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Posts posted by d0nk

  1. 7 minutes ago, Zorgain said:

    Considering it tells you to stay in doors yes. If the protest was a little after SRT got called so the cops could get re geared and partnered then you wouldnt of got shot for "no reason" and this topic wouldnt be a thing.

    Did you read what I said? SRT was called when we called the protest.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Zorgain said:

    You really think a "march" is the best thing to do whilst a special response team had been called.

    Considering SRT was called as soon as we declared the civilian protest on Channel 7, you expect us just to abandon it because cops press their frag button? That goes against what the whole protest was about.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Wex said:

    Escalation Graph is being worked on and it isn't the problem. Ghosthawks and HMGS are rarely pulled at a bank or fed. That's your call if you don't want to pull out more vehicles out of fear. 

    Everytime (Personally) we've tried to do a bank with more then 3 striders we have had a ghosthawk or HMG pulled on us, sometimes even prowler armed if people online can't get the latter. I'm not saying it is the main problem, I'm suggesting it be fixed cause it is a part of the reason that people don't want to do banks or feds. It's not the vehicles you pull out necessarily it's more the fact that externals are a major factor in banks/feds and with only 2 it doesn't help our cause the only thing it helps is the cops therefor making them even more powerful.

  4.  Another thing I believe deters Civs away from Rebel is the prices. 750k for a Strider, 1.1Mil for a Navid, 1M for a processing license, whereas I compare these to cop it's 250k for a Navid, and 300k for a strider. I played rebel for about 2 hours last night and lost over 1m (Strider + Loadout) whereas I've played cop actively for the past 2 weeks and I've yet to a see a negative financially. As Wex said civ vs civ combat does need to improve and people have tried to focus on civ/civ but when the civs run away everytime they get decced on it's only reasonable to see why we want to fight cops. But we get to the bank or dec on cops and next thing you know we've got 25 cops rushing us in hunters. Banks are just civ's with pistols tapping and running it now because no rebel wants to hit a bank or fed. 

    8 hours ago, Wex said:

    Last time the server tried to find a fix, cops were extremely under powered and rebels were winning banks/feds 90% of the times even when outnumbered with them losing barely any players. It was unfair to the point where cops were forced to not respond to banks because it would go against the value your life rule.

    This sums it up, but replace the word cops with rebels. Although we have access to the same caliber it is rarely used by us for pricing reasons. Cops win 90% of banks/feds because they OUTNUMBER us, not because they use good tactics or skillful plays. It's now unfair to the point where rebels don't want to hit bank or fed because they know they're just going to get rolled by 25 hunters swarming them. So really I agree with the Apollo's point here. Cops are overpowered, we have too few rebel moderators and the ONE we did have was removed for "bias". Things need to be changed so that it's a fair fight for both sides. 

    My suggestions are:

    • Lower prices on rebel. The average player only has 600k it's not fair that a strider should be more then someones bank.
    • Fix the escalation (@Wex) I know this more of an inter cop issue but I will still list it here. 3 Striders vs 20 hunters shouldnt call for a ghosthawk to be pulled or HMG etc. Striders although more armored then hunters aren't immune to simple bullets and good tactics and only being able to have 2 striders at a fed/bank means we can really only have 2 externals which if taken out means that everyone inside bank/fed is pinned by cops which allows them to roll us easily. We need to have more freedom to move in vehicles.
    • Create a ratio of cops to civs at bank, perhaps a 1:2 or something along those lines. 6 Rebels at a bank vs 12 cops doesn't sound bad does it? As long as both sides play smart it shouldn't be an issue.

  5. Name: d0nk

    Callsign: [K29W]

    Date of Disciplinary Action: When I left SRT so early November.

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklisted from SRT

    Who were you Disciplined by: Wex?

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Joined and left too many times.

    Why the appeal should be accepted: I'm sick of rebel honestly, and I'm not having any fun within that side of the game anymore. I want to be unblacklisted from SRT to prove that I can stay loyal to the Cop Force and show that I am a good officer. I miss being in SRT as I believe it is a good training for teamwork and leadership within the cop force and real life. I enjoy being in SRT and if given one more chance I don't see myself leaving again, I will stay loyal and not just leave back to my gang like I always do. All I ask is for one more chance as I believe that a blacklist for joining and leaving 3 times over the course of 12 months is a bit ridiculous. So all I ask for is one more chance, thank you for reading.

    Any other information: No

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  6. The problem with negotiations is that when cops say "Free Passage " it never really means Free Passage, it means "As soon as the hostage is ours or you look away from it we're going to shoot you" this is one of they key factors why you will never see rebels trying to roleplay things out with the cops. As Seal said:

    7 hours ago, Seal said:

    Tbh you can't just assume that rebels are the problem with role play. On numerous occasions rebels have negotiated, and proceeded to leave just to be backstabbed by the cops at the last second. Unfortunately this never works out for the cops. If I'm not mistake, APD command is aware of this behaviour and I'd love to see a change in mindset from both parties to role play more.

    And I can admit that as a Cop I've been guilty of this, and as a rebel I've been guilty of only doing bank for the frags but from neutral perspective both sides have flaws within them and both sides have positives. Either the Admin's need to work out some clear negotiation rules (Which is the only viable option really seeing as this is an RP Server) or design a way to make it fair for both sides, so Cop's don't just get rolled every bank or that Rebels can roleplay without having to worry about getting shot as soon as a hostage leaves their possession.

    The way Bank works without a hostage is this: Bank gets hit> no option for negotiations>everyone dies.

    The way Bank works with a hostage is this: Bank gets hit> Negotiations (whether successful or unsuccessful) > Free Passage Everyone dies.

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  7. So occasionally on current altis life, you can have a glitch where it appears you're not wearing clothes, to fix it this requires you to go to a clothing store and re-equip your clothing. What I propose is a button like on ALRP that allows you to sync your data and remove this glitch whilst also doing the basic sync data. It would be a lot more useful than having to trek all the away back to a clothing store

    • Wesmart 1
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