on the rifle range it will be subject to change, in other words they may nerf or buff the range of it for balace purposes.

    The benefits of low ranking cops using mk20 means they can disable ppl at range and if rebels get hold of the mk20 they will still get absolutely Meme'd by the Sydney LAC Sgt+

    Im a chief inspector and ill probly do GD with the MK20 just cause i know how much fun this is going to be...

    @TrueBlue I was thinking about changes in rules that may have to be put in as well. Like no shooting drivers with knockdown rounds as this will cause a car doing 200km/h a hour to flip a bitch, slap a tree and end up in HD

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  5. Iv read quiet afew of the comments in this threa and agree and disagree with allot of what is being said.

    My observations of how GD deals with situations is sadly a bad view, @mylox you are right cops run in to much and get wiped the main reason is they need to close the gap so there weapons are actually effective. A tazer rifle is effective from 35-50m. The mk20 with knock downs means they have the capabilty of 200m knockdown and from 200m onwards is lethal meaning 4 cops dont have to push and force there partner to push to help keep them alive.. currently we have 4 recruits on at a time they are accompanied by 4 white list cops so 8 ppl now dont have to push and rush..


    You wanna take pitty on us.

    I take pitty on you...


    Mk20 is actualy OP

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  6. Red before i rage quit a few months ago i had about 30mil and couldn't buy a thing but starter gear.
    I have come back and started playing medic and started robbing people and fed ect and have mad enough money that i should be able to buy these weapons that you some how seem to think people are making and selling.


    do you understand this?

    NO ONE!


    cause rebels hear that some one is making guns to sell and find out where they live and raid them every day for a week straight.

    DJ payed 23mil for the first M320 on the server he got raided a week later. dont think he got to even use it.

    if you made it so people can store in 1 vehicle it would have a limited amount meaning once items where made they would then have to do a balancing act to keep the important things in there car.
    This would also kick start people making guns again.

    I beleive father Yuri was planing on making a gang that was all about making guns yet that shut down fast.
    there are massive ranks from every gang on the server about this @Red yet you all seem to ignore this....

    Police have a storage locker that cant be raided.. 

    Cops have Code Black and can kick my door in with out a warrant. AND I LOOSE EVERYTHING even building materials that aren't illegal. I loose guns that i have brought for millions i loose all progress and then this makes me not want to craft ever again.

    This is the story of every rebel who has tried to make guns..

    Red i put the challenge to find some one who is making guns cause i ask almost daily for gun sellers and all i get is Mk200's from airdrop.....

    • Like 4

  7. Smokey i understand exactly what recourse the cops have in real life as iv worked along side them on many occasions like G20 and search tasks.
    You currently have fire power upper hand, Vehicle upper hand *drones and hunters/HMG*, and numbers upper hand. and that's before you call for SRT support for Fed and other cops joining ect.

    So dont sit there like your having a rough time as a cop.. the fact of the matter is what im proposing isn't a bad compromise. Cops just dont want to RP or have a challenge your self. Defending the Fed is meant to be a easy, its meant to challenge both groups, but so far your tactics involve glitching over the walls and sniping.. gee you are really pulling through with your tactics there mate. nice formations, nice distractions, nice flash entry's, nice Irene tactics oh wait u do nune of that u just snipe snipe snipe and disable with a HMG wowowowow award for most realist game play goes to the Cops.

    LuckySOB i always hear this remark from Cops and help desk, but yet i never hear of any actual CURRENT rebel gangs WHO ARE ACTIVELY REBEL, being approached to help find a balance. if you would so kindly show some proof to that id be glade to take that remark on board.

    My time in TSF i was never approached nor was K9, and we where leaders. My time in NiG i was never approached nor was KiKun, Again leader... even back when i was in NTR and asking to help with rebel rules i was ignored as well. Now while im in SP I have not herd of you asking any of the leader i.e Bolaby for his input on current rules.

    NOW that seems weird, as NIG and SP are currently the most active when it comes to robbing Fed, Nerri and Westpack.

    I'm sure if i asked Fox or AOBE i will find the same answer.

    I dont recall there being a forum post about proposals to change SRT and cop escalation but yet that seems to of gone ahead as well. also iv noticed its now harder to pick lock Cop based items like Hunters and SUV's funny again i dont recall a post about this.
    (now i was away and may of missed them if you can link them ill retract these snide comments, however i still cant find these posts.)

    Magic at no stage am i saying nerf your wep's or what u can use to attacked the players in the Fed, im merely looking for a out come that means i dont have to sit there watching 1 corner for 2 hour's while cops wait to get another wave to assault the Fed....  *using* information passed onto them by dead cops....

    again ill give a example.. i sprayed down 3 cops. about 10 mins later a hunter rolls up, at no stage could i be seen from externals and no drone present in the sky. some how the cops rolling up new where to throw flash grenades.

    Again you have brought up something i have not said. 
    "Police cannot choose when to defend Fed whereas Rebels can metagame to choose when to rob it (So a cop logging on just helps to reduce that advantage)"
    yes i have not disagreed with this at any stage and its a common practice for gang's to scope out who the competition is, Cops do the same thing by metagaming how many members of a gang are online to. I know they do cause i started on this server as a cop.
    The time would let them get more cops to help respond.. but a cop responding to a situation that started 1 and a half hours ago is a bit ****ed and only drags it on longer then it need to be.

    "Altis life is not meant to be a replica of real life; has anybody else come across big heavily armed gangs in the Outback running heroin and robbing everybody that they see?"
    In your first post you wanted nothing but realism, now it seems you dont. I think you know what you want..
    And yes i have. Hell Angels in Darwin and Bundaberg.
    Rebels far New South Whales coast.
    Commoncharos *i couldn't be stuffed to check the spelling for this* Sydney and Gold Coast. 

    "Why not try implement this tactic on your guys expensive gear, worked for us."
    To stage a attack just to Rob cops is a bit of a shit way to get weapons, and will only lead to my house being raided the next day.

    "On the whole turning down roleplay because it never works kinda thing, you have to realise certain things like cops doing risk assessments on the situation can sometimes mislead them and end up with the hostage dead. Cops cannot just cower away in their holes and hand over whatever is demanded otherwise it would be boring and too easy for you guys. And if you ever see people not caring about a hostages life all the time then hit up vizzn and I'm pretty sure he would he happy to sort them out."
    again, you talk about things like i have not done this already. Iv spoken to Vizzn about cops breaking RP or making things up that cant exsist in the game mechanics I.e Finger print recognition to start a car. 
    When it comes to RP i am more then willing to RP it would with cops but cop RP is the same thing every time. get the hostage titan there helicopters or shoot them in the face. No Check points to catch them later no sweet trades and both walk away its shoot em up, there is never a situation where a rebel group has handed a hostage over and shots haven't rung out moments later.. 
    As for the hostage being killed... I spoke to Vizzn once about a Negotiator *Smokey* not valuing a hostages life cause he didn't want to meet my simple demand. I was told its not there life so the value of life rule doesn't apply, and due to some american law that they like to hide behind they dont need to value the life of the hostage..
    In other words cops have 0 accountability for a hostage RP situation being messed up, witch leads to you guess it Bang Bang Bang...

    Now to try to nit pick and say that cause i have a complaint it means i cant shoot or i lack strategy is ignorant considering a 4 man NiG team used to wipe cops regularly.
    To say SP lacks coordination to pull such a feat as Fed is also dumb as they are one of the largest and most active gang on the server that has been around probably the longest now and have done more Feds then you've had cooked dinners.

    some one noted that its just Cops and SP posting on this, that is cause no other gang trys Fed im sure if AOBE or FOX tried they would be here saying the same thing.
    Currently the only active gangs that have had serious attempts is SP and NiG.

    Ill try to get this back on point some how after my sweet rant.

    The time for responding is fair for both teams. it can be managed quiet easily with a simple msg to PD stating respond time up. meaning both sides now know that no one else is to respond to the situation and its now down to tactics now who can get the most people to log into the game.

    Enjoy =)

    Regards No.2 (still a dank meme)

  8. Mitch yes i dont fully disagree with this rule, but due to other things that i dont agree with i.e the crafting system its to hard to make items to end the Fed and push out with... ever taken on a hunter HMG with a 6.5 or 7.62 
    I tried to make my self a Navid to go to fed and bank with, ended up getting raided like 3 times in the span of a week by rebels and cops and that was when i was number of the cartel TSF.

    Cops being able to respond wouldn't be a issue if rebels had items they didn't cry over if they died with.

    The crafting system is more the blame then the responding rule to be honest.

    The timer can be 10-15-20 mins for the respected banks/fed this is just a proposal for a change im all ears if some one has a better suggestion but to say there is no problem with the current rule, when all the rebels who do bank and fed are crying foul is Ignorant...

    Every single person who has said no to my suggestion plays cop... funny that..


  9. Dear Mitch while im sure your cadet unit had fed you with all your knowledge on these subjects.
    I can assure you no Tag East or West will ever respond inside australia as its a national wide law that military cannot operate inside australia unless wartime has been.. The only time they can is assistance as a adversary to a situation, there are special branches of the police that deal with this. Ill refer you to as why Tag East didn't respond to Lindt Cafe in Sydney, If your going to try to bring up REAL WORLD probably dont try to talk shit about branches of the military to some one WHO ACTUALLY WORKS FOR THE ARMY....

    As for clearance divers they are fit dudes who sit on a navel boat who dont do much but drive Ribs around and check the hull of a boat from time to time when in another nations port. (again i know this cause iv worked with Clarence Divers)

    As for your 3rd point, i have worked with many task groups before conducting search warrants / raids on suspects and know that they roll out as one unit not in drips and drabs to a location as that way they can set up there forward observation point and move out from there.
    Normally when a call out happens they would ring there quick response team who normally are on a 72h notice to move. from there they would gear up and have a 0 hour, at this point they would step off. meaning if u miss 0 hour you are left behind.
    *again not drips and drabs*

    On your 4th point, I dont think you have tried negotiations with PD before it always ends in the same thing a Titan AA shooting u down or a pub cop shooting at you or a cop breaking some RP rule leading again to a shoot out. The only time negotiations work is if you have a trick to get out of it and even then half your gang pays the price for this, meaning you dont make a thing.
    Ill use a example a day ago i had a hostage at the westpac a cop got dropped on the roof and came down while we where talking for a peaceful end to the situation he opened up and died, witch ment the negotiator and the civ hostage died.

    Mitch i thank you for your input but i think iv done enough Nerri and westpack and fed to know when my points are actually valid.

    I would suggest looking at this from a objective stand point.. i feel that a time limit cut off would bring realism to this and for a cop if you need to log out all u do is rush spray and pray die and log for me im stuck in a drawn out combat for hours. 

    Just to expand on why the time limit would bring realism, this way you have 10-15 cops being FIRST RESPONDERS to a situation they get in position and get eyes on. from there your TACTICAL RESPONSE i.e the 2nd wave of people who have now logged in can come over and support where cops think is needed and then from there a major operation can take place. rather then drips and drabs attacking logging out and going on about there day.

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  10. I hear what your saying Magix, However.. 
    we took out a cop with a Lynx today and PD SWARMED! to make sure we could not take that weapon. this would be the same thing if you actually had a Navid sure i might take out a hunters engine and tires hell i might get the hail marry hunter crew down.. that HMG will turn on that person and ruin any thing about life they enjoyed. 

    On top of that if we pulled off Fed cause we made OP weps as well cops would be raiding our houses within a day for any reason they could.

  11. Its not that hard to shift tab to note the time of bank/fed, When i said rough time i meant by like 30 seconds not 5 mins if it takes some one 5 mins to note the time of when the bank or fed goes off they shouldn't be in a command role.

    What i propose isn't hard.

    There is the issue of how these players are actually making it to fed when all Pol Air is dead.

    cops are getting helicopters  given to them to fly over to respond or dead cops are flying them to melb then spawning them hunters to respond.

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    8 minutes ago, Jay said:

    I disagree...having a cut off point etc will be to much of a hassle for the cops and rebels. I think it's fine the way it is.


    Jay you have Commissioners and Command who's sole job is to organised response to situations. I Fail to see how a rough time of 10 mins after is something they cannot do.

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  13. So I'm starting this thread to start a discussion about a proposal to change the rule where cops and rebels can log in and respond to a Fed/Bank

    Now before you go into flame mode this is a discussion, if you dont have a point to add that is constructive please keep it to your self.

    Over the last week iv done 2 Fed's and 4 Bank attempts all of these have blown out to over a hour+

    with fed blowing out massively.. 2 and half hours witch is a bit of a joke. 

    The current reason these events are blowing out is cause PD sits way out side the effective range of weapon systems. i.e a Hunter HMG 5km away from the Fed.
    This draws out the event cause rather then admit defeat, they wait you out till they have enough cops to have a 2nd or 3rd or 4th attempt at taking you out, and if it looks pear shape at any stage the hunter pulls back till more log in again.

    with Bank its a sniper on a hill 1+km away with a lynx.

    Now currently there is a massive sway in fire power on the side of PD witch means having externals is a faster way to loose, so your stuck waiting for cops to rush you with a cat and mouse peekaboo show that lasts hours.

    Yes we can craft items to have the same fire power but by the time u make your first wep you dont want to use it for fear or having to remake it again.

    the current rule with a tweek, set a timer on it.. allow cops and rebels to respond but give this a cut off. so after 10 mins of the till or vault being kicked in and slapped with a fish 
    Cops and Rebels can no longer join the event.

    currently its hard to keep track of how many cops you have killed and how many are active in the area. also have had issues where we have killed cops multiple times during the one event cause they have come back. Having cops leaving the area to make sure more can come is kinda bullshit.

    I understand why this was changed in the first place. As large gangs would wait till 10 low ranked cops where on and hit a fed. but this currently isn't working.

    I look for to hearing every ones points on this, and again keep it above board and to the point please 

    Regards Spet



    This is a pretty big topic and many people will have clashing opinions (rebels vs. police). Let's keep it civil fellas, no flaming or any unnecessary language thank you.

    This topic will be constantly moderated. You have been warned.

    ~ Aidan

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  14. I agree with your comments lep as i started on this server playing as a cop and instanly called out all the bull shit in being a cop.

    In my comments i did point out that out side if SRT rebels have the upper hand. I do beleive the armor raiting of police should be increased. And pub cops should have armor 1 vest.

    As for the 9mm sting that weapon is amazing. The mxm is also amazing the sdr renders my everything useless withing 100m.

    As for my medic comments im not saying you can force them to enter a zone where they can be killed but currently the distance is at 300m from a combat zone. That is market to bank to give you a idea of distance. As for being revived they would have to complete the RP to be abke to rejoin failing that its NLR

